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Balkanlar tarih boyunca dunyanin en hareketli cografyalarindan biri olmustur. Avrupa'nin uzerinde durdugu uc buyuk yarimadanin birisi olan Balkan yarimadasi Avrupa'dan Asya'ya gecis yolu uzerindedir. Tarihin bir cok doneminde cesitli uygarliklara ev sahipligi yapmis ve devletler tarafindan ilgi odagi olmustur. Asirlar gecmis duyulan ilginin derecesi her zaman yerini korumustur. Cografi yapisi geregi goclere ve daglik bir bolgeye sahip oldugu icin kolay isgal edilemeyen bir bolge konumundadir. Tarihte buyuk savaslara kaynak noktasi olusturan bu bolge dunyanin sekillenmesinde onculuk yapmistir. Balkanlar etnik farkliliklar ve etnik karisikliklardan dolayi uzun donem catismalara neden olmustur. Yeni dunya duzeninde Balkanlar hep oncelikli konumdadir. Balkanlarin butunun de yasanan catisma ve siyasal gerilimlerin temelinde tarihsel nedenler yatmaktadir. Bolgenin ozelligi catismalarin sadece Balkan devletleri arasinda olmamasi devletin icinde de ayri etnik ve dinsel savas boyutlarina olusan catismalarin yasanmasidir.Makedonya da Balkanlarin kaderinin sekillenmesinde en onemli cikis noktasidir. Makedonya sorunu Balkanlarin kaynamaya ve patlamaya hazir fitilini ceken kivilcimdir ki Balkan savaslarinin odak noktasi Dunya Savaslarinin baslangic yeri sosyalizmin uygulama deneyimi ve buyuk ulkelerin dunyaya acilma ustu olarak dunya siyasetinin kalbidir. Makedonya etnik dinsel sosyal ve kulturel cesitlilik bakimindan Balkanlarin en onemli bolgesidir. Makedonya cografi olarak gunumuzde Ege Pirin ve Vardar olmak uzere uc bolgeye bolunmustur. Makedonya genel bir tanimla Yunanistan Bulgaristan ve Sirbistan arasinda bir bolgedir. Bulundugu konum itibariyle etrafinda bulunan komsu ulkelerin toprak istemine maruz kalmistir. Yunanlilar'a gore Makedonya Hellen bolgesidir. Bulgarlara gore ise Ýllirier'de kalan yerdir. Sirbistan Makedonya ulusunu Makedonya Cumhuriyeti'ni taniyan ilk devlettir bununla birlikte Sirbistan ayri bir Makedon ulusunun siyasal varligini kabul etmemektedir. Arnavutluk ulusu da devleti tanimakta ama Makedonya'daki Arnavut azinligin sorunlari dikkate alan bir siyasal yaklasim cercevesinde bu ulkenin Agit uyeligini Yunanistan ile ortaklasa hareket ederek engellemektedir. Yunanistan ise ne Makedon ulusunu ne de Makedonya Cumhuriyeti'ni tanimamakla kalmayip baskalarinin da Makedonya'yi bu adla tanimamasi icin yillardir bir kampanya yurutmektedir. Makedonya'da sekiz farkli halk yasamaktadir. Turkler BulgarlarRumlar Sirplar Arnavutlar Ulahlar Yahudiler ve cingeneler Makedonya bolgesinin sahip oldugu onemli jeopolitik ve jeostratejik konum Makedonya uzerinde mucadelelerin nedeni olmus ve tarihte Makedonya sorunu olarak yerini almistir.
Throughout history, Balkans has been one of the most active geographical regions. Balkan peninsula which is one the three grand peninsulas where the Europe stands on is on the passage way from Europe to Asia. During many historical ages it has hosted various civilizations and has been the centre of attraction/interest by states. As centuries go by the level of interest shown has remained at all times. In accordance with its geographical formation/topography because it allows migrations as well as having a region of highlands it is in a position of which cannot be invaded easily. This region being the source point for the great wars in history has leaded role for the formation of world.Due to the ethnic differences as well as ethnic disturbances Balkans caused long term conflicts. Within the new world order, Balkans always has and is being remain in privilege position. At the bottom of the conflict and political tensions experienced entirely in Balkans historical reasons lie within. Thespecification of the region is the conflicts not being experienced only between the Balkan states/countries but also within the state itself with the extent of conflicts in the form different ethnic and religious wars. Macedonia is also an important point of origin for the formation of Balkans? destiny. Problem of Macedonia is a spark which ignites the ongoing turbulent and volatile fuse so as being the focal point of Balkan wars, starting point of the World Wars, having the implementation of socialism experience and also being the open up to world base for the major countries it is the heart of the worldwide politics. Macedonia, in respect to the ethical, religious, social and cultural diversity is the most important region of Balkans. Today Macedonia geographically has been divided into three regions as of Aegean, Pirin and Vardar (Axios). Macedonia with a general specification is the region between Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia. In respect of its locational status it has been exposed to the surrounding neighbouring counties? demand for land. According to the Greeks Macedonia is still a Hellenic region. As for the Bulgarians it is a place back in Illyria. Serbia recognises the Macedoniannation and also is the first country which recognised the Macedonian republic but at the same time they do not hypostasise the existence of a separate Macedonian nation. Albania recognises both the nation and the state as a country but due to the problems of Albanian minority in Macedonia together with Greece they stand in the way of Macedonian?s economic lifes. As for Greece, for years not only they have not recognised the Macedonian nation as well as Macedonian republic they also have been running a campaign for others not to recognise Macedonia with this name. InMacedonia there are eight different populations of folks living. Those are Turks, Bulgarians, Greeks, Serbians, Albanians, Wallaches, Jews and Gipsies. The important geopolitical and geostrategical position that Macedonia region holds has been the account for the conflict over Macedonia and therefore has imbedded in history as Macedonian dispute/problem.



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