The Effect of Cognitive Processes on Low and High-Calorie Food Selection
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Bu tez çalışmasında bilişsel süreçlerin yiyecek seçimi üzerindeki etkisi iki farklı çalışmada incelenmiştir. Birinci çalışmada, üç deney ile düşük ve yüksek kalorili yiyecek uyaranlarının kalori-SNARC olarak adlandırdığımız etki sayesinde sırasıyla sol ve sağ görsel alanda temsil edilip edilmediği araştırıldı. Düşük (yüksek) kalorili yiyecek uyaranını sol (sağ) görsel alanda içeren yiyecek çiftleri mekânsal büyüklük temsiline uyumlu (uyumsuz) olarak kabul edildi. Uyumlu yiyecek uyaranlarının görev performansını reaksiyon süreleri ve doğruluk oranları bakımından arttıracağı hipotez edildi. Sonuçlar, kalori-SNARC etkisinin uyumlu yiyecek çiftlerinde (Deney 1), uzamsal ipuçlarının varlığında (Deney 2) ve hedef uyaran belirleme stratejisi kontrol edildiğinde (Deney 3) gözlemlenmediğini gösterdi. İkinci çalışmada bireylerin kısıtlayıcı yeme skorları ile n-geri görevi ile ölçülen çalışma belleği görev performansı arasındaki ilişkiye odaklanıldı. Özellikle yüksek kalorili yiyecek uyaranlarının kısıtlayıcı yeme skoru yüksek bireylerde duyarlılığı (d') azaltıp reaksiyon sürelerini arttırarak görev performansını düşüreceği hipotez edildi. Hipotez, yüksek kalori, düşük kalori ve nesne uyaranlarının katılımcılara farklı bloklarda (Deney 4) ve aynı blok içinde randomize edilmiş şekilde (Deney 5) gösterilmesiyle test edildi. Sonuçlar, çalışan bellek yükü arttıkça, yiyecek uyaranlarının görev performansını olumsuz etkilediğini ancak kısıtlayıcı yeme davranışının görev performansı üzerinde herhangi bir etkiye sahip olmadığını gösterdi. İki deneyde de uyaranların siyah-beyaz gösterilmesi renkli gösterilmesine kıyasla reaksiyon sürelerini arttırdı. Bu tezden çıkarılan bulgular obezite ve yeme bozuklukları müdahaleleri için mobil uygulamalar geliştirmede, menü ve afiş hazırlamada yarar sağlamaktadır.
In the present thesis, the effect of cognitive processes on food selection was investigated in two studies. The first study had three experiments and investigated whether low and high-calorie food stimuli are represented by left and right sides respectively, so-called calorie-SNARC. Food pairs that have low (high) calorie on the left (right) were considered as congruent (incongruent) to the spatial representation of magnitudes. It was hypothesized that congruent food pairs would increase task performance in terms of reaction times (RT) and accuracy rate. The results revealed that calorie-SNARC was not observable for congruent pairs (Experiment 1), even in the presence of endogenous cues (Experiment 2) and when the target defining attributes were controlled (Experiment 3). Study 2 focused on the relationship between the restrained eating style of individuals and working memory task performance measured by the n-Back task. It was expected that food stimuli would decrease task performance for sensitivity (d') and RT, especially for high restrained eaters in the presence of high-calorie stimuli. This hypothesis was investigated by block-wise and in randomized orders of low-calorie, high-calorie and object stimuli presentation in two experiments. Results showed that as working memory load increases, food stimuli impair n-back task performance. However, the restrained eating style did not affect participants' task performance. Black-white versions of food stimuli resulted in slower RT for both experiments compared to colorful versions. The findings of this thesis can be applied for mobile applications for obesity and eating disorders interventions; and in menu and flyer preparations.
In the present thesis, the effect of cognitive processes on food selection was investigated in two studies. The first study had three experiments and investigated whether low and high-calorie food stimuli are represented by left and right sides respectively, so-called calorie-SNARC. Food pairs that have low (high) calorie on the left (right) were considered as congruent (incongruent) to the spatial representation of magnitudes. It was hypothesized that congruent food pairs would increase task performance in terms of reaction times (RT) and accuracy rate. The results revealed that calorie-SNARC was not observable for congruent pairs (Experiment 1), even in the presence of endogenous cues (Experiment 2) and when the target defining attributes were controlled (Experiment 3). Study 2 focused on the relationship between the restrained eating style of individuals and working memory task performance measured by the n-Back task. It was expected that food stimuli would decrease task performance for sensitivity (d') and RT, especially for high restrained eaters in the presence of high-calorie stimuli. This hypothesis was investigated by block-wise and in randomized orders of low-calorie, high-calorie and object stimuli presentation in two experiments. Results showed that as working memory load increases, food stimuli impair n-back task performance. However, the restrained eating style did not affect participants' task performance. Black-white versions of food stimuli resulted in slower RT for both experiments compared to colorful versions. The findings of this thesis can be applied for mobile applications for obesity and eating disorders interventions; and in menu and flyer preparations.