Küreselleşen Dünyada Çok Uluslu Şirketler ve Politik Risk
Ecevit, Cenk
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Kökleri tarihe dayanan ve güncel olarak Sanayi Devrimi `nden bugüne tartışılmakta olan küreselleşme, toplumların ekonomik, siyasi ve sosyal yapılarına ciddi etkiler getirmekte, kimilerince yeni bir siyasi akım olarak da adlandırılmaktadır.Küreselleşme kavramının farklı aktörleri olmakla birlikte özellikle ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel etkileri açısından Çok Uluslu Şirketler ilk sıralarda gelmektedir. Farklı alanlarda farklı ülkelerde yatırımlar yapan Çok Uluslu Şirketler, ilgili yatırımlarından önce ve yatırım süresince karşı karşıya kaldıkları risklere karşın gerekli risk analizlerini yapmakta ve önlemlerini almaktadırlar.Bu çalışma ile küreselleşme kavramı, Çok Uluslu Şirketler ile risk ve politik risk kavramları anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Küreselleşmenin dünyaya etkileri, Çok Uluslu Şirketler `in tarihi süreci, gelişimleri neticesinde risk ile politik risk kavramları incelenmiştir.
Globalization, its roots stems from history and it has been debated since the Industrial Revolution, has been bringing about some serious effects to the social, political, and economic formation of social groups and has been indicated as ?a new political movement? by some people.Besides having different kinds of players Multinational Companies comes to mind first for its social-cultural and economical effects. As they have investments in different areas and different countries, at the same time they take precautions and make the right risk analyses during pre-investment and after investment periods.With this study I tried to explain Globalization as a concept, Multinational Companies and risk and the concept of political risk. Effects of Globalization on the World, historical period of Multinational Companies, and as as result of this period, concepts of risk and the political risk have been examined.
Globalization, its roots stems from history and it has been debated since the Industrial Revolution, has been bringing about some serious effects to the social, political, and economic formation of social groups and has been indicated as ?a new political movement? by some people.Besides having different kinds of players Multinational Companies comes to mind first for its social-cultural and economical effects. As they have investments in different areas and different countries, at the same time they take precautions and make the right risk analyses during pre-investment and after investment periods.With this study I tried to explain Globalization as a concept, Multinational Companies and risk and the concept of political risk. Effects of Globalization on the World, historical period of Multinational Companies, and as as result of this period, concepts of risk and the political risk have been examined.
Uluslararası İlişkiler, International Relations
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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