Tedarik Zincirinde Toplam Kalite Yönetimi
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Günümüzde artan rekabet koşullarında firmalar bir yandan pazar paylarını arttırmaya çalışırken diğer bir yandan da maliyetlerini düşürmeyi hedeflemektedirler. Bu yüzden potansiyel müşterilere gereken zamanda gereken ürünleri gereken şekilde ulaştırmak gerekirken, bir yandan da bunu gerçekleştirmek için tedarikçilerle etkin bir şekilde çalışarak gereken hammadde veya malzemeyi gereken zamanda en düşük maliyetle tedarik etmekyönünde bir ihtiyaç ortaya çıkmaktadır. Böyle bir sistemin günümüzün devasa şirketlerindeoluşturulabilmesi ve rekabet düzeylerinin devamlılığının sağlanabilmesi için tedarik zinciri sisteminin kurulması gerekmektedir.
As an economic transformation and entegration process, globalization offers new marketing and competitive opportunities for firms. Firms adopt new management techniques and applications like Total Quality Management in order to effectively exploit such opportunities. In this study the effects of Total Quality Management within the context of Supply Chain Management on firm performance is investigated. To do so, first, the concept of Supply Chain Management is described. After that, the concept of Total Quality Management and the applications of Total Quality Management within the Supply Chain Management are handled. Then, a survey is conducted on manufacturing firms to show the relationships between Total Quality Management within the context of Supply Chain Management and firm performance. The analyse results based on data gathered from 100 manufacturing provide emprical evidence in support of the relationship between most well-known Total Quality management Applications (i) strategic supplier partnership, (ii) strategic customer reltionships, (iii) knowledge sharing level and (iv) the continuity and the quality of knowledge sharing and performans indicators -mainly the financial and the mrketing performance-. And finally it comes to a conclusion with these results.
As an economic transformation and entegration process, globalization offers new marketing and competitive opportunities for firms. Firms adopt new management techniques and applications like Total Quality Management in order to effectively exploit such opportunities. In this study the effects of Total Quality Management within the context of Supply Chain Management on firm performance is investigated. To do so, first, the concept of Supply Chain Management is described. After that, the concept of Total Quality Management and the applications of Total Quality Management within the Supply Chain Management are handled. Then, a survey is conducted on manufacturing firms to show the relationships between Total Quality Management within the context of Supply Chain Management and firm performance. The analyse results based on data gathered from 100 manufacturing provide emprical evidence in support of the relationship between most well-known Total Quality management Applications (i) strategic supplier partnership, (ii) strategic customer reltionships, (iii) knowledge sharing level and (iv) the continuity and the quality of knowledge sharing and performans indicators -mainly the financial and the mrketing performance-. And finally it comes to a conclusion with these results.
Toplam Kalite Yönetimi, Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi, Rekabetçilik, Total Quality Management, Supplier Chain Management, Competitiveness