Kartarı, Asker
Name Variants
Kartarı, A.
Kartarı, ASKER
Asker, Kartari
Asker Kartarı
Kartari, Asker
Kartarı, Asker
A. Kartarı
K., Asker
Kartari, Asker
Kartarı, ASKER
Asker, Kartari
Asker Kartarı
Kartari, Asker
Kartarı, Asker
A. Kartarı
K., Asker
Kartari, Asker
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Prof. Dr.
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Supervised Theses
13 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Master Thesis Museumization of migration in Bursa, Turkey(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2016) Kartarı, Asker; Kartarı, AskerThe present thesis addresses museumization of migration in Turkey referring to the particular example of the Göç Tarihi Müzesi in Bursa (Museum of Migration History in Bursa). By describing and analyzing the varied components and methods of the representation in this Turkish migration museum in a detailed way, it is the aim to portray the statements, functions, and policies underlying the exhibition. Therefore, the institution museum is understood as a vivid, social, and reciprocal organization. In order to frame and channel the approach of the description and analysis, the focus lies on specific aspects of migration, namely movement, ethnical and cultural heterogeneity, and nationality. The main assumption is that the representation of the migration history in Bursa legitimizes and strengthens the concept of migration as a process of homogenization. The narratives told in the museum are about forced migration movements during the gradual decline of the Ottoman Empire and the foundation of the Turkish Republic. These circumstances led to the formation of a homogenous Muslim-Turkic population on strongly disputed territories. This master thesis about museumization of migration should therefore be regarded as a contribution to the analysis of an institutionalized construct of Turkish nationality.Master Thesis Doing digital news media a Turkish-German comparative anthropological study(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Kartarı, Asker; Kartarı, AskerThis thesis explores German and Turkish urban undergraduate students' everyday digital news media practices as these are considered to constitute an important component of contemporary media cultures. The study examines the students' active exposure to the growing ubiquity of media and communication technologies, the increase of communicative mobility, and the condition of immediacy throughout far-reaching mediatisation and digitalisation processes. Tying in with the scholarship on media, communication, and culture, this thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding of both cultural context dependency and transcultural communicative connectivity in doing digital news media. To investigate the students' productive employment of digital news media devices and services in a day-to-day environment, this binational micro-study has implemented fieldwork in two urban university campuses. Applying an ethnographic approach, qualitative data were collected using participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and ethnographic writing techniques. In addition, relevant quantitative data were obtained from recent statistical studies of social and digital news media. The descriptive and interpretive data analysis demonstrates differences, similarities and commonalities in the practices of Turkish and German urban undergraduate students in their utilisation of digital news media. This study has found the following to apply to both contexts transculturally: First, doing digital news media allows highly attractive scalability regarding spatial, temporal, linguistic and financial dimensions; second, wants and incentives for doing digital news media are generated in both personal and socio-cultural environments; third, in increasingly mediated societies practices are aligned to a diffuse media-cultural normativity evolving from rising social and institutional expectancy. These findings suggest further inquiry into three matters: A possible relation between increasing scalability of engagement with information and communication media and processes of individualisation; the socio-cultural dimension in the formation of personal wants and incentives; and the evolution of media-cultural normativities.Master Thesis Local humanitarian workers in Turkey under the EU-Turkey Statement. A narrative study on politics and anti-politics in humanitarian work(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2020) Kartarı, Asker; Kartari, AskerThis qualitative research analyzes the perspectives of local humanitarian workers in Turkey on their own humanitarian work, in relation to politics in general, and the EU-Turkey Statement of 2016 in particular. Relying on methods of narrative analysis, the thesis demonstrates that the interviewees are active protagonists in a set of complex power relations. It shows how they draw on similar discourses of humanitarian ethics and professionalism as international humanitarians, but also establish their own principles and standards locally. The alleged separation between "unethical" politics and "ethical" humanitarianism emerged as a key issue in the interviews. By tracing the ways in which interviewees still recount the intersections of the two realms in their work, the analysis presents local humanitarian workers as both political and anti-political agents. Through their perspectives, it becomes apparent that the EU-Turkey Statement led to a temporary inflation of the humanitarian sector, as well as its professionalization. The latter was perceived to have a more sustainable effect. Despite these apparent impacts on the humanitarian sector, the Statement did not qualify as a humanitarian endeavor in the eyes of the humanitarian workers funded through it. Thereby, the perspectives of these workers sustain a more critical evaluation of the Statement in opposition to official accounts.Article Citation Count: 15Impacts of COVID-19 on changing patterns of household food consumption: An intercultural study of three countries(Elsevier, 2021) Kartarı, Asker; Kozak, Metin; Correia, Antonia; Wen, Jun; Kozak, MetinIn light of COVID-19's effects on individuals' social, economic, political, and psychological values, this paper aims to investigate the pandemic's role in possible changes to people's food consumption and meal habits in three countries, namely China, Portugal, and Turkey. The sample includes individuals from the three countries, exploratory factor analysis and non-parametric tests were used to test the differences. Results suggest that coronavirus has played a strong part in altering households' food consumption and meal habits within these countries. The pandemic has particularly led to greater consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables and spending more time eating meals at home. Portugal appears to be consuming more seafood, bread, and butter whereas China features higher consumption of rice and meat products; Turkey is consuming more meat and eggs. The study closes with a set of recommendations for the society and future research.Article Citation Count: 1NİTEL DÜŞÜNCE VE ETNOGRAFİ: ETNOGRAFİK YÖNTEME DÜŞÜNSEL BİR YAKLAŞIM(Hacettepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi, 2017) Kartarı, AskerBu yazıda niteliksel düşüncenin ne olduğunu, nereden kaynaklandığını ve etnografi ile olan ilişkisini irdelemeye çalışacağım. “Bilgi”yi öznenin nesne ile kurduğu bağın ürünü olarak kabul edersek, amacım, öznenin, yani araştırmacının araştırma nesnesi ile bağ kurmak için kullandığı çıkış noktasının nesneyi anlamada ne kadar etkin olduğunu ortaya koymaktan ibarettir.Master Thesis Multicultural perspectives on the representation of muslim women ,how it influences the self-representations of young muslim women in istanbul and bremen: A comparative study(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2020) Kartarı, Asker; Kartarı, AskerSince the turn of the century, Muslim women have been represented negatively in Western notions, as one and the same; a diverse womankind reduced to one universal image: oppressed victims who need to be saved from their religion and culture. On one hand, this thesis shows how this unfairly simplified image has a complex consequence for how Muslim women are perceived in German society and how it terrorizes their sense of belonging and influences their self-representations. On the other hand, it aims to compare that to how Muslim women in Turkey represent themselves. However, this thesis is not about headscarves and national intolerance; it is about how young Muslim women are shattering stereotypes and redefining their place in society through deconstructing notions of feminism, womanhood, religion and culture. This ethnographic research is done through the lens of young Muslim women with different cultural and religious identities, and based on data from a two semester field research conducted in Bremen and Istanbul. The theoretical framework is based on the foundations of cultural, religious and feminist anthropology. The empirical research allows these young women in both cities to voice their experiences and narrate their own realities.Master Thesis The commodification of hospitality An analysis of tourism encounters between interculturality and difference in regard to Turkish couchsurfing experiences(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2017) Kartarı, Asker; Kartarı, AskerCouchsurfing emerged as a reaction to a package tourism of the masses that was increasingly perceived of as an unauthentic experience of foreign cultures and even potentially harmful to the hosts' culture and country. The new creed of Couchsurfers was thus “Authentic experience on a par with the hosts” telling of cosmopolitanism and a relationships of deeper socio-cultural value. Wondering to what extend such aspirations can retain their integrity in a mostly economy driven world i tested the Couchsurfing model against several cultural theories and came to rather disenchanting results.Master Thesis Social movements in the 21st century: Portrait of an aftermath from subjective perspectives(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2019) Kartarı, Asker; Kartarı, AskerGezi olaylarının ve hareketin sonrasının nasıl şekillendiği aşağıdaki araştırmanın odak noktasını oluşturacaktır. Bu araştırma tezinde Gezi sonrasında meydana gelen değişiklikler, etkiler ve kişisel yaklaşımlarla ilgili algıların ve açıklamaların soruları takip edilecektir. Protesto sonrası oluşan koşullar öznel ve öznelerarası perspektiflerden incelenecektir. Araştırma alanı sosyal ve politik hareketlerin sonuçlarına ve sonrasına odaklanmaktadır. Hareketten kaynaklanan değişen koşullarla bireylerin nasıl başa çıktıkları ve bu koşulların üstesinden nasıl geldikleri incelenecektir. Araştırma, materyalden elde edilen bulguları ortaya çıkarmak için içerik analiziyle incelediğim açık ve anlatıcı röportajlarıyla gerçekleştirildi. Görüşmeler İstanbul ve Berlin'de tamamlandı. Bu şekilde tematik çerçevede çeşitli bakış açıları sağladım. Ayrıca, bir saha günlüğü tuttum, fotoğraflar çektim ve araştırma konusuyla ilgili gayrı resmi bir söyleşi yaptım. Görüşme yaptığım kişiler doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak Gezi ile ilgilenen sanatçılar, aktivistler, akademisyenler ve anlatıcılardan oluşan bir gruba ait olan kimselerdir. Sonuçların odağı, Gezi hareketinden referans olarak ele aldığım öze ve esasa dayanmaktadır. Bunun ötesinde, farkındalık, denge eksikliği, güç ve koruma gibi psikolojik bakış açıları önemlidir. Bu araştırma, hareket sonrası oluşan ağırlaştırıcı bir yörüngeyi betimlemektedir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Yaratıcı Hareketler, Hareket Sonrası, Gezi Sonrası, Koruma, Psikolojik Bakış Açıları, Başa Çıkma Mekanizması How the aftermath and post-movement was shaped in the case of Gezi will be the focus on the following research report. This research paper pursues questions regarding perceptions and descriptions of the Gezi aftermath in respect of changes, effects and personal approaches to them. Post-protest circumstances will be examined from subjective and inter-subjective perspectives. The field of research regards social and political movements with a focus on the consequences, the aftermath. It will be examined how individuals deal and cope with changing conditions as result from the movement. The research was conducted with open, narrative interviews which I examined with content analysis to reveal the findings from the material. Interview sessions were done in Istanbul and Berlin. In this way, I ensured various perspectives on the thematic frame. Furthermore, I wrote a field diary, took photographs and had informal conversation regarding my research topic. My interviewees belong to the group of artists, activists, academicians and protagonists that are related directly or indirectly to Gezi. The focus of the results are essences and essentials originating from Gezi movement as point of reference. Beyond that, psychological aspects such as awareness, imbalance, strength and preservation are of importance. The research delineates an aggravating trajectory of the post-movement phase. Keywords: Creative Leeways, Post-Movement, Aftermath of Gezi, Preservation, Psychological Aspects, Coping MechanismMaster Thesis The "Istanbul Experience" and its impact on transforming perspectives towards Turkey: An empirical study on international students from Bremen and São Paulo in Istanbul(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2020) Kartarı, Asker; Kartari, AskerThis work focuses on examining and comparing Brazilian and German students' perceptions towards Istanbul and Turkish people before and after their experiences in Istanbul. Through the research question "Which images do students in Bremen and São Paulo connect with Istanbul/Turkish people in Istanbul?" this study seeks to find out how Brazilian and German students characterize Istanbul and its Turkish citizens, and to what extent stereotypes towards Istanbul and its population are still prevalent in 2020. Through face-to-face and Skype interviews, this study examines the way culture is perceived and points to the importance of reflecting upon culture as diverse, evolving, and fluid, when aiming to dismantle generalizations and preconceptions. Lastly, it demonstrates how personal experiences and interaction with the reality of cultures lead to the deconstruction of stereotypes, enable personal growth, demystify cultural prejudices, and facilitate respectful and successful intercultural communication regardless of differences.Master Thesis The Balat life is really unique - narratives of place and belonging in the historical Fener-Balat district of istanbul(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2016) Kartarı, Asker; Kartarı, AskerFener-Balat is one of the oldest districts of istanbul and was home to Greek-Orthodox Christians and Jews for centuries. However in the last century the demographic composition changed fundamentally. After long having been neglected recently the district has received increasing attention especially due to historical housing there. This goes along with a wider interest in istan-bul's past and former minority quarters that emerged within the last decades. Most academic literature about the Fener-Balat district is concerned with is-sues of urban planning or architecture and there seems to be a lack of anthro-pological studies that focus on the personal meanings of places and the narra-tives of the residents living in the district. Thus what seems to be missing here is an anthropological perspective on Fener-Balat as place i.e. as space filled with multiple meanings memories and experiences. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Fener-Balat this thesis explores the personal place-meanings and examines the ways in which residents of Fener-Balat create meaningful relationships with their local surrounding. Therefore place narratives and be-longing narratives of several residents of the district will be presented and discussed. This will give an insight in the shared and divergent ways in which residents define and describe their neighborhood space and express an at-tachment and belonging to place.