Dijital Çağ'da Kamu Diplomasisinin Yapısı ve Uygulanması: Abd ve Türkiye Karşılaştırması
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Günümüz iletişim ve teknoloji çağında devletlerin kamu diplomasisi uygulamalarının incelendiğimi bu araştırmada, tarihi 20. Yüzyıl'ın başlarına dek giden, günümüzde de kamu diplomasisi alanında yaptığı hem kurumsal, hem de fikirsel yeniliklerle öne çıkan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri mercek altına alındı. Bu ülkede, yaklaşık 70 yıldan günümüze dek sürdürülen kamu diplomasisi faaliyetlerinin öne çıkan özellikleri ve bunları kararlaştıran, yöneten, koordine eden resmi ve yarı-resmi kurumlar incelendi. Ardından, ülkemizdeki kamu diplomasisi faaliyetlerinin tarihine kısaca değinilip özellikle son 7 yıldır bu alanda hız kazanan çalışmalar ve bunun arkasındaki kurumsal yapı değerlendirildi. Dışişleri Bakanlığı'nın yanında, Türkiye'de, Başbakanlık'a bağlı çalışan birden çok kurumun bu alanda, hem yönetsel, hem yapısal inisiyatifler aldığı görüldü. Türkiye'deki kamu diplomasisi çalışmaları masaya yatırıldı; eksiklikleri, hataları belirlenip bunları ortadan kaldırmak için gerekli çözüm yolları araştırıldı. ABD'nin uygulamalarından referans alarak, Türkiye'deki kamu diplomasisi faaliyetleri için uygun bulunanlar değerlendirilip Türkiye için en doğru stratejiler çerçevesinde işleyebileceği düşünülen bir modeli oluşturulmaya çalışıldı.
This study investigates the public diplomacy practices of governments in today's age of communication and technology, with a focus on the United States of America, where the history of public diplomacy dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, and where today through both institutional and intellectual innovations it has become prominent in the area of public diplomacy. The salient features of public diplomacy activities practiced in the USA for about 70 years and the official and semi-official institutions determining, administering and coordinating these activities are examined. A brief history of public diplomacy activities in Turkey is then presented, followed by an evaluation of these activities, especially those of the past seven years of increasing activity, and the institutional structure behind them. It was seen that in addition to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, more than one institution affiliated to the Turkish Prime Ministry take both administrative and structural initiatives in the area. Public diplomacy activities are then analyzed, their deficiencies and flaws are identified and possible solutions to eliminate these problems are presented. Taking the practices in the USA as reference, practices appropriate for the public diplomacy activities of Turkey are evaluated, and a workable model for Turkey, delineating the most appropriate actions to be taken within a framework of best strategies, is suggested.
This study investigates the public diplomacy practices of governments in today's age of communication and technology, with a focus on the United States of America, where the history of public diplomacy dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, and where today through both institutional and intellectual innovations it has become prominent in the area of public diplomacy. The salient features of public diplomacy activities practiced in the USA for about 70 years and the official and semi-official institutions determining, administering and coordinating these activities are examined. A brief history of public diplomacy activities in Turkey is then presented, followed by an evaluation of these activities, especially those of the past seven years of increasing activity, and the institutional structure behind them. It was seen that in addition to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, more than one institution affiliated to the Turkish Prime Ministry take both administrative and structural initiatives in the area. Public diplomacy activities are then analyzed, their deficiencies and flaws are identified and possible solutions to eliminate these problems are presented. Taking the practices in the USA as reference, practices appropriate for the public diplomacy activities of Turkey are evaluated, and a workable model for Turkey, delineating the most appropriate actions to be taken within a framework of best strategies, is suggested.
Kamu diplomasisi, Dijital diplomasi, Dış politika, İletişim, Uluslararası ilişkiler, Halkla ilişkiler, Yeni medya, Yumuşak güç, Public Diplomacy, Digital diplomacy, Foreign policy, Communication, İnternational relations, Public relations, New media, Soft power