Uzunoğlu, Sarphan
Name Variants
Uzunoğlu, Sarphan
S. Uzunoğlu
Sarphan, Uzunoğlu
Uzunoglu, Sarphan
S. Uzunoglu
Sarphan, Uzunoglu
Uzunoğlu, S.
S. Uzunoğlu
Sarphan, Uzunoğlu
Uzunoglu, Sarphan
S. Uzunoglu
Sarphan, Uzunoglu
Uzunoğlu, S.
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Öğr. Gör. Dr
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Supervised Theses
4 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Conference Object The Impacts of Tablet Use for Eliminating the Time-Space Barriers in University Education: a Turkish Experience(Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2014) Uzunoğlu, Sarphan; Polat, İsmail Hakkı; Polat, İsmail Hakkı; Uzunoğlu, Sarphan; Akser, Murat; Akser, Ali MuratMobile learning applications are widely used in various levels of education process. In developing and developed countries educational institutions use tablets and personal computers for supporting learning processes. Mobile learning practices are generally used for overcoming time-space constraints in traditional learning process. This study covers both lecturer's and students' tablet usages and achievements of tablet usage on Introduction to New Media Course in Kadir Has University undergraduate New Media program including a comparison with traditional and online-blended lectures in previous years Thanks to mobile course tablet application developed students have been able to watch live broadcasts and video records of lectures see lecture presentations and read e-materials submitted online while they were able to submit their assignments exams and response papers. Interaction between lecturer and students is improved by tablet application lecture narrations were followed online and archived. Mobile application is integrated to Facebook for improving students' social interactions with the course materials and lecturer which paves the way for social learning concept. A course which has already been complemented by social networks and another online education software was chosen for the study. With almost same syllabus that was used for two years before comparative data about student and lecturer performances have been obtained. It is found out that average class success increased by %8 compared to previous years mobilization and online interaction level increased average time spent for class increased and 3G was used more than Wifi technologies during the semester that enables the mobility and allows time-space independency for the students.Book Part The Politics of Media in Turkey: Chronicle of a Stillborn Media System(Oxford University Press, 2020) Uzunoğlu, S.; Uzunoğlu, Sarphan[No abstract available]Article Do Foreigners Count? Internationalization of Presidential Campaigns(Sage Publications Inc, 2017) Uzunoğlu, Sarphan; Sevin, Hasan EfeThe U.S. presidential elections always attract the attention of foreign audienceswho despite not being able to vote choose to follow the campaigns closely. For a post that is colloquially dubbed as the Leader of the Free World it is not unexpected to see such an interest coming from nonvoters. Mimicking almost hosting a megaevent the elections increase the media coverage on the United States thus making the elections a platform to communicate with the rest of the world and to influence the reputation of the country or its nation brand. This study postulates that the increasing adoption of social media by campaigns as well as ordinary users increase the symbolic importance of presidential elections for foreign audiences in two ways. First foreign audiences no longer passively follow the campaign but rather present their input to sway the American public opinion through social media campaigns. Second foreign audiences are exposed to a variety of messages ranging from official campaigns to late-night comedy shows to local grassroots movements. The audiences both enjoy a more in-depth understanding of the elections campaigns and are exposed to alternative political views. In this study the 2016 U.S. presidential elections are positioned as a megaevent that can influence the American nation brand. Through a comparative content and network analyses of messages disseminated over social media in the United Kingdom Turkey Canada and Venezuela the nation branding-related impacts of election campaigns are investigated.Master Thesis Resistance From Within Hegemony: Rise of Semi-Anonymous Resistance in Turkey's New Media Environment(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2013) Uzunoğlu, Sarphan; İnceoğlu, İrem; Uzunoğlu, Sarphan; İnceoğlu, İremTürkiye'de İnternet ve ifade özgürlüğü üzerine yapılan araştırmaların çoğu gözetim teknolojileri ve ülkedeki sansür politikalarına ilişkin çalışmalardır. Tüm bu çalışmalarda genel olarak yeni medyada ortaya çıkan politik iradelerin geleceğine ilişkin pesimist ifadeler vardır. Oysa burada söz konusu olan hegemonik bir süreçtir ve tüm bu baskı mekanizmaları tıpkı Raymond Williams'ın (1977, 110) belirttiği üzere hegemonyanın dinamik yapısı dahilinde direnişe de sürekli olarak, istemeksizin, alan sağlar. Bu direniş türlerinden biri de kullanıcıların kendi güvenliklerini sağlamak için kullandıkları profillerin anonimlik seviyeleri olarak görülebilir. Tez boyunca, anonim kullanım olarak kabul gören kullanım biçimleri tahlil edilerek, anonimliğin tam gereksinimlerini karşılayamayan aktivistlerin profilleri çıkarılarak, yarı-anonimlik durumu kavramsallaştırılmakta, yarı-anonimlik tecrübelerinden yola çıkarak, yarı-anonimlerin kimliklerini gizleme motivasyonları kategorik olarak incelenmekte, anonimlik, yarı-anonimlik ve görünürlük tanımları üstünden internet alanındaki kimliklerin görünülürlüğü gruplandırılmakta, dijital aktivistlerin anonimliğe ihtiyaç duymasına neden olan çeşitli motivasyonları ve yarı-anonim ve anonim kullanımın gelecekteki anonim ve anonim kullanımın gelecekteki politik avantajları araştırılmaktadır.