Şaher, Konca

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Name Variants
K. Şaher
S., Konca
ŞAHER, Konca
Şaher, KONCA
Şaher, Konca
Konca Saher
Ş., Konca
Saher K.
Şaher K.
Şaher, K.
K. Saher
Konca Şaher
Saher, K.
Saher, Konca
Konca, Saher
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Doç. Dr.
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Scholarly Output




Citation Count


Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Blending Science and Art: an Educational Perspective
    (Iated-Int Assoc Technology Education & Development, 2019) Balkır Kuru, Nur; Şaher, Konca; Mıhçı, Gürkan
    rt and design education enable students to find creative and logical solutions to various design problems. The use of materials, constructive analysis, craftmanship, and originality are some key criteria in the process. Size and dimensionality, the proportion analysis, expression integrity, substantiality, and presentability can vary depending on the project and the context. As one of the methods used to provide targeted experience and learning in art and design education, interdisciplinary work presents a right ground for complex design issues. The workshop we carried out together with the Tubitak National Metrology Institution (UME) named "Art's Metrology, Metrology's Art" aimed to transform art, design, and science together into a product. As rational, natural, and appropriate connections can be established between art and science, students were asked to develop a method to meet the objectives and criteria of both around a certain conceptual focus. An important inclusive of the workshop was to have students observe, get informed, and engage in dialogue and ultimately increase their curiosity about a certain mechanism outside of their studies. The group dynamic in the process of creating three-dimensional and displayable works within a scheduled time was supported by a scientist from the metrology department, three art and design instructors, Konca Saher, Nur Balkir, and Gurkan Mihci from Kadir Has University. The finished works were then exhibited in the Tubitak-UME in Gebze compound. This study, which blends science and art, provided students with the opportunity to experiment with a science field, and to develop their predictions about their own disciplines. The paper will present the development and the outcome of the workshop.
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 0
    Greece-Turkey Relations
    (Edinburgh University Press, 2023) Aydin, M.
    [No abstract available]
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 2
    Towards New Acoustic Policies in the 'new Normal' of the Covid-19 Pandemic
    (International Commission for Acoustics (ICA), 2022) Şentop Dümen, A.; Şaher, K.; Kurra, S.
    In 2020, Turkish Acoustical Society conducted a survey to measure the pandemic's impact on acoustic evaluation of residential buildings. 1053 people participated in this survey and answered to the questions on their noise annoyances before and during the Covid-19. Results indicated an increased acoustical comfort during the lock-downs due to the decreased environmental noise, but also highlighted the importance of interior noises (from neighbouring dwellings and from one's own dwelling). Other studies from all over the world reported similar results for the first wave of the pandemics. After two years of experience, the question of how user behaviour, acoustical perception and expectance have changed is yet to be answered in order to develop correct strategies and strengthen the acoustical policies for accomplishing sustainable cities. This paper introduces the results of the 2020 study and gives an analysis of the current literature on (1) acoustic perception during the pandemics, (2) working from home and its persistency, and (3) changed user habits in dwellings and in cities. The acoustical requirements in the era of 'new normal' and policy implications are discussed. © ICA 2022.All rights reserved
  • Master Thesis
    Kılıç Ali Paşa Camii Akustik Mirası Değerlendirmesi : Modern Bir Camii ile Akustik Performans Karşılaştırması
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Kocaer, Rabia; Şaher, Konca
    Tarihi cami yapılarının korunmasında görsel algı dışında işitselliğin mekandaki algısının farkındalığını sağlamak düşünülmüştür. Bu çalışmada Mimar Sinan'nın önemli yapısı olan Kılıç Ali Paşa Camisi'nin restorasyon sürecindeki akustik değerlendirmesive günümüz modern cami yapısı ile akustik performans karşılaştırması yapılmıştır. Arşiv taramaları, mimari projeler, yerinde görme, bilgi ve belge araştırmaları yapılmıştır. Kılıç Ali Paşa Camii ve İmam-ı Azam Camisi'ne ait autocad ve sketchup programlarından yararlanılarak 3D modellemeleri yapılmıştır. Söz konusu camilerin hacim akustiği kriterlerinden olan Reverberasyon Süresi (RT) ve Konuşmanın İletim İndeksi (STI) değerleri elde edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda Kılıç Ali Paşa Camisi'nin orijinal hali ve restorasyon süreci ile caminin mevcut durumunun simülasyon verileri karşılaştırılmış ve Kılıç Ali Paşa Cami mevcut durumu ile İmam-ı Azam Cami'nin simülasyon verilerinin karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır.16.yüzyıl yapısı olan Kılıç Ali Paşa Camisi'nin 21.yüzyıl yapısı olan İmam-ı Azam Camisi'ne göre daha iyi akustik değerlere sahip olduğu elde edilen veriler sonucunda ortaya çıkmıştır.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games-Acoustic Design Aspects of Temporary Venues
    (European Acoustics Association EAA, 2014) Şaher, Konca; Cahill, Ben
    This paper concentrates on the acoustic design aspects of the Temporary Venues at London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The project needed integration of individuals from various different client groups consultants and contractors into one team to work in a multi-disciplinary way. Atkins-Acoustics Noise and Vibration Consultancy worked with venue design team project managers sustainability consultants from London Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) and architects. The keywords for Temporary Venues are absence of legacy and sustainability. There are over 120 of Temporary Venues spread throughout London and other parts of UK. The acoustic analysis strategy had two main components: Noise to the environment and noise to the venue. Noise to the environment included baseline noise survey of the site in comparison to the 3D modelling of the venue for construction games and demolition phases. Noise to the venue included setting acoustic criteria for each component sound insulation reverberation time calculations public address and voice evacuation design and mechanical plant noise control.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Assessment of speech intelligibility during different teaching activities in classrooms with and without acoustic treatment
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2023) Saher, Konca; Bulunuz, Mizrap; Kelmendi, Jonida; Nas, Sezin
    There is limited data for assessing speech intelligibility in real classrooms with realistic occupied noise levels and teacher's and students' speech levels for different teaching activities in Turkish secondary school classrooms. This study investigates the effect of reverberation time (RT), occupied noise levels and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on speech transmission index (STI) in real classrooms for instruction and group work. Noise levels were measured and STI values were calculated in two secondary school classrooms with RT of 0.88 s and 2.73 s. During instruction situation, calculated mean STI values were 0.63 (classroom with acoustic treatment) and 0.29 (classroom without acoustic treatment) for normal voice effort and 0.65 (classroom with acoustic treatment) and 0.39 (classroom without acoustic treatment) for raised voice effort. During group work, STI values ranged from 0.50 to 0.74 in classroom with acoustic treatment and from 0.01 to 0.34 in classroom without any acoustic treatment. SNR of 15 dBA is only approached in classroom with acoustic treatment during instruction situation. The effect of increasing SNR on STI is prominent in the classroom without acoustic treatment which already has low SNR values. The present results show that the classroom with acoustic treatment will have good speech intelligibility for instruction with normal vocal effort and for group work with raised vocal effort at 3 m distance. However, the classroom with no acoustic treatment will have STI values in the range of bad and poor intelligibility. The present results confirm the impact of SNR and RT on speech intelligibility and shows that RT value of minimum 0.8 s is optimal to have good speech intelligibility in a secondary school classroom of approximately 250 m3 with a capacity of 18 students.(c) 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Mountain Bike Venue Test Event Noise Assessment London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
    (Studıo D-Akustika Sro, 2016) Şaher, Konca
    This article reports the results of the noise monitoring during the London 2012 Mountain Biking Test Event which was held at Hadleigh Farm. The noise monitoring was held during the Mountain Bike Test Event for two purposes: Firstly as part of the requirements of Environmental Management Plan for the Test Event to ensure that no noise disturbance was being caused and the noise levels were below the agreed criterion of 65 dB(A) at the noise sensitive receptors during the Test Event and secondly to check whether any additional mitigation measures need to be adopted for the main Olympic Event. The noise monitoring results indicate that the L-Aeq noise levels at the selected two noise sensitive receptors were below the 65 dB(A) criterion. The results confirmed the predictions that the crowd noise was not a noise nuisance during the Test Event and the results further showed that no noise nuisance at the noise sensitive receptors was caused by public adress system. The public address system to be used during the main event was very similar to the Test Event therefore it was possible to conclude that the noise nuisance from the event (public address system and spectator noise) could be assessed as being moderate to low risk during the main Games.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 1
    Experiences From Iys 2020, Public Engagement and Awareness Activities in Turkey
    (European Acoustics Association, EAA, 2023) Şaher,K.; Sezgin,H.; Dümen,A.Ş.; Nas,S.; Kulak,S.; Özçetin,Z.
    The year 2020, which has been designated as the International Year of Sound with the intention of celebrating and promoting the importance of sound for science and society was ironically started as a silent and isolated year with the global COVID-19 pandemic. However, these unprecedented times and activities around the world, which explored the interaction between sound, technology and the society, presented sound experiences for humanity and the ecosystem that they have never had the opportunity to experience before. This study reports on the activities of Turkish Acoustical Society during these times and aims to draw attention to the benefits, challenges, and opportunities of the instruments for widening participation and spreading knowledge relating to sound. The main activities were public opinion survey on noise annoyance in dwellings before and during the pandemic, Turkish Glossary of Acoustic Terms, IYS Drawing and Composition Competition in Turkish schools and various seminars, interviews, podcast on social media channels. Our experience and findings suggest that designing and implementing activities that actively includes researchers, teachers, students and ordinary people may help increase public engagement behaviorally, emotionally, and cognitively, there by positively affecting awareness in sound related subjects. © 2023 First author et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Room Acoustic Modelling of a Reverberation Chamber
    (German Acoustical Society (DEGA), 2016) Şaher, Konca; Nas, Sezin; Karaböce, Baki; Kırbaş, Cafer; Bilgiç, Eyüp
    This paper aims at comparing measured broadband reverberation time values in the reverberation chamber of Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey - National Metrology Institute (TUBITAK-UME) in Gebze Turkey with the simulated reverberation time values from the room acoustical modelling of the same reverberation chamber. The reverberation chamber in TUBITAK-UME has a volume of 263m3 total inner surface area of 262 m2 and 16 diffusers made of Plexiglas and hung randomly in the room. The majority of the diffusers have hyperbolic shapes. There are also six absorbers to adjust the reverberation time of the room. Indications of difficulties in the calibration of the acoustic model with reference to the measured values and different frequencies are given and the modelling and measurement uncertainties and limitations are discussed. © 2016 German Acoustical Society (DEGA). All rights reserved.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    (European Acoustics Association, EAA, 2023) Aslan,A.; Saher,K.; Tozoglu,A.E.
    Cappadocia Region in Turkey is a center of attention as a tourism destination with its rock-cut caves, some of which are being used as performance spaces for concerts, festivals and local entertainment activities. However, these spaces are not fully investigated for their acoustic performance before being transformed into performance venues. This paper reports on the findings of an initial survey which presents a systematic mapping of the rock-cut caves used as performance spaces to locate, explore and document a sample of structures scattered in this historic district. A typological classification based on volume, size, type of tuff rock material and historical original use has been proposed and an acoustic analysis of some selected rock-cut caves has been carried out. The acoustic analysis included reverberation time calculations and simulations based on apparent volume, and tuff stone absorption characteristics, which were studied by other researchers in the area. © 2023 Aslan et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.