İskemik mitral yetmezliğinde mitral kapak cerrahisi
Korkmaz, Aşkın Ali
Karacı, Ali Rıza
Çaynak, Barış
Oral, Kerem
Tamtekin, Burak
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Bayçınar Tıbbi Yayıncılık
Amaç: İskemik kalp hastalıklarında mitral yetersizliğin varlığı prognozu olumsuz yönde etkilemesinin yanı sıra, operatif mortaliteyi artırmaktadır. Bu çalışmamızda İskemik mitral kapak cerrahisi sonuçlarımızı araştırdık ve çeşitli pre-operatif faktörlerin bu sonuçlara etkisini ortaya koymayı amaçladık. Materyal ve Metod: Mart 1997 ve Mayıs 2002 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde tek bir ekip tarafından 109 hastaya İskemik mitral yetersizliği nedeniyle mitral kapak replasmanı (MVR) (n = 82) ve mitral kapak tamiri (MP) (n = 27) yapıldı. Replasman ve tamir yapılan tüm hastalara koroner arter bypass (CABG) cerrahisi de uygulandı. Replasman yapılan 73 hastada mekanik kapak, 9 hastada biyoprotez kullanıldı; 48 hastada posterior leaflet, 23 hastada anterior ve posterior leaflet korundu. Tamir yapılan 8 hastada ring annuloplasti, 19 hastada Reed annuloplasti tekniği kullanıldı. On hastaya mitral kapak cerrahisi ve CABG ile birlikte sol ventrikül anevrizmektomisi (LVA), 6 hastaya triküspid plasti operasyonları yapıldı. Hastalarda preoperatif risk faktörleri, mitral yetersizliğin derecesi, pre-postoperatif fonksiyonel klasifikasyonları, aort kros klemp ve kardiyopulmoner bypass süreleri, yoğun bakım ve hastane kalış süreleri belirlendi. Bulgular: Otuz günlük erken dönemde LVA yapılmayan 3 hastada (%3), LVA yapılan 2 hastada (%20) mortalite görüldü (toplam mortalite %4.6). Geç dönemde 6 mortalite (%5.5) görüldü. Bu hastalarda diyabet, kronik obsrüktif akciğer hastalığı ve kronik böbrek hastalığı insidansı daha yüksekti. Hastaların 1. yıl kontrollerinde fonksiyonel klaslarmda önemli bir iyileşme tespit edildi. Sonuç: Bu çalışmayla İskemik hastalarda CABG ile birlikte mitral kapağa yönelik cerrahinin güvenli ve uzun dönem sonuçlarının olumlu olduğunu gösterdik. Ayrıca İskemik mitral yetmezlikli hastalarda erken ve geç dönem mortalite ve morbiditeyi en çok etkileyen kriterin hastada sol ventrikül anevrizması varlığı ve preoperatif risk faktörleri olduğunu gösterdik
Background: Presence of mitral insufficiency in the ischemic heart disease worsens the prognosis and increases the operative mortality. In this study we evaluated the results of ischemic valvular surgery and tried to explain how the preoperative risk factors effected these results. Methods: Between March 1997 and May 2002, 109 patient underwent mitral valve replacement (MVR) (n = 82) and mitral valve plasty (MVP) (n = 27) operations because of ischemic mitral insufficiency by the same surgeon. All of these patients underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) operations at the same time. Mechanical valves used in 73 patients, bioprosthesis used in 9 patients, posterior leaflet was preserved in 48 patients, anterior and posterior leaflets were preserved in 23 patients in MVR group. Ring annuloplasty technique used in 8 and Reed annuloplasty used in!9 patients in MVP group. Ten patients underwent left ventricular aneurysmectomy (LVA), 6 patients underwent bicuspid plasty operations with the mitral valvuler surgery and CABG. Preoperative risk factors, mitral insufficiency grade, pre-postopertive functional classifications, aortic cross clamping and cardiopulmonary bypass times, intensive care and hospital stays were evaluated. Results: Two patients (20%) undergone LVA operations, 3 patients (3%) without LVA died within 30 days in the early postoperative period (total mortality 4.6%). Late mortality was seen in 6 patients (5.5%). Incidence of diabetes meilitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic renal disease is higher in the mortality group. Significant increase in functional class was evaluated in the first year control. Conclusions: We conclude that the operations of mitral valve with the CABG are reliable and long term results are good. We showed the most important criteria that can effect the short and long term mortality and morbidity were the presence of left ventricular aneurysm and preoperative risk factors.
Background: Presence of mitral insufficiency in the ischemic heart disease worsens the prognosis and increases the operative mortality. In this study we evaluated the results of ischemic valvular surgery and tried to explain how the preoperative risk factors effected these results. Methods: Between March 1997 and May 2002, 109 patient underwent mitral valve replacement (MVR) (n = 82) and mitral valve plasty (MVP) (n = 27) operations because of ischemic mitral insufficiency by the same surgeon. All of these patients underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) operations at the same time. Mechanical valves used in 73 patients, bioprosthesis used in 9 patients, posterior leaflet was preserved in 48 patients, anterior and posterior leaflets were preserved in 23 patients in MVR group. Ring annuloplasty technique used in 8 and Reed annuloplasty used in!9 patients in MVP group. Ten patients underwent left ventricular aneurysmectomy (LVA), 6 patients underwent bicuspid plasty operations with the mitral valvuler surgery and CABG. Preoperative risk factors, mitral insufficiency grade, pre-postopertive functional classifications, aortic cross clamping and cardiopulmonary bypass times, intensive care and hospital stays were evaluated. Results: Two patients (20%) undergone LVA operations, 3 patients (3%) without LVA died within 30 days in the early postoperative period (total mortality 4.6%). Late mortality was seen in 6 patients (5.5%). Incidence of diabetes meilitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic renal disease is higher in the mortality group. Significant increase in functional class was evaluated in the first year control. Conclusions: We conclude that the operations of mitral valve with the CABG are reliable and long term results are good. We showed the most important criteria that can effect the short and long term mortality and morbidity were the presence of left ventricular aneurysm and preoperative risk factors.
iskemik mitral yetersizliği, Preoperatif risk faktörleri, Mitral plasti, Mitral kapak replasmanı, Koroner bypass, Ischemic mitral insufficiency, Preoperativ risk factors, Mitral plasty, Mitral valve replacement, Coronary bypass
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