Gökmen, Sabri

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Sabri Gökmen
Sabri, Gokmen
G., Sabri
Gokmen, Sabri
Gökmen, SABRI
Gökmen S.
Gökmen, S.
Gökmen, Sabri
S. Gökmen
Gokmen S.
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Doç. Dr.
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    A Recursive Algorithm for the Generative Study of Seljuk Muqarnas in Kayseri and Sivas
    (Kim Williams Books, 2023) Gökmen, Sabri; Aykin, Yusuf; Basik, Altan; Alacam, Sema
    Recent developments in archeological research extend diverse technological methods for the geometric deciphering and cultural understanding of various historical building components. One of the emerging methods in this field is the development of generative algorithms to develop computational models for the comparative study of variation among different structures belonging to a common era, style, or region. In this study, we present a novel approach for the computational analysis and parametric modeling of muqarnas found among Anatolian Seljuk architecture in Kayseri and Sivas built in the 13th century. Using four different octagonal muqarnas structures, we outline common generative rules showing recursive stacking of geometric layers, fractal patterns and hierarchical branching of the axis of symmetry. A recursive algorithm is developed that can offer a generative study of muqarnas structures using proportions based on the 'silver ratio.' The development of the algorithm is presented through rules and variations that can offer a novel perspective for the geometric understanding and categorization of muqarnas in the region.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 4
    Computational Modeling and Analysis of Seljukid Muqarnas in Kayseri
    (ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY1601 Broadway, 10th Floor, NEW YORK, NY 10019-7434) Gökmen, Sabri; Başık, Altan; Aykın, Yusuf; Alacam, Sema
    As a historical and ornamental building element, muqarnas are widely found among the entrances of madrasas, mosques, and hans in Anatolian Seljuk architecture. In Kayseri (Turkey), muqarnas structures are characterized by symmetrical distribution of patterned geometric layers that presents computational rules for the design and construction of these ornamental structures. The presented research focuses on 12 unique muqarnas structures that are analyzed through a computational methodology combining photogrammetry, three-dimensional modeling, symmetry, and graph theory. The computational analysis shows that Seljukid muqarnas exhibit patterned branching of the symmetry axis between layers radiating from their geometric center. Using the modeled samples, the article analyzes inherent symmetry rules and growth patterns while offering a novel way of studying, modeling, and categorizing muqarnas.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Computation and Optimization of Structural Leaf Venation Patterns for Digital Fabrication
    The morphogenetic design process of networking patterns produces anisotropic structural systems that can offer generative solutions for custom design applications. As an example of this type of pattern application, the leaf venation algorithm is introduced that can be customized through parametric inputs and density maps. This method is extended onto mesh surfaces incorporating multiple software applications combining aspects of parametric design, optimization and digital fabrication. The dynamic workflow is presented using a case study project titled “Calyx,” a public artwork completed using the computational tools developed as part of the research. The networking structural pattern of the sculpture yielded to the development of a geometry optimization process that allowed the digital fabrication of planarized structural members. The technical aspects of the design development and post-rationalization process for the construction of leaf venations patterns are discussed.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Rediscovering Goethe's Concept of Polarity: A New Direction For Architectural Morphogenesis
    (Middle East Technical University, 2020) Gökmen, Sabri
    This paper will introduce Goethe's concept of polarity to discuss its theoretical and computational implications on natural and architectural morphogenesis (1). Polarity, as a dualist principle, is found in most of Goethe's body of works, particularly in his treatise on colour and botanical writings. This concept is explored from a morphogenetic perspective to reconsider Goethe's engagement with natural sciences during Enlightenment where he transfers his ideas on form and growth to architecture. In the first part, morphogenesis as a concept for the study of organic growth is discussed that combines modern research in biology and architecture. In the second part, Goethean morphology as a unified science founded on polar principles is presented to discuss a historical perspective to morphogenesis. Here, Goethe's concept of metamorphosis is highlighted as a principle founded on polarity, formulated with alternating cycles of expansion and contraction. These concepts are explicated using an algorithmic study of leaf development to discuss its morphogenetic application to the study of form and growth in natural morphogenesis. In the last part, Goethe's morphological views are extended towards architecture within the framework of organicism where his ideas on the polarity are directed towards the aesthetic reception and formal development of the built environment. Comparing the form of two Gothic cathedrals, Laon and Noyon, the paper will offer a developmental model based on the concept of metamorphosis as an alternative trajectory for morphological research in architecture.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Homeomorphic architecture: Radial prisons and contracted graphs
    (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2020) Gökmen, Sabri
    This paper introduces a type of graph called 'homeomorphically irreducible tree' (HIT) and explores its analytical and computational aspects in the architecture of radial prison plans. As a theoretical introduction, HITs are first diagrammatically presented using a taxonomy of 20 different radial prisons. Using this analysis, a generative algorithm that transforms plan connectivity to a simple sequential numeric representation is developed. This method is applied as an architectural plan generator that is parametrically explored using graphs as building skeletons with configurable wing typologies. The aim of the paper is to lay the foundation of a new graph-based approach for the morphogenetic study of symmetry in architectural plans.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Metamorphic Leaves
    (Mıt Press, 2020) Gökmen, Sabri
    This article introduces an algorithm influenced by Goethe's concept of metamorphosis capable of generating a wide range of parametric leaf forms. Metamorphosis is defined as alternating stages of expansion and contraction that are observable during the development of flowering plants. This principle is extended toward leaf morphology, where two main developmental trajectories are outlined. By formulating simple two-dimensional geometric rules, the author tests the concept of metamorphosis on parametric leaf forms.