Toplu İş Sözleşmesinin Kişi Bakımından Uygulama Alanı

dc.contributor.advisorGüzel, Alien_US
dc.contributor.authorÖzkan, Sema Deniz
dc.contributor.authorGüzel, Ali
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Özel Hukuk Ana Bilim Dalıen_US
dc.department-tempKadir Has University : Graduate School of Social Sciences : Private Lawen_US
dc.description.abstractToplu is sozlesmesinin normatif hukumleri is sozlesmesinin yapilmasina icerigine ve sona ermesine iliskin hukumlerden olusur. Bu hukumler sozlesmenin kisi bakimindan uygulama alanindaki iscilerin tumunun calisma kosullarini etkilemektedir ve isveren calisma sartlari veya calistirmaya son verilmesine iliskin toplu is sozlesmesi hukumlerini taraf sendikaya uye olma baska bir sendikaya uye olma ya da hicbir sendikaya uye olmama bakimindan ayrim yapmaksizin tum iscilere uygulamakla yukumludur. Ancak toplu is sozlesmesinde yer alan ucret prim ikramiye ve paraya iliskin sosyal yardim konularindaki hukumler ise sozlesmenin kapsaminda bulunan tum iscilere degil Kanunda ongorulmus yararlanma kosullarini saglayan iscilere uygulanacaktir. Toplu is sozlesmesinden kimlerin yararlanabilecegi 7 Kasim 2012 tarih ve 28460 sayili Resmi Gazete'de yayimlanarak yururluge girmis olan 6356 sayili Sendikalar ve Toplu Ýs Sozlesmesi Kanununda duzenlenmistir. Kanuna gore taraf sendikaya uye isciler ile taraf sendikaya uye olmamakla birlikte dayanisma aidati odeyen isciler toplu is sozlesmesinden yararlanabilirler. Ayrica Kanunda isveren vekillerinin isvereni temsilen toplu gorusmeye katilanlarin ve grev esnasinda isyerinde calisanlarin toplu is sozlesmesinden yararlanamayacagi da duzenlenmistir. Tezimizde toplu is sozlesmesinin kisi bakimindan uygulama alanina giren iscilerin kimler oldugu ve bu iscilerin toplu is sozlesmesinden yararlanabilmek icin tasimasi gereken kosullar eski ve yeni Kanun metinleri karsilastirilarak doktrindeki goruslerden ve Yargitay kararlarindan da faydalanilarak incelenmeye calisilmistir.en_US
dc.description.abstractNormative clauses of collective labor agreements contain provisions on the conclusion, content and expiration of a contract of employment. Those clauses affect working conditions of all labors in scope of application of collective labor agreement and employer shall apply clauses about working conditions or termination of employment to all the labors without discriminate members of a trade union and those who are not, or those who are members of another trade union. However, clauses about wages, bonuses, premiums and money-related social benefits will apply only the ones who fulfill the requirements envisioned in Act not all the labors in scope of application of collective labor agreement. The ones who will be benefited from the collective labor agreement regulated in The Act of Trade Unions and Collective Agreement numbered 6356 was published in the Official Gazette numbered 28460 on 7 November 2012 and has come into force. According to the Act, the members of a worker trade union which is a party to a collective labor agreement and labors who pay monthly solidarity dues to the trade union shall benefit from that agreement. In addition, employer's representatives within the meaning of this Act, those who participate in the collective labor agreement negotiations in the name of the employer and the labors who have worked in the workplace during the strike shall not be benefitted from the collective labor agreement according to the Act. In our thesis, the scope of application of collective agreement and the ones who benefit from agreement has been examined through comparing old and new Acts, benefitting from the opinions of the doctrine and Supreme Court decisions.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectToplu is sozlesmesien_US
dc.subjectKişi Bakımından Uygulama Alanıen_US
dc.subjectCollective Labor Agreementen_US
dc.subjectThe Scope Of Applicationen_US
dc.subjectBenefit From Collective Labor Agreementen_US
dc.titleToplu İş Sözleşmesinin Kişi Bakımından Uygulama Alanıen_US
dc.typeMaster Thesisen_US


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