Abd'nin Ermeni Politikası 1890-1920
Özeren, Gökhan
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19. Yüzyılın sonlarında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu; İngiltere, Rusya, Fransa gibi kendisin paylaşmak isteyen devletler tarafından "Hasta Adam" olarak ilan edilmişti. İmparatorluğu oluşturan bütün milletler, 1789 Fransız İhtilal'ından sonra Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'ndan kopup kendi ulusal benliklerini inşa etme ve devletlerini oluşturma yarışına girdiler. Bu milletlerden biri de Ermenilerdi. Ermeniler 19. yy. sonundan itibaren Osmanlı Hükümet'ine karşı bu uğurda bazı eylemlere giriştiler. 1878 yılında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ile Avrupalı devletle arasında Berlin Antlaşması imzalandı ve antlaşmaya konan bazı maddeler neticesinde "Ermeni Sorunu" denilen ifade literatüre girdi. 19. yy. sonunda başlayan Ermeni olayları 1. Dünya Savaşı başlangıcında Ermenilerin Osmanlı Hükümeti tarafından tehcir edilmelerine sebep oldu. Ermeni sorunu dediğimiz kavramın ortaya çıkmasında Rusya ve İngiltere'nin başrolü oynadığı genel kabul gören görüştür. Fakat Ermeni sorununun ortaya çıkışında ABD'nin rolü, Rusya ve İngiltere'nin rolünden hem daha kuvvetli hem de daha sistemlidir. Tezde ABD'nin 1890 yılı ile 1920 yılı arasındaki 30 yıllık süreçteki genel politikası incelenmiştir.
At the end of the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire had been named as "The Sick Man" by the European powers aiming at sharing the Empire. After the French Revolution of 1789, almost all the nations consisting of the Ottoman Empire set out to build their own national identities and nation states. There was the Armenians among these nations. Armenians ran some organized activities against the auhhority. The Berlin Treaty of 1878 was signed between the European states and the Ottoman Empire. According to the articles imposed on the treaty by the European states,we see that the term presently used "Armenian Problem" emerged. The problems started at the end of the 19th century between the Armenians and the Ottoman Empire resulted in the full-scale deportation of the Armenians during the time of World War I. İt has been generally accepted that Russia and Britan played the most significant role in the emergence of Armenian problem, but U.S. policy toward the Armenian issue is much more systematic and powerfull. In the thesis, the U.S. policy of Armenia between 1890 and 1920 has been studied.
At the end of the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire had been named as "The Sick Man" by the European powers aiming at sharing the Empire. After the French Revolution of 1789, almost all the nations consisting of the Ottoman Empire set out to build their own national identities and nation states. There was the Armenians among these nations. Armenians ran some organized activities against the auhhority. The Berlin Treaty of 1878 was signed between the European states and the Ottoman Empire. According to the articles imposed on the treaty by the European states,we see that the term presently used "Armenian Problem" emerged. The problems started at the end of the 19th century between the Armenians and the Ottoman Empire resulted in the full-scale deportation of the Armenians during the time of World War I. İt has been generally accepted that Russia and Britan played the most significant role in the emergence of Armenian problem, but U.S. policy toward the Armenian issue is much more systematic and powerfull. In the thesis, the U.S. policy of Armenia between 1890 and 1920 has been studied.
Osmanlı-Amerikan İlişkileri, Amerikan Misyonerleri, Ermeni Sorunu, Ottoman - American Relations, American Missionaries, Armenian Problem