Çok uluslu sirketlerde stratejik planlama

dc.contributor.advisorŞakar, Birgülen_US
dc.contributor.authorÖzcan, Talha Erhan
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsüen_US
dc.department-tempKadir Has University : Graduate School of Social Sciences : MBAen_US
dc.description.abstractGunumuzde hizla gelisen teknolojinin ve globallesmenin etkisiyle uluslararasi mal ve sermaye hareketleri giderek yogunlasmaktadir. Bun nedenle sirketler finansman kaynagi gereksinimi sonucu ic pazarlardan dis pazarlara da yonelmektedir. Bu gereksinim sonucu cok uluslu sirketlerin sayisi gun gectikce artmaktadir. Bu gelismeler ile birlikte dunya capinda ekonomik iliskilerin isleyisindeki kuresel dinamiklerin basrolunde cUs'ler buyuk rol oynamistir. cok uluslu sirketler ana sirket ile degisik ulkelerdeki birden fazla sayida bagli sirketler aracigiyla faaliyetlerini surdurmekte olduklari icin etkin bir yonetim stratejisine sahip olmalari gerekmektedir.en_US
dc.description.abstractToday, international movements of goods and capital are becoming increasingly concentrated with the influence of rapidly evolving technology and globalization. Therefore companies are also directed to foreign markets from domestic markets as a result of the need of financial resources This need of source as a result the number of multinational companies(MNC) is increasing day. MNC' s played a big role in theglobal dynamics leading these developments in the economic relations with the worldwide operations.MNCs should have an active management strategy on account of having parent company and affiliated companies in different countries, between more than one number that continues activities.In the increasingly competitive environment MNCs uses strategic plan which is one of the most current methods in order to provide market advantage to be able to fight the crisis. That?s why in this study MNCs strategic plan has been envisaged in the review.Aim of this thesis is to investigate how the term of strategic planning implemented şn MNCs which is made by the company to increase the efficiency and strategic plans positive and negative effects in MNCs.In the first chapter of the thesis information has been given about MNCs features, such as the place and importance in the world economy In the second chapter of the thesis, understand the importance of strategic planning for MNCs on behalf of strategic planning are discussed in detail. In the third chapter of the thesis of MNCs strategic planning took place which is the main topic of this thesis.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectÇok Uluslu Şirketleren_US
dc.subjectStratejik Planlamaen_US
dc.subjectÇok Uluslu Şirketlerde Stratejik Planlamaen_US
dc.subjectMulti-national Companiesen_US
dc.subjectStrategic Planningen_US
dc.subjectStrategic Planing of MNCsen_US
dc.titleÇok uluslu sirketlerde stratejik planlamaen_US
dc.typeMaster Thesisen_US


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