Mos2'nin Tnbc Kanser İlaci Yükleme ve Salimina Yönelik Basit ve Yeni Peg K-carrajenan Hidrojel Üzerinde Etkisi
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İki boyutlu inorganik bir molekül olan molibden disülfür (MoS2), ayırt edici özellikleri nedeniyle son zamanlarda tıbbi araştırmalarda farmasötiklerin taşınması açısından incelenmiştir. Oluşturulacak biyobozunur bir polimer sistemi, MoS2 ilavesiyle kanser ilacı dağıtımında uygulanabilir. Bu yazıda MoS2 miktarının yeni jel karışımımızın özellikleri ve performansı üzerindeki etkisini araştırıyoruz. Üçlü negatif meme kanseri (TNBC) ilaç taşıyıcı sisteminde uyarana duyarlı polimerik hidrojel olarak taşıyıcı olarak kullanılma potansiyeline sahip olduğu düşünülen MoS2 katkılı polietilen glikol ile yeni bir jel karışımının hazırlanması amaçlandı. PEG)/k-karagenan kombinasyonunun ilk özelliklerinin verilmesi. Bu 2D malzeme, polimerik jelin normal MoS2 içermeyen yapısına kıyasla geçirgenlik, şişme ve elastikiyet performansını artırarak hidrojeli etkiledi. Polimer karışımı özellikleri esas olarak UV-VIS spektrofotometresi ve gravimetrik analiz kullanılarak test edildi. Bu jel karışımlarının çeşitli özellikleri beş farklı kütlede araştırıldı. 5 mg MoS2, yeni ve basit malzeme kombinasyonumuza MoS2 eklenmesinin hidrojel özelliklerinin iyileştirilmesiyle sonuçlandığını gösteren verilere göre esneklik açısından araştırılan en iyi örnekti. Araştırmanın sonuçları, kanser ilaçlarının kesin olarak hedeflenmiş ve düzenlenmiş dağıtımı için ilaç yükleme ve ilaç salma kinetiğine kadar genişletilebileceğini gösterdi. Yakın gelecekteki bu hedefe yönelik ön veriler oluşturmak amacıyla doksorubisin ilacının üretilen jele yüklenme ve salınma mekanizmaları incelendi. Anahtar Kelimeler – Molibden Disülfür, geçirgenlik, şişme, K-Karragenan, Polietilen Glikol
Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2), a two-dimensional inorganic molecule, has lately been studied in medical research with regard to carrying pharmaceuticals due to its distinctive characteristics. A biodegradable polymer system to be created can be applicable in cancer drug delivery with the addition of MoS2. In this paper, we investigate the influence of MoS2 amount on the characteristics and performance of our novel gel blend. It was aimed to prepare a new gel blend, which is thought to have the potential to be used as a stimulussensitive polymeric hydrogel as a carrier in the triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) drug delivery system, with the MoS2 added polyethylene glycol (PEG)/k-carrageenan combination and to give its first characteristics. This 2D material impacted the hydrogel by improving the transmittance, swelling, and elasticity performance compared to the normal no MoS2 structure of the polymeric gel. Polymer blend characteristics were mainly tested using UV-VIS spectrophotometer and by gravimetric analysis. The varied properties of these gel mixtures were investigated at five different masses. The 5mg MoS2 was the best sample investigated regarding the elasticity according to the data demonstrating that the addition of MoS2 to our novel and straightforward material combination resulted in improved hydrogel characteristics. The results of the study demonstrated that it can be extended to drug-loading and drug-release kinetics for precisely targeted and regulated delivery of cancer drugs. To create preliminary data for this near future goal, the loading and release mechanisms of doxorubicin drug into the produced gel were examined. Keywords – Molybdenum Disulphide, transmittance, swelling, K-Carrageenan, Polyethylene Glycol
Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2), a two-dimensional inorganic molecule, has lately been studied in medical research with regard to carrying pharmaceuticals due to its distinctive characteristics. A biodegradable polymer system to be created can be applicable in cancer drug delivery with the addition of MoS2. In this paper, we investigate the influence of MoS2 amount on the characteristics and performance of our novel gel blend. It was aimed to prepare a new gel blend, which is thought to have the potential to be used as a stimulussensitive polymeric hydrogel as a carrier in the triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) drug delivery system, with the MoS2 added polyethylene glycol (PEG)/k-carrageenan combination and to give its first characteristics. This 2D material impacted the hydrogel by improving the transmittance, swelling, and elasticity performance compared to the normal no MoS2 structure of the polymeric gel. Polymer blend characteristics were mainly tested using UV-VIS spectrophotometer and by gravimetric analysis. The varied properties of these gel mixtures were investigated at five different masses. The 5mg MoS2 was the best sample investigated regarding the elasticity according to the data demonstrating that the addition of MoS2 to our novel and straightforward material combination resulted in improved hydrogel characteristics. The results of the study demonstrated that it can be extended to drug-loading and drug-release kinetics for precisely targeted and regulated delivery of cancer drugs. To create preliminary data for this near future goal, the loading and release mechanisms of doxorubicin drug into the produced gel were examined. Keywords – Molybdenum Disulphide, transmittance, swelling, K-Carrageenan, Polyethylene Glycol
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