Marka Hukukunda Karıştırılma Tehlikesi

dc.contributor.advisorKaramanlıoğlu, Argunen_US
dc.contributor.authorMintaş, Hazal
dc.contributor.authorKaramanlıoğlu, Argun
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Özel Hukuk Ana Bilim Dalıen_US
dc.department-tempKadir Has University : Graduate School of Social Sciences : Private Lawen_US
dc.description.abstractGunumuz sartlari degerlendirildiginde marka hukukunda tecavuz cokca yasanmaktadir. Marka hakkina yonelik bu tecavuz ise buyuk olcude iltibas yani karistirilma tehlikesi suretiyle gerceklesmektedir. Karistirilma tehlikesinin gerceklesmesiyle markalar arasinda karisikliga yol acmaya calisilarak tuketicileri yaniltma amaci gudulmektedir. Karistirilma tehlikesi ile gerceklesen tecavuz diger tecavuz hallerine kiyasla daha zor tespit edilmektedir. Bu husus gerek Sinai Mulkiyet Kanunu gerekse Turk Ticaret Kanunu ile hukum altina alinmistir. Zira tescilli markalar icin Marka Hukuku tescilsiz markalar icin ise Haksiz Rekabet Hukuku hukumlerinden faydalanilmistir. Bu baglamda karistirilma tehlikesinin aciklanmasi karistirilma tehlikesi ile marka hakkina tecavuzun nasil gerceklestigi ve tespit edilebildiginin belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. Yapilan calismada ilk bolumde Marka Hukuku’nun temel unsurlari aciklanmis ikinci bolumde marka hukukunda karistirilma tehlikesi kavrami hukuki duzenlemeler karistirilma tehlikesinin tespiti hususlari aciklanmis ve nihayet son bolumde ise karistirilma tehlikesinin varligi halinde marka sahibinin haklari aciklanarak calisma sonlandirilmistir. calismanin temel amaci marka hukukunda karistirilma tehlikesi kavraminin aciklanarak bu vesileyle gerceklesen marka hakkina tecavuzun nasil gerceklesip tespit edildigini ve tecavuz akabinde marka sahibinin haklarinin Yargitay kararlari isiginda belirlenmesidir.en_US
dc.description.abstractWhen recent condiotions are evaluated, we can see a lot infringement on trademark law. The reason of this infringement is mostly the risk of confusion. Consumers are misguided with the help of confusion between trademarks and with the actualization risk of confusion. The concept of confusion according to infringement is really hard to identify comparing to other infringement examples. This matter ensure by Industrial Property Law and Turkish Trade Law. Because Trademark Law provisions are utilized for registered trademarks and Unfair Competition Law provisions are utilized for unregistered trademarks. In this context we need to explain the risk of confusion, we need to find the answer of how infringement to trademarks actualized with the risk of confusion and how can we identify it. In this study, the main factors of Trademark Law are described in the first part, the concept of confusion risk on Trademark Law, legal arrangements, determination of confusion risk are explained in the second part and in case of confusion, rights of the trademark holder are explained and study is finalized with this topic. The main purpose of this study is to explain the term of confusion in trademark law and to determine how trademark infringement can be performed in light of decision of Court of Appeal.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectMarka Hukukuen_US
dc.subjectMarka Hakkıen_US
dc.subjectKarıştırılma Tehlikesien_US
dc.subjectMarka Hukukunda Tecavüzen_US
dc.subjectTrade Marken_US
dc.subjectTrade Mark Lawen_US
dc.subjectTrade Mark Righten_US
dc.subjectRisk of Confusionen_US
dc.subjectTrade Mark Infringementen_US
dc.titleMarka Hukukunda Karıştırılma Tehlikesien_US
dc.typeMaster Thesisen_US


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