Dilan, Ebru

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E. Dilan
Dilan, E.
Dilan, EBRU
Dilan, Ebru
Ebru Dilan
D., Ebru
Ebru, Dilan
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Öğr. Gör.
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Article
    An Integrated Framework for Examining Innovation Alignment in Organizations
    (World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2018) Dilan, Ebru; Dilan, Ebru; Aydın, Mehmet Nafiz; Aydın, Mehmet Nafiz
    Innovation has been promoted as a panacea to solve the long-standing problem of how organizations deal with complexities associated with uncertainty and instability in ever changing environments. information systems (IS) research focusing on innovation has adopted several perspectives to reveal a rich context in which the innovation surfaces as a phenomenon. Examination of a rich context may contribute to a better understanding of an extent to which uncertainty and instability can affect or be affected by innovation strategies that require various innovation efforts in an organization. In this regard one of the most critical issues is to ensure that these innovation efforts can achieve a successful outcome via their strategic and structural alignment. In this research we propose an integrated framework that addresses an innovation alignment issue by employing three high-level notions (strategic dimensions structural characteristics strategizing acts). The integrated framework has been used rigorously in two cases for an explorative purpose. Our interpretation of the evidence suggests that strategizing act as a high-level notion has an explanatory power to articulate the associations between strategic dimensions and structural characteristics. Among other findings we have observed that the closed incremental and process-oriented innovation strategy is particularly relevant to the corporate level whereas radical product-oriented and partially open innovation strategy is associated with a more exclusive innovation structure. © 2019 World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Book Part
    Issues Regarding Deployment of Ipv6 and Business Model Canvas for Ipv6
    (Peter Lang AG, 2019) Aydin, M.N.; Dilan, Ebru; Dilan, E.
    [No abstract available]
  • Article
    Project Management Method Adoption: a Service Industry Case Study
    (IGI Global, 2017) Aydın, Mehmet Nafiz; Dilan, Ebru; Dilan, Ebru; Aydın, Mehmet Nafiz
    The purpose of this research is to understand what aspects of brand-named project management method (Project Management Institute - PMI) have been adopted in a service organization and how. The case context examined demonstrates how a weak-matrix organizational structure and agency interpretation along with project management maturity for IT outsourcing projects can affect adoption of a project management method. An interpretative case study is employed for examining the interplays among key notions underlying project management method adoption in IT outsourcing projects. The case study is framed with a research logic constituting the underlying notions of method adoption: the context the agency and the method and its fragments. It is found that the organization realizes 43 out of 47 processes proposed by PMI. It is also observed that the perceived project management maturity level is not aligned with the method fragments adopted. Among other discussion points the present findings contribute to the existing literature by emphasizing the effects of management control on PM method adoption in IT outsourcing. Furthermore this case allows us to argue that product-focused orientation in project management method adoption is evident and has several implications. The adoption and adaptation of processes in different types of projects is on the authors' future research agenda.