Aktan Erciyes, Aslı

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Name Variants
Aktan Erciyes,A.
A., Aslı
Aslı Aktan Erciyes
Aktan Erciyes, A.
Aktan Erciyes A.
Aktan Erciyes, Aslı
Aktan-Erciyes A.
Aktan Erciyes, Asli
Aktan Erciyes, ASLI
A. Aktan Erciyes
A., Asli
Aktan Erciyes,Asli
Asli, Aktan Erciyes
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Doç. Dr.
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Article
    Citation Count: 8
    Effects of second language on motion event lexicalization: Comparison of bilingual and monolingual children's frog story narratives
    (Selcuk University, 2020) Aktan Erciyes, Aslı
    This study investigates how children lexicalize motion event patterns in their first and second languages, L1-Turkish and L2-English. English is a satellite-framed language that conflates motion with manner expressed in the main verb and path in a non-verbal element, whereas Turkish is a verb-framed language that conflates motion with path in the main verb and expresses manner in a subordinated verb. We asked whether (1) learning a second language had an effect on children's event descriptions in their first language and (2) the effects were bidirectional. One-hundred-and-twelve 5- and 7-year-old monolingual (L1-Turkish) and bilingual (L1-Turkish; L2-English) children participated. Participants produced narratives for wordless picture book, Frog, where are you? Six scenes of the book were selected for coding purposes as they represented motion events: (1) Frog's exit from the jar, (2) Dog's fall from the window, (3) Gopher popping out of the hole, (4) Owl's exit from a nest, (5) Boy and dog falling down and (6) Boy and dog landing in a pond. For L1 descriptions, 5-year-old bilinguals used more manner-only and less path-only descriptions than monolinguals; no difference was found for 7-year-olds. For L2 descriptions, bilingual children used less Manner-only and more Path-only expressions in their L2 narratives compared to L1 narratives. These findings suggest that for 5-year-olds, exposure to second language had an impact on how motion events are encoded. Results inform us about the early interactions between L1 and L2 in motion event lexicalization.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 7
    A multidimensional investigation of pretend play and language competence: Concurrent and longitudinal relations in preschoolers
    (Elsevier, 2020) Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Tahiroğlu, Deniz; Göksun, Tilbe
    Play is an important tool for children's social interactions and cognitive skills. The current study examines the links between pretend play and language in 119 Turkish preschoolers at two time points tested one-year apart (Time 1 M-age = 45.82 months and Time 2 M-age = 57.68 months). Preschoolers' language competence (linguistic complexity and receptive vocabulary) was assessed along with several pretend play measures (telephone task, imaginary pantomime task, pretense score from a free play session). Results showed that concurrently the telephone and imaginary pantomime task scores were associated with linguistic complexity at Time 1 and only the telephone score was related to linguistic complexity at Time 2. No concurrent associations were found between receptive vocabulary and pretend play measures. Furthermore, a longitudinal relation was found between language competence and one pretend play measure: Time 1 telephone score predicted Time 2 receptive vocabulary score. These findings are discussed in terms of the two domains potentially sharing the symbolic aspect as an underlying mechanism and social aspect through pretense creating contexts relevant to language development.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    Longitudinal effects of second language on first language narrative skills and executive functions of preschool children
    (Selcuk University, 2020) Aktan Erciyes, Aslı
    The present study investigated the longitudinal effects of early exposure to L2-English on L1-Turkish language competence, narrative skills and executive functioning. We asked whether early immersion-like exposure to L2, starting around 3 years of age, would have reflections on L1 competence, L1 narrative skills and gains in cognitive flexibility. Thirty 4-year-olds attending two types of preschools participated in the study: L1-preschools (N=12) with Turkish instruction and L2-preschools (N=18) where children were exposed only to English (6 hrs) throughout the day. Children were initially tested at time 1 (T1) at age 4 and at time 2 (T2), a year later when they were 5. At T1, results revealed that children attending L2-preschools displayed no differences in executive functions performance compared to children in L1-preschools. Likewise, there were no differences for L1 competence as well as L1 narrative skills. At T2, however, for L1 narrative skills, children attending L1-preschools displayed significantly higher performance compared to peers in L2-preschools. For executive functioning again there were no differences between the participants. The differences in narrative competence at T2 might indicate that children in L2-preschools lack sufficient input in story telling in L1 to support narrative competence. For future consideration how literacy acquisition would interact with the effects of L2 exposure should also be investigated.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    New insights from children with early focal brain injury: Lessons to be learned from examining STEM-related skills
    (Wiley, 2019) Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Göksun, Tilbe
    The study of cognitive development in children with early brain injury reveals crucial information about the developing brain and its plasticity. However information on long-term outcomes of these children especially in domains relevant to science technology engineering and math (STEM) remains limited. In the current review our goal is to address the existing research on cognitive development of children with pre- or perinatal focal brain lesion (PL) as it relates to children's STEM-related skills and suggest future work that could shed further light on the developmental trajectories of children with PL. We argue that examining STEM-related development in children with PL will have broader implications for our understanding of the nature of the plasticity children with PL exhibit as well as address theoretical questions in the field regarding the foundation skills for STEM including visuospatial and mathematical skills.