Ünver, Hamid Akın

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Ünver, Hamid Akın
H. A. Ünver
Hamid Akın, Ünver
Unver, Hamid Akin
H. A. Unver
Hamid Akin, Unver
Unver, H. Akin
Akin Ünver,H.
Akin Ünver,H.
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 0
    Energy Security and Policy: Between Bandwagoning and Hedging
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019) Ünver, Hamid Akın
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Master Thesis
    Do Climate-Related Natural Disasters Affect the Conflict Dynamics Through Affecting the Horizontal Inequalities?: the Cases of Malawi, Mozambique and Nigeria
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2021) Rodi Mutlu, Mirkan; Ünver, Hamid Akın
    There is a complex relationship between natural disasters and conflict. While the literature mainly investigates this relationship through the impact of climate related-natural disasters on conflict via its effect on state capacity, economic-agricultural output, grievances and greed, there is less attention to the climate-related natural disasters' impact on conflict through affecting the horizontal inequalities. Since that the climate related-natural disasters can highly worsen the economic and social conditions in vulnerable deprived regions and less worsen the conditions in advantaged regions, climate-related natural disasters can worsen the horizontal inequalities in the country. Horizontal inequalities can increase the risk of conflict. Therefore, it is important to analyze this relationship. In this thesis, I investigate the impact of the climate-related natural disasters on conflict dynamics through affecting the horizontal inequalities. By focusing on the cases of Malawi, Mozambique and Nigeria, I think that the climate-related natural disasters increase the risk of conflict in Malawi, Mozambique and Nigeria by worsening the horizontal inequalities in these countries. On contrary to my expectation, my results show that while the climate related-disasters increased the risk of conflict in Nigeria through worsening the horizontal inequalities, they did not increase the risk of conflict in Malawi and Mozambique via horizontal inequalities. Specifically, for Mozambique, the results indicated that climate related-natural disasters did not increase the risk of conflict via horizontal inequalities since that both the advantaged and deprived regions were affected in similar levels. For Malawi, my results suggest that the despite that the climate related-natural disasters worsened the horizontal inequalities, there were no increased risk of conflict. The reason is that affected deprived people did not feel injustice or inequality. Also, the low-level horizontal inequalities affected the the peace situation in Malawi. As an important note, my findings are mainly weak and should not be understand as strong/important results. I mainly observe the relationship among the disasters-conflict-horizontal inequalities.
  • Master Thesis
    Conscription & Coup D'état, a correlation analysis
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Verwijs, Rebecca Marıa Gesıne; Ünver, Hamid Akın
    The objective of this thesis is to analyse the relation between conscription and coup d'état. The intention of the thesis is to fill a gap in the literature regarding both conscription and coup d'état since no quantitative research on the combination of both topics has been performed yet. Although several countries are currently using conscription with the justification that conscription is supposed to protect the country from coup d'état. These expressions are thus completely speculative since there is no research to back up this claim that conscription in fact protects an country from coup d'état. The relationship between conscription and coup d'état has been analysed through the mean of several variables: democracy; freedom index, polity IV index, and regime type, economy; GDP per capita and the GINI, military management; military expenditures per capita and military personnel per capita, religion; Islam, Christianity and others, fractionalisation; religious and linguistic and lastly through the variable of colonisation. These variables have been chosen in order the reflect the extent and complexity involved with coup d'état as well as with conscription. The research has made use of quantitative research methods using a zero-inflated Poisson regression. The results of the zero-inflated Poisson regression show that there is in fact a relation between conscription and coup d'état. The analyses showed an inverted nonlinear relation between GDP per capita, conscription and coup d'état, where the increase of GDP per capita, and years of conscription exercised in a country showed an increase of coup d'état up to a certain point, after which the relations seizes to exist. Other relations with coup d'état could be found with the variables of democracy, economy, military personnel, religion and linguistic fractionalisation. There, however, does not show to be a relation between military expenditures, religious fractionalisation or colonialism and coup d'état.
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 0
    ENERGY SECURITY AND POLICY Between bandwagoning and hedging
    (Routledge, 2019) Unver, H. Akin
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Master Thesis
    Harmonızation Under Temporary Protectıon: The Norm Life Cycle Of Education For Syrıans İn Turkey 2013-2017 Gecici Koruma Altındaki Suriyelilerin Harmonizasyonu: 2013-2017 Yılları Arasında Turkiye'deki Suriyelilerin Eğitiminin Norm Yaşam Döngüsü
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2021) Rasmussen, Amber Kae Heyer; Güvenç, Serhat; Ünver, Hamid Akın; Sert, Deniz
    Türkiye 2013 – 2017 arası üçte biri zorunlu eğitim çağında 2,7 milyon Suriyeli mülteciyi ağırladı. Geçicilik vizyonuyla hareket edilen bu süreçte hızlı kurumsal değişimler geçiren ve vatandaşları tarafından meşruluğu azalan Türkiye hükümeti, başka ihtiyaçlarının yanında şehirlerde ikamet eden mültecilerin %90'ının eğitim ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaya hazır değildi. Bu araştırma, Türkiye'nin 2013-2017 yılları arasında Suriyelilerin eğitimine ilişkin değişen politikalarını tanımlamak için Martha Finnemore ve Kathryn Sikkink'in (1998) Norm Yaşam Döngüsü'nü kullanmaktadır. Bu betimsel çalışma, masa başı araştırma yöntemlerini kullanarak Türkiye'deki mültecilerin eğitiminin norm ve evrimini Türkiye'deki Suriyeliler üzerinden incelemektedir. Finnemore ve Sikkink'in üç aşamalı norm yaşam döngüsü modeli Türkiye'nin, Türkiye'deki Suriyeliler'i baz alarak, mülteci eğitiminde bir aşamadan diğer aşamaya evrilmesine sebep olan baraj noktalarını ve kritik eşikleri detaya inerek incelemeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu kritik eşiklerin ve çevrelerindeki olayların konstrüktivist bir bakış açısıyla incelenmesi, aktörleri uluslararası eğitim normlarına yaklaştırmaktadır. Türkiye gibi ekstrem bir vakanın bir milyondan fazla mülteci öğrencinin eğitimine yaklaşımındaki yetkinliklerini ve esnekliklerini incelemek, uluslararası mülteci eğitiminde gelecek model ve normlara kaynak oluşturabilir ve mülteciler ile ev sahibi ülkenin toplulukları üzerindeki negatif etkiyi azaltabilir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Mülteci, Eğitim, Zorunlu göç, Entegrasyon, Uyum, Norm araştırması, Kimlik, Meşruiyet, Konstrüktivizm, Yapılandırmacılık
  • Master Thesis
    The Effect of External Actors on the Courses of Asymmetric Conflicts: Pkk, Ltte, and Farc
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2019) Sezgin, Tuğba; Ünver, Hamid Akın
    İkinci Dünya savaşından sonraki dönemde artış gösteren ve bugün dünyanın birçok yerinde farklı motivasyonlarla varlık gösteren silahlı örgütler iç savaş literatürünün ana konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışma da asimetrik yöntemlerle savaşan devletdışı silahlı örgütlerin güçlü taraf olan devletlere karşı varlıklarını nasıl sürdürebildiğini sorunsallaştırmaktadır ve silahlı örgütlerin savaşın zayıf tarafı olmalarına rağmen dış aktörlerden aldıkları destek sayesinde uzun yıllar şiddet kullanma kapasitelerini devam ettirebildiklerini savunmaktadır. Dış aktörlerin ise silahlı örgütlere yardım etmekle savaşın sürecine, aktörlerin tutumlarına ve dolayısıyla sonucuna ciddi ölçüde etki ettiğini iddia etmektedir. Bahsi geçen argümanların ne derece geçerli olduğunu görebilmek için asimetrik taktikler benimseyen üç farklı silahlı örgütün karşılaştırmalı incelenmesi yoluna başvurulmaktadır.Bu örgütler uzun süre çeşitli dış desteklerin varlığı sayesinde ayakta kalabilmiş Kürdistan İşçi Partisi (PKK), Tamil Eelam Kurtuluş Kaplanları (LTTTE) ve Kolombiya Devrimci Silahlı Güçleri (FARC)’tır. Bu örgütlerin detaylı analizi, diğer silahlı örgütlerin var olmasına etki eden faktörlerin anlaşılması ve neden oldukları şiddete son verilmesi açısından önemli bulgular sunmaktadır.
  • Master Thesis
    The Role Of Natural Resources İn The Colombian Peace Process Kolombiya Barış Sürecinde Doğal Kaynakların Rolü
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2021) Kaya, Gizem; Ünver, Hamid Akın; Ünver, Hamid Akın
    Natural resources, depending on how governments handle them, continue to shape post-conflict societies increasing the risk of conflict recurrence or contributing to long-lasting peace. This thesis, considering two different kinds of literature examining the effects of natural resources on post-conflict countries, determined its main research question as "How do natural resources affect the Colombian peace process?" Do natural resources increase the risk of conflict recurrence in Colombia? Or are they mediators for sustainable peace? This thesis embraces a bottom-up approach that includes public views over natural resources in Colombia, focusing on Twitter as its workspace. In line with this, from the ratification of the peace agreement until the declaration of the first official Covid-19 case in Colombia; using time series, quantitative text, and sentiment analysis methods, it aims to investigate the impacts of illegal crops, gemstones, forests, and land-related issues on the peace process from the perspective of Colombians. According to the results obtained from the analyzes of these four segments, issues related to illegal crop cultivation are at the forefront in the peace process. Quantitative text analysis results reveal words related to government and politicians, as well as words related to protests and environmental concerns. In the sentiment analysis results, in tweets about mining and deforestation, negative emotions leave behind positive emotions, while positive emotions about coca and rural slightly exceed negative ones. Consequently, Colombia seems to be open to likely conflicts in terms of natural resources-related problems, including the environment, indigenous and local peoples' livelihoods, the situation of social leaders, and grievances on the issue of violence. Under these circumstances, building sustainable peace based on effective and fair natural resource management remains to be attained as an objective in the long term. Keywords: Natural resources, Colombia, Colombian peace process, civil war, conflict recurrence, sustainable peace, environmental peacebuilding, post-conflict societies, Twitter, computational social science, time series analysis, quantitative text analysis, sentiment analysis. Los recursos naturales, dependiendo de cómo los manejen los gobiernos, continúan dando forma a las sociedades postconflicto, lo que aumenta el riesgo de que se repita el conflicto o contribuye a una paz duradera. Esta tesis, considerando dos tipos diferentes de literatura que examina los efectos de los recursos naturales en países en posconflicto, determinó su principal pregunta de investigación como "¿Cómo afectan los recursos naturales al proceso de paz colombiano?" ¿Los recursos naturales aumentan el riesgo de que se repita el conflicto en Colombia? ¿O son mediadores de una paz sostenible? Esta tesis adopta un enfoque de abajo hacia arriba que incluye opiniones públicas sobre los recursos naturales en Colombia, centrándose en Twitter como su espacio de trabajo. En línea con esto, desde la ratificación del acuerdo de paz hasta la declaración del primer caso oficial de Covid19 en Colombia; utilizando series de tiempo, texto cuantitativo y métodos de análisis de sentimientos, tiene como objetivo investigar los impactos de los cultivos ilícitos, las piedras preciosas, los bosques y los problemas relacionados con la tierra en el proceso de paz desde la perspectiva de los colombianos. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos de los análisis de estos cuatro segmentos, los temas relacionados con el cultivo ilegal de cultivos están en la vanguardia del proceso de paz. Los resultados del análisis de texto cuantitativo revelan palabras relacionadas con el gobierno y los políticos, así como palabras relacionadas con protestas y preocupaciones ambientales. En los resultados del análisis de sentimiento; las emociones negativas dejan atrás a las emociones positivas en los tweets sobre minería y deforestación, mientras que las emociones positivas acerca de la coca y las zonas rurales superan ligeramente a las negativas. En consecuencia, Colombia parece estar abierta a posibles conflictos en términos de problemas relacionados con los recursos naturales, incluido el medio ambiente, los medios de vida de los pueblos indígenas y locales, la situación de los líderes sociales y los agravios por el tema de la violencia. En estas circunstancias, la construcción de una paz sostenible basada en una gestión eficaz y justa de los recursos naturales sigue siendo un objetivo a largo plazo. Palabras clave: recursos naturales, Colombia, proceso de paz colombiano, guerra civil, recurrencia del conflicto, paz sostenible, construcción de paz ambiental, sociedades postconflicto, Twitter, ciencias sociales computacionales, análisis de series de tiempo, análisis cuantitativo de textos, análisis de sentimientos.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Ideology, political agenda, and conflict: A comparison of american, european, and turkish legislatures' discourses on kurdish question
    (Center for Foreign Policy and Peace Research, Ihsan Dogramaci Peace Foundation, 2017) Ünver,A.
    Combining discourse analysis with quantitative methods, this article compares how the legislatures of Turkey, the US, and the EU discursively constructed Turkey's Kurdish question. An examination of the legislative-political discourse through 1990 to 1999 suggests that a country suffering from a domestic secessionist conflict perceives and verbalizes the problem differently than outside observers and external stakeholders do. Host countries of conflicts perceive their problems through a more security-oriented lens, and those who observe these conflicts at a distance focus more on the humanitarian aspects. As regards Turkey, this study tests politicians' perceptions of conflicts and the influence of these perceptions on their preexisting political agendas for the Kurdish question, and offers a new model for studying political discourse on intra-state conflicts. The article suggests that a political agenda emerges as the prevalent dynamic in conservative politicians' approaches to the Kurdish question, whereas ideology plays a greater role for liberal/pro-emancipation politicians. Data shows that politically conservative politicians have greater variance in their definitions, based on material factors such as financial, electoral, or alliance-building constraints, whereas liberal and/or left-wing politicians choose ideologically confined discursive frameworks such as human rights and democracy.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Militancy Governance Under State Failure: Models of Legitimacy Contestation in Ungoverned Spaces
    (2017) Ünver, Hamid Akın
    This article makes an empirical exposition of militancy governance under state failure by focusing on ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria), YPG (People's Protection Units), Luhansk People's Republic and Donetsk People's Republic. Specifically, the article discusses how these groups mobilize different types of grievances and frame their propaganda to exert control over areas where states are weakened. Furthermore, how these groups engage in early modes of pre- and post-territorial control, form governance practices and prioritize particular areas for better administration are also elaborated in detail. Ultimately, the paper argues that Violent Non-State Actors (VNSAs) perform better in areas of low loyalty and high resource-generation and if its territorial ambitions are maximalist (expansionist). Through these variables, we are better able to judge how sustainable these groups will be in their respective territories and how should states approach local governance once these groups are defeated.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Paris İklim Anlaşmasına Teorik Yaklaşım: Neo-neo Tartışması, Eko-marksizm ve Yeşil Kapitalizm
    (Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi, 2017) Ünver, Hamid Akın
    Uluslararası iklim müzakerelerinde uzun yıllardır baş gösteren uyuşmazlıklar, uluslararası ilişkiler akademik ve bilimsel araştırmalarının ilgi odağı olmuştur. Bu çalışmalarda ekseriyetle, işbirliğini destekleyici ve bedavacılığı önleyici yeni müzakere ve dengeleme mekanizmaları geliştirerek, uluslararası güç eşitsizliklerini iklim konusunda birleştirmesinin yolları aranmıştır. Bu makale, ilk olarak 1997 Kyoto Anlaşması’nı takiben yapılan iklim müzakerelerinin neden başarısızlığa uğradığını ve bu başarısızlıkların 2015 Paris İklim Anlaşması ile nasıl çözülebildiğini neorealist ve neoliberal bağlam içerisinde konumlandırmaktadır. Özellikle enerji güvenliğinin sistemsel anarşi, özyardım ve göreli çıkar tespitlerine, neoliberal kurumsalcılığın verdiği kompleks çoklu-bağımlılık ve mutlak çıkar cevapları, iklim müzakerelerinin başarısı hakkında teorik bir cevap vermektedir. Makale, neo-neo tartışması kadar, iki yeni sistemsel teorik yaklaşımı da (Eko-Marksizm ve Yeşil Kapitalizm) karşılaştırmakta, bu sayede karbon salınımı ve iklim konularında cereyan eden önemli bir teorik tartışmayı, uluslararası ilişkiler literatürü içinde konumlandırmaya çalışmaktadır.