Profesyonel Basketbolcu Sözleşmeleri ve Bu Sözleşmelerden Doğan İhtilafların Tahkim Yoluyla Çözümü
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Ülkemizde futbol dışındaki takım sporlarında faaliyet gösteren kulüpler ile bu kulüplerin kadrolarında yer alan sporcular arasında yapılan sözleşmeler ve bu sözleşmelerden kaynaklanan ihtilafların çözüm yöntemleri, uzun yıllardır spor kamuoyu ve hukukçuların en çok tartıştığı konulardan biri olmuştur.Çalışmamızda Türkiye'de futboldan sonra en çok ilgi gören spor dalı olan basketbolda, birinci ve ikinci liglerde yer alan kulüpler ile bu kulüplerden belli bir ücret almak suretiyle basketbolu meslek olarak icra eden sporcular arasında yapılan sözleşmelerin hukuki niteliği, belirleyici unsurları ele alınmış; ardından bu sözleşmelerden kaynaklanan ihtilafların hangi makam tarafından ne şekilde çözümlendiği incelenmiştir.Öte yandan çalışmada yerli ve yabancı doktrinden ve mahkeme kararlarından yararlanılarak, ülkemizde uygulanan tahkim yönteminin olumlu ve olumsuz yönleri ortaya konulmuştur. Çalışma basketbol özelinde yapılmış olmakla birlikte, yapılan açıklamalar, uygun düştüğü ölçüde futbol dışındaki diğer takım sporları için de geçerlidir.
Contracts entered into between clubs in our country which are active in team sports other than football and athletes on the roasters of those clubs and the methods for the resolution of the disputes arising from such contracts, have been one of the most discussed matters by the sports public opinion and the legal professionals.In our study, the legal nature and distinctive features of the contracts, in basketball, the most popular sports branch after football in Turkey, made between the clubs active in the premier and secondary leagues and athletes performing basketball as an occupation in consideration of a certain salary from such clubs have been reviewed; and afterwards the issue of how and by whom the disputes arising from such contracts are resolved was examined.On the other hand, the affirmative and negative aspects of the arbitration method applied in our country were displayed in this study by utilizing the local and foreign doctrine as well as the court decisions. Although the study primarily focused on basketball, the explanations made are also valid for the team sports other than football, where appropriate.
Contracts entered into between clubs in our country which are active in team sports other than football and athletes on the roasters of those clubs and the methods for the resolution of the disputes arising from such contracts, have been one of the most discussed matters by the sports public opinion and the legal professionals.In our study, the legal nature and distinctive features of the contracts, in basketball, the most popular sports branch after football in Turkey, made between the clubs active in the premier and secondary leagues and athletes performing basketball as an occupation in consideration of a certain salary from such clubs have been reviewed; and afterwards the issue of how and by whom the disputes arising from such contracts are resolved was examined.On the other hand, the affirmative and negative aspects of the arbitration method applied in our country were displayed in this study by utilizing the local and foreign doctrine as well as the court decisions. Although the study primarily focused on basketball, the explanations made are also valid for the team sports other than football, where appropriate.
Basketbol, Spor Hukuku, Tahkim, Basketball, Sports Law, Arbitration