Ersan, Oğuz

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Ersan, OĞUZ
Ersan, O.
O. Ersan
E., Oğuz
Ersan, Oğuz
Ersan O.
E., Oguz
Oğuz Ersan
Oguz, Ersan
Ersan, Oguz
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Doç. Dr.
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Impact of the COVID-19 Market Turmoil on Investor Behavior: A Panel VAR Study of Bank Stocks in Borsa Istanbul
    (Mdpi, 2024) Ersan, Oğuz; Ersan, Oguz
    Assuming that investors can be foreign or local, do high-frequency trading (HFT) or not, and submit orders through a bank-owned or non-bank-owned broker, we associated trades to various investors. Then, building a panel vector autoregressive model, we analyzed the dynamic relation of these investors with returns and among each other before and during the COVID-19 market crash. Results show that investor groups have influence on each other. Their net purchases also interact with returns. Moreover, during the turmoil caused by the pandemic, except foreign investors not involved in HFT, the response of any investor group (retail/institutional, domestic investors doing HFT and those not doing HFT, and foreign investors doing HFT) significantly altered. This shows that the interrelation among investor groups is dynamic and sensitive to market conditions.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 44
    Economic Policy Uncertainty And Bank Credit Growth: Evidence From European Banks
    (Elsevier B.V., 2020) Ersan, Oğuz; Ersan, Oğuz; Demir, Ender
    Using a sample of 2977 private and listed banks in the EU-5 countries (the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Italy, France) for the years 2009–2018, this paper explores the impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) on credit growth. Using panel data fixed effects methodology and controlling for endogeneity using two-step difference GMM estimators, our findings indicate that uncertainty in economic policies hampers the credit growth of European banks. Our bank type-based analyses indicate that the effect is mainly valid for cooperative banks. Additional analyses imply that the negative impact of EPU on credit growth is more pronounced in civil law countries, increases with debt maturity, and weakens for banks with a larger number of employees and branches. Furthermore, the unfavorable effects are stronger in well-capitalized banks, banks with foreign subsidiaries, and banks with a higher share of wholesale funding. We also provide several policy implications for different economic actors.
  • Master Thesis
    Informed trading around extreme events in Borsa Istanbul
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2022) Bodur, Mehmet; Ersan, Oğuz; Oğuz Ersan
    On February 22, 2017, two Turkish blue-chip stocks Ko¸c Holding (KCHOL) and Turkcell (TCELL) experienced a simultaneous flash event resulting in a sudden price crash during the continuous auction in Borsa Istanbul Equity Market, right before the market closing time. Both stocks experienced a nearby 10% fall before subsequent price recovery. KCHOL (TCELL) falls as much as %9.86 (%10.77) between 17:45:00 – 17:45:01 time period for an approximately 1-second interval. Before the respective event, order flow toxicity for informed trading proxy VPIN – Volume-Synchronized Probability of Informed Trading shows consecutive increasing behavior even before the sudden crash for TCELL whereas no concrete in advance reaction for KCHOL. VPIN levels for KCHOL (TCELL) increase (decrease) in the course of the post-event interval. Such a difference may be interpreted as increasing (decreasing) order flow toxicity for KCHOL (TCELL) trade balance. Univariate and multivariate regressions’ implied empirical findings result in the statistically signifi cant predictive power of VPIN for TCELL on impending VWAP - Volume Weighted Average Price pattern. However, for KCHOL, no reliable explanatory role of VPIN after considering control variables. Such indefinite results may imply different algorithmic trading strategy execution for KCHOL and TCELL with respect to the event and post-event periods
  • Article
    Citation Count: 49
    The effect of European and global uncertainty on stock returns of travel and leisure companies
    (Sage Publications Ltd, 2019) Ersan, Oğuz; Akron, Sagi; Demir, Ender
    This article aims to evaluate the impact of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on the STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure Price Index by utilizing a monthly data set for 20 years through 1997-2016. It is found that both the European and the global EPU have significant negative effects on the stock returns of travel and leisure companies. We demonstrate the significantly superior forecasting power of EPU measures on tourism and leisure stock returns relative to a rather weak forecasting power of various macroeconomic variables.
  • Book
    Citation Count: 1
    (Mali Çözüm, 2020) Ersan, Oğuz; Çanakçıoğlu, Mustafa
    Bu çalışmanın amacı, hisse senetleri Borsa İstanbul’da (BIST) işlem gören Gıda, İçki ve Tütün Sektörü’nde (XGIDA) faaliyet gösteren 26 şirketin finansal göstergeleri ile kârlılık değişkenleri arasındaki ilişkilerin ortaya konulmasıdır. Bu amaçla sektördeki şirketlerin 2003-2017 yılları arasındaki mali tablolarından elde edilen finansal oranlar yıllık olarak ele alınmıştır. Analizde bağımlı değişkenler olarak aktif kârlılığı (ROA) ve öz sermaye kârlılığı (ROE); bağımsız değişkenler olarak ise kaldıraç oranı, cari oran, aktif devir hızı, stok devir hızı, alacak devir hızı ve borç devir hızı kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi ölçmek amacıyla panel regresyon modellerinden yararlanılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda kaldıraç oranının ve ticari alacaklar devir hızının kârlılığı negatif yönlü etkilerken, aktif devir hızının kârlılığı pozitif yönde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Cari oranın artması istatistiki olarak ROA’yı olumlu yönde etkilerken, ROE üzerinde ise bir etkisi bulunmadığı gözlenmiştir.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 22
    Are Fan Tokens Fan Tokens?
    (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2022) Ersan, Oğuz; Ersan, Oguz; Popesko, Boris
    Fan tokens, digital assets providing privileges including rewards and promotions as well as voting rights in polls, recently became highly popular among the football clubs and the (fan) investors. Fan tokens differ from the stocks of football clubs with respect to ownership properties. Fan tokens might be associated with investor mood changes and reaction to match results. This paper aims to explore the impact of football match results on token prices of the clubs. We show that both the losses and wins in the most prestigious European tournament, UEFA Champions League affect the fan token abnormal returns, losses with an effect of a larger magnitude. Domestic matches and Europa League matches are not followed by similar reactions from the investors. Our results are robust to the use of alternative model specifications and various benchmark assets.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 18
    Connectedness among fan tokens and stocks of football clubs
    (Elsevier, 2022) Ersan, Oğuz; Demir, Ender; Assaf, Ata
    This paper examines the dynamic connectedness among the fan tokens and their corresponding stocks using the TVP-VAR approach. We use daily data from December 11, 2020, to January 31, 2022, for the Juventus FC, AS Roma, Galatasaray, and Trabzonspor tokens and stocks. Our results indicate that shocks transmitted to any token are larger than the ones to the stocks, with the tokens being the net transmitters of shocks to both the tokens and stocks. Then, our results indicate that the two asset classes are considered independent of each other, with the total connectedness decreasing over time, and indicating that less than 10% of the contributions in any token (stock) is from the stocks (remaining stocks). This implies that the idiosyncratic contri-butions to the variations in the utilized group of assets are considerably low when compared to the system contributions. Finally, we provide some implications for investment and portfolio management.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 6
    High-frequency trading and market quality: The case of a slightly exposed market
    (Elsevier Science Inc, 2022) Ersan, Oğuz; Ersan, Oguz
    Impacts of high-frequency trading (HFT) on market quality and various actors have been broadly studied. However, what happens when HFT is not a prominent figure in a market remains relatively unexplored. The paper seeks to answer this question focusing on 30 blue chip stocks in an emerging market, Borsa Istanbul, through Dec 2015 to Mar 2017. Despite a low share in the overall activity, HFT has observable effects, i.e. liquidity provision by non-HFT traders significantly reduces with HFT. Moreover, HFT generates profits on both positive and negative return days. Yet, HFT activity does not have an impact on volatility. These findings raise concerns regarding HFT and show potential externalities are not specific to the markets with HFT dominance.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    High-Frequency Trading and its Impact on Market Liquidity: A Review of Literature
    (2021) Ersan, Oğuz; Ersan, Oğuz; Ekinci, Cumhur; Dalgıç, Nihan
    High-frequency trading (HFT) has been dominating the activity in developedfinancial markets in the last two decades. Despite its recent formation, theliterature on the impacts of HFT on financial markets and participants isbroad. However, there are ongoing debates and unanswered questionswithin many subtopics. We survey through the research towards HFT effectson liquidity in an attempt to explain the coexistence of evidence regardingboth the positive and the negative impacts of HFT. We name two mainfactors leading to mixed results. Former concerns the negative marketconditions such as intraday shocks, through which HFT trading patternsmay sharply change. Latter regards the certain characteristics of HFTliquidity provision with the potential to present externalities for the market.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 7
    Daily and Intraday Herding within Different Types of Investors in Borsa Istanbul
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2019) Ersan, Oğuz; Ekinci, Cumhur; Ersan, Oğuz
    This paper aims to explore the daily and intraday herd behavior of various investor groups trading in an emerging equity market, Borsa Istanbul (BIST). We analyze a one-year tick-by-tick order and trade data of BIST 100 Index stocks and document differences in herding behavior of investor groups considering market capitalization, market conditions, and announcements as well as daily and intraday periodicities. We find that nonprofessional investors (brokerage houses and domestic funds) tend to herd on large (small) stocks; their herding behavior mostly exhibits a U shape (an inverse U shape) during the day. All types of investors tend to herd in down markets on a daily basis while this behavior disappears, even inverts intraday.