"styling" Kavram Aracının Ürün ve Tasarımında Kullanımı: Ürün Anlambilimsel Yaklaşım
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Endüstri tasar›m› “Styling” kavramı, “Ürünler
arasındaki algılanma biçimlerini de¤ifltiren
temel yap›sal unsurlardır” fleklinde tanımlanmaktadır. Burada de¤inilen “algı”, farkında
olmak ya da ürünün vermek istedi¤i mesaj›
anlamaktır. Algıyı yaratan formlar bir dizi
üründe tasarım yoluyla tekrarlanarak meydana
gelirse bir tarz oluşmaya başlamaktadır. Bu
noktada styling ve tasarımı birbirine
kar›flt›rmamak gereklidir. Tasarım styling
demek de¤ildir. Styling ürünün d›fl görünüşüne
ve kabuğuna şekil vermek anlam›na da
gelmemektedir. Styling uygulaması; biliflsel
bilimlerin, karma teknolojilerin, insanın
psikolojik ve fiziki ihtiyaçlarının göz ününde
bulunduruldu¤u ve ifllevin nedenselliği üzerine
biçim oluşlturulması durumunu içermektedir.
“Styling” Türkçe‘de “biçimleme”,
“üsluplaflt›rma” olarak da ifade edilmektedir.
Bu makalede, Endüstri Tasarımı disiplini
alt›nda “Anlambilimsel Kavram Araçları”ndan
ve “Tasarlama” yöntemlerinden biri olan
“Styling” kavramının ürün tasarım uygulamalarındaki yansımaları incelenmektedir. Bu
araflt›rma ürün kimli¤i açısından tasarımda
styling kavramını hangi bağlamda ürünlerine
yansıt›ld›¤›n›, anlambilimsel yaklafl›mda ürünler üzerinden aktarılmak istenen mesajların
hangi yollarla iletildiğine dair bir araflt›rmay›
içermektedir. Bu çal›flma ile ürün anlambilim
bilim alan› ve endüstri tasar›m› disiplini
arasındaki iliflkiler de kurulmaktadır.
Industrial design "styling" concept is generally described as the "Products altering the basic structural elements between the forms of perception”. Referred to here "perception", wants to give the message to be aware of or understand the product. Repeated a number of forms that create the perception occurs through a kind of product has led to the design. At this point, we must not mix up the styling and design. Design does not mean styling. Styling of the product does not mean that the external appearance and give shape to the shell. Styling Applications; cognitive sciences, hybrid technologies, is kept in sight, out of human psychological and physical needs of the state and includes the creation of form over function causality. "Styling" in Turkish is also referred as "shaping" and "stylization". In this article, under the discipline of Industrial Design "Semantic Concept Tools" and the "Design" is one of the methods of "styling" the implications of the concept of product design applications. In terms of product identification, products to reflect the context in which the concept of design and semantic approach to styling products that is passed out of the ways in which a study intended to convey messages included. In this study, the relationship between the disciplines of product design semantics,in the field of science and industry are established.
Industrial design "styling" concept is generally described as the "Products altering the basic structural elements between the forms of perception”. Referred to here "perception", wants to give the message to be aware of or understand the product. Repeated a number of forms that create the perception occurs through a kind of product has led to the design. At this point, we must not mix up the styling and design. Design does not mean styling. Styling of the product does not mean that the external appearance and give shape to the shell. Styling Applications; cognitive sciences, hybrid technologies, is kept in sight, out of human psychological and physical needs of the state and includes the creation of form over function causality. "Styling" in Turkish is also referred as "shaping" and "stylization". In this article, under the discipline of Industrial Design "Semantic Concept Tools" and the "Design" is one of the methods of "styling" the implications of the concept of product design applications. In terms of product identification, products to reflect the context in which the concept of design and semantic approach to styling products that is passed out of the ways in which a study intended to convey messages included. In this study, the relationship between the disciplines of product design semantics,in the field of science and industry are established.
Endüstri Tasarımı, Styling, Ürün Anlambilimi, Industrial Design, Product Semantic
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