Bosanma sebeplerinin Turk ve Ýslam hukuku acisindan degerlendirmesi
Abdulrahman, Karzan Mahmut
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Eslerin evlilik birligini ve boylece ortak yasami sona erdirme isteklerine bosanma denilmektedir. Osmanli Devleti doneminde Ýslam Hukuku kurallari uygulanmistir. Kadinin bosanma hakki olsa da genellikle erkek agirlikli olan bu sistemde talak (erkegin sebepsiz bosama hakki) onplana cikmistir. 1917'de cikan Hukuk-i Aile Kararnamesi ve 743 Sayili Medeni Kanun bu kurallari oldukca modernlestirmistir. 4721 Sayili Turk Medeni Kanunu ise bosanmanin sinirlarini mumkun oldugunca net bir sekilde cizmistir. Hakime de genis bir takdir yetkisi taninmistir. Hakim bosama karari vermeden bosanma sayilmaz. Ayrica bircok maddede hakim vicdanen karar verecektir.
Divorce is one of the forms of termination of the marriage. So common life ended. Islamic law rules were applied during the Ottoman Empire. Women have right of divorce. But man is a weighted in this system. Talaq (man has right to divorce for no reason) in the foreground. After we have "the Family Law Decree" in 1917 and No. 763 of the Civil Code were modernized. No. 4721 of the Turkish Civil Code was drawn clearly the limits of divorce. Judge has a wide margin of discretion. The judge is not considered divorce without the divorce decision. Also, the judge will decide in all conscience inmany substances.
Divorce is one of the forms of termination of the marriage. So common life ended. Islamic law rules were applied during the Ottoman Empire. Women have right of divorce. But man is a weighted in this system. Talaq (man has right to divorce for no reason) in the foreground. After we have "the Family Law Decree" in 1917 and No. 763 of the Civil Code were modernized. No. 4721 of the Turkish Civil Code was drawn clearly the limits of divorce. Judge has a wide margin of discretion. The judge is not considered divorce without the divorce decision. Also, the judge will decide in all conscience inmany substances.
Bosanma, Nafaka, Talak, Tefrik, İddet, Divorce, Alimony, Talaq, Severance, Iddah