Ünver, Hamid Akın

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Ünver, Hamid Akın
H. A. Ünver
Hamid Akın, Ünver
Unver, Hamid Akin
H. A. Unver
Hamid Akin, Unver
Unver, H. Akin
Akin Ünver,H.
Akin Ünver,H.
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Scholarly Output




Citation Count


Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
  • Master Thesis
    The Effect of External Actors on the Courses of Asymmetric Conflicts: Pkk, Ltte, and Farc
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2019) Sezgin, Tuğba; Ünver, Hamid Akın
    İkinci Dünya savaşından sonraki dönemde artış gösteren ve bugün dünyanın birçok yerinde farklı motivasyonlarla varlık gösteren silahlı örgütler iç savaş literatürünün ana konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışma da asimetrik yöntemlerle savaşan devletdışı silahlı örgütlerin güçlü taraf olan devletlere karşı varlıklarını nasıl sürdürebildiğini sorunsallaştırmaktadır ve silahlı örgütlerin savaşın zayıf tarafı olmalarına rağmen dış aktörlerden aldıkları destek sayesinde uzun yıllar şiddet kullanma kapasitelerini devam ettirebildiklerini savunmaktadır. Dış aktörlerin ise silahlı örgütlere yardım etmekle savaşın sürecine, aktörlerin tutumlarına ve dolayısıyla sonucuna ciddi ölçüde etki ettiğini iddia etmektedir. Bahsi geçen argümanların ne derece geçerli olduğunu görebilmek için asimetrik taktikler benimseyen üç farklı silahlı örgütün karşılaştırmalı incelenmesi yoluna başvurulmaktadır.Bu örgütler uzun süre çeşitli dış desteklerin varlığı sayesinde ayakta kalabilmiş Kürdistan İşçi Partisi (PKK), Tamil Eelam Kurtuluş Kaplanları (LTTTE) ve Kolombiya Devrimci Silahlı Güçleri (FARC)’tır. Bu örgütlerin detaylı analizi, diğer silahlı örgütlerin var olmasına etki eden faktörlerin anlaşılması ve neden oldukları şiddete son verilmesi açısından önemli bulgular sunmaktadır.
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 8
    Turkey's Kurdish Question: Discourse & Politics Since 1990
    (Taylor and Francis Inc., 2015) Ünver, Hamid Akın
    The Kurdish question is one of the most complicated and protracted conflicts of the Middle East and will never be resolved unless it is finally defined. The majority of the Kurdish people live in Turkey, which gives the country a unique position in the larger Kurdish conundrum. Society in Turkey is deeply divided over the definition and even existence of the Kurdish question, and this uncertainty has long manifested itself in its complete denial, or in accusations of political rivals of 'separatism' and even 'treason'. Turkey's Kurdish Question explores how these denial and acknowledgement dynamics often reveal pre-existing political ideology and agenda priorities, themselves becoming political actions. While the very term "Kurdish question" is discussed in the academic literature as a given, a new and systemic study is required to deconstruct and analyze the constitutive parts of this discursive construct. This book provides the first comprehensive study and analysis of the discursive constructions and perceptions of what is broadly defined as the "Kurdish question" in Turkish, European and American political cultures. Furthermore, its new methodological approach to the study of discourse and politics of secessionist conflicts can be applied to many similar intra-state conflict cases. Turkey's Kurdish Question would suit students and scholars of Middle East studies, Conflict studies and Comparative Politics, as well as Turkish or Kurdish studies. © 2015 Hamid Akin Ünver. All rights reserved.
  • Master Thesis
    Do Climate-Related Natural Disasters Affect the Conflict Dynamics Through Affecting the Horizontal Inequalities?: the Cases of Malawi, Mozambique and Nigeria
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2021) Rodi Mutlu, Mirkan; Ünver, Hamid Akın
    There is a complex relationship between natural disasters and conflict. While the literature mainly investigates this relationship through the impact of climate related-natural disasters on conflict via its effect on state capacity, economic-agricultural output, grievances and greed, there is less attention to the climate-related natural disasters' impact on conflict through affecting the horizontal inequalities. Since that the climate related-natural disasters can highly worsen the economic and social conditions in vulnerable deprived regions and less worsen the conditions in advantaged regions, climate-related natural disasters can worsen the horizontal inequalities in the country. Horizontal inequalities can increase the risk of conflict. Therefore, it is important to analyze this relationship. In this thesis, I investigate the impact of the climate-related natural disasters on conflict dynamics through affecting the horizontal inequalities. By focusing on the cases of Malawi, Mozambique and Nigeria, I think that the climate-related natural disasters increase the risk of conflict in Malawi, Mozambique and Nigeria by worsening the horizontal inequalities in these countries. On contrary to my expectation, my results show that while the climate related-disasters increased the risk of conflict in Nigeria through worsening the horizontal inequalities, they did not increase the risk of conflict in Malawi and Mozambique via horizontal inequalities. Specifically, for Mozambique, the results indicated that climate related-natural disasters did not increase the risk of conflict via horizontal inequalities since that both the advantaged and deprived regions were affected in similar levels. For Malawi, my results suggest that the despite that the climate related-natural disasters worsened the horizontal inequalities, there were no increased risk of conflict. The reason is that affected deprived people did not feel injustice or inequality. Also, the low-level horizontal inequalities affected the the peace situation in Malawi. As an important note, my findings are mainly weak and should not be understand as strong/important results. I mainly observe the relationship among the disasters-conflict-horizontal inequalities.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Militancy Governance Under State Failure: Models of Legitimacy Contestation in Ungoverned Spaces
    (2017) Ünver, Hamid Akın
    This article makes an empirical exposition of militancy governance under state failure by focusing on ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria), YPG (People's Protection Units), Luhansk People's Republic and Donetsk People's Republic. Specifically, the article discusses how these groups mobilize different types of grievances and frame their propaganda to exert control over areas where states are weakened. Furthermore, how these groups engage in early modes of pre- and post-territorial control, form governance practices and prioritize particular areas for better administration are also elaborated in detail. Ultimately, the paper argues that Violent Non-State Actors (VNSAs) perform better in areas of low loyalty and high resource-generation and if its territorial ambitions are maximalist (expansionist). Through these variables, we are better able to judge how sustainable these groups will be in their respective territories and how should states approach local governance once these groups are defeated.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Turkey Past and Future: the Forgotten Secular Turkish Model
    (2013) Ünver, Hamid Akın
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Article
    Citation Count: 6
    How Turkey's Islamists Fell Out of Love With Iran
    (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012) Ünver, Hamid Akın
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    (Turkish Policy Quarterly, 2018) Ünver, Hamid Akın
    Turkey and Russia have been developing comparable approaches to digital surveillance. The advent of Internet Communication Technologies (ICTs) and social media platforms have enabled significantly increased systematic state surveillance. From the state's perspective, data-centric digital surveillance is required for two reasons. First, the extent and depth at which terrorist organizations and criminal groups use these platforms for recruitment, logistics, and planning. Second, this trend is driven by a variant of "security dilemma" in which one state's intelligence advantage in digital space renders other states relatively less secure, generating a never-ending momentum of digital surveillance capability investment. Turkish and Russian surveillance regimes have grown as two particularly problematic cases in the wider surveillance literature.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Turkey, Past and Future: the Forgotten Secular Turkish Model
    (2013) Akin Ünver,H.
    [No abstract available]
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Ideology Political Agenda and Conflict: a Comparison of American European and Turkish Legislatures' Discourses on Kurdish Question
    (Center Foreign Policy & Peace Research, 2017) Ünver, Hamid Akın
    Combining discourse analysis with quantitative methods this article compares how the legislatures of Turkey the US and the EU discursively constructed Turkey's Kurdish question. An examination of the legislative-political discourse through 1990 to 1999 suggests that a country suffering from a domestic secessionist conflict perceives and verbalizes the problem differently than outside observers and external stakeholders do. Host countries of conflicts perceive their problems through a more security-oriented lens and those who observe these conflicts at a distance focus more on the humanitarian aspects. As regards Turkey this study tests politicians' perceptions of conflicts and the influence of these perceptions on their pre-existing political agendas for the Kurdish question and offers a new model for studying political discourse on intra-state conflicts. The article suggests that a political agenda emerges as the prevalent dynamic in conservative politicians' approaches to the Kurdish question whereas ideology plays a greater role for liberal/pro-emancipation politicians. Data shows that politically conservative politicians have greater variance in their definitions based on material factors such as financial electoral or alliance-building constraints whereas liberal and/or left-wing politicians choose ideologically confined discursive frameworks such as human rights and democracy.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    Ir Theoretical Approach To the Paris Climate Agreement: Neo-Neo Debate Eco-Marxism and Green Capitalism
    (Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2017) Ünver, Hamid Akın
    Continued inability of the international climate negotiations to reach a common resolution has been subject to academic and scientific research focus. These studies have focused on the ways of fostering cooperation and preventing free-riding in climate negotiations through the development of balancing methods. This article first attempts to explore why climate negotiations since 1997 Kyoto Protocol have failed and how such failures could be overcome in 2015 Paris UN Climate Conference through a neorealist and neoliberal institutionalist context. Especially neorealist concepts such as systemic anarchy self-helf and relative gains along with the neoliberal institutionalist response to them through complex interdependence and abolute gains have been instrumental to crafting a theoretical answer to the success of most recent climate negotiations. The article then adds two new systemic-theoretical approach to the debate namely Eco-Marxism and Green Capitalism and aims to contextualize these approaches within international relations theoretical literature.