Sosyal Medya Platformları Üzerinden Pazarlama ve Bu Mecrayı Etkin Kullanan Sektörler

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Günümüzde tüketiciler zamanlarının çoğunu internet başında geçirmektedirler. Bu durum satın alma kararlarını verme aşamalarında sosyal medyayı da göz önünde bulundurmalarını doğurmuştur. İnternette yaşanan gelişmeler tüketicileri hızla sosyal medyanın içine çekmektedir. Hatta internet kanalıyla tüketiciler hem içerik oluşturmaya başlamışlar hem de tecrübelerini sosyal çevreleriyle paylaşma imkanı bulmuşlardır. Tüm markalar oluşan bu yeni medya düzeninin ve yeni kültürün doğasını kavramaya çalışmaktadırlar. Zira bu değişime uyum sağlamayanlar yok olma tehlikesiyle karşı karşıya kalmaktadırlar.
Today?s customers are now spending most of their time on the internet for their purchasing decisions. Web 2.0 technology?s making the internet more social and the consumers? creating the content has accelerated the pace of development even more. People have started to generate content as a publisher on the internet and they have the opportunity to share them through the social networks. A new media has been emerged as a result of these developments and it is called as `social media? through which consumersnow are spending their time, and taking into consideration of this channel when making purchasing decisions.That is why, today?s businesses have also beenforced to move their advertisement activities to this new media. When considering apromotional campaign, it is required to be conducted within the framework of marketing communications. While many of today?s businesses are using this new media, they ignore the fact that it should be implemented in both marketing and communication disciplines. In my research, I tried to answer how marketing activities should be conducted through using social media. For this purpose, I aimed at explaining social media in the first chapter. In the second chapter, I explained the subject of marketing and viral marketing. In the third section, I studied effective use of social media marketing platform in various sectors together with the impact of social media marketing.As a result of the findings, I found that e-commerce has been accelerating after 2006 and has been taken over by f-commerce. Nowadays, firms prefer to use Facebook and Twitter instead of official websites of companies. According to my results, in Turkey which is an emergent market, "social media platforms are active in both marketing and marketing communications" confirming my anticipated proposition.



Yeni medya, Viral pazarlama, Sosyal medya, e-ticaret, f-ticaret, New media, Viral marketing, Social media, e-commerce, f-commerce

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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