Tasarımların Hükümsüzlüğü
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Tasarımların hukuk düzenince taklitçilere karşı korunması kadar, koruma şartlarını haiz olmayan tescil olunmuş tasarımların hükümsüz kılınması da haksız rekabetin önlenmesi açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada tasarımların hükümsüzlük nedenleri Türk ve AB Tasarım hukuku mevzuatı ile detaylı bir şekilde açıklanacak ve Türk Fikri Haklar Mahkemeleri ve OHIM.den hükümsüzlük kararı örnekleri ile doğrulanacaktır. Buna ilaveten, her iki hukuk sisteminin usul hükümlerinden bahsedilerek, Türkiye'de veya AB'de hükümsüzlük başvurusu yapmak isteyen bir kişinin hangi hukuki yolları izlemesi gerektiği anlatılacaktır. Son olarak, Fikri Haklar Mahkemeleri kararlarının tasarım mevzuatı ile uyumu tetkik edilerek, mahkemelerin usul ve kararlarının olumlu ve noksan kısımları tespit edilecektir.
It's important to declare a registered design that does not fulfill the legal requirements for protection by IP law as invalid, in order to prevent unfair competition in the market, as well as to protect legitimately registered designs against imitations.In this work, the reasons for declaring designs as invalid within the context of Turkish and EU Design Law will be explained in detail and substantiated by invalidity decisions from Turkish IP Courts and the OHIM. Furthermore, the legal procedures and process in applying to an IP court or the OHIM for declaring a registered design as invalid will be explained. Examples are given serving as a guide for the reader.Finally, the compliance of Turkish IP Court decisions with IP legislation will be scrutinized in order to identify the virtues and shortcomings of the Turkish IP Courts proceedings and judgements.
It's important to declare a registered design that does not fulfill the legal requirements for protection by IP law as invalid, in order to prevent unfair competition in the market, as well as to protect legitimately registered designs against imitations.In this work, the reasons for declaring designs as invalid within the context of Turkish and EU Design Law will be explained in detail and substantiated by invalidity decisions from Turkish IP Courts and the OHIM. Furthermore, the legal procedures and process in applying to an IP court or the OHIM for declaring a registered design as invalid will be explained. Examples are given serving as a guide for the reader.Finally, the compliance of Turkish IP Court decisions with IP legislation will be scrutinized in order to identify the virtues and shortcomings of the Turkish IP Courts proceedings and judgements.
Tasarımlar, Hükümsüzlük Kararları, OHIM, Designs, Invalidity Decisions