Küresel Bir Ekonomik Kuruluş Olarak İmf ve Türkiye Politikaları
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Uluslararasi ekonomik iliskiler ii. Dunya Savasindan sonra hizla geliserek cok genis boyutlara ulasmistir. Bu iliskiler butunu icindeyse uluslararasi ticaret gecmiste oldugu gibi bugun de en onemli yeri tutmaktadir. Farkli siyasi rejimlere sosyal sistemlere ve ekonomik yapilara sahip ulkeler arasinda gerceklesen ekonomik islemler bircok sorunun da kaynagini olusturmaktadir. cok kaba olarak belirtmek gerekirse bu sorunlar soyle ozetlenebilir: Uluslararasi ekonomik islemlerde hangi odeme araclari kullanilacak bunlarin degerleri nasil belirlenecektir? Dis odeme araclarinin degerlerinin istikrari nasil saglanacaktir? Dunya ticaretinin serbestce gelismesi nasil mumkun olacaktir? Dis ticaret ve diger uluslararasi ekonomik islemler bazi ulkelerin dis dengelerinde bozulmalara yol aciyorsa bu dengesizlikler nasil giderilecektir? Dis aciklarin giderilmesi icin gerekli dis finansman nasil bulunmalidir? Dis aciklarin giderilmesi icin gerekli dis finansman nasil bulunmalidir? -- Giris'ten.
A new economical and political system has been established for the world after the Second World war. International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded for meeting expenditures and expectations of world countries and provided balance of payments. But the credit provided by International Monetary Fund has been given to member country that provided that applying stability programme. International Monetary Fund has been founded in 1947 and one of the ıts members of it was Turkey. IMF has not been to take into consideration economic structure of member countries. For this reason, IMF failed in some developing countries. Turkey has been continuing stability programme by supported IMF.
A new economical and political system has been established for the world after the Second World war. International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded for meeting expenditures and expectations of world countries and provided balance of payments. But the credit provided by International Monetary Fund has been given to member country that provided that applying stability programme. International Monetary Fund has been founded in 1947 and one of the ıts members of it was Turkey. IMF has not been to take into consideration economic structure of member countries. For this reason, IMF failed in some developing countries. Turkey has been continuing stability programme by supported IMF.
Gelişmekte olan ülkeler, Uluslararası Para Fonu, İstikrar Programı, Türkiye, Gelişmemiş ülkeler, Developing Countries, International Monetary Fund, Stability Programme, Turkey, Underdeveloped Countries