Avrupa'nin guvenlik ve savunma politikalarinin olusum ve gelisim sureci
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Bu tez calismasinda Avrupa Guvenlik ve Savunma Politikasinin olusum sureci gunumuze kadar yasadigi onemli gelismelere bakilmis gunumuzdeki durumu ve sorunlari incelenmis gelecegi ile ilgili olasi gelismeler uzerinde durulmustur. Avrupa Birligi olusum surecinde ekonomik entegrasyon alaninda basarili bir surec gecirmis ve dunyada simdiye kadar gorulen en basarili girisim olmutur. Siyasi butunleme alani ise Birligin epeyce zorlandii alan olmustur. Soguk Savas doneminde onemli bir caba harcanmis fakat asil onemli olan gelismeler Soguk Savasin bitimi ile yasanmaya baslamitir. 1992 Maastricht Antlamasi ile Ortak Di Politika ve Guvenlik Politikasinda cok onemli bir adim atilmis ve siyasi butunlemes surecine gidilmeye baslanmitir. Bu balamda tezimizde genel olarak guvenlik kavramindan balanarak uluslararasi toplumsal ve kuresel anlamda guvenlige ve guvenlie etki eden faktorlere bakilmis bu durumun Avrupa'ya olan yansimalari incelenmistir.
This thesis looks at the formation of the European Security and DefencePolicy, the changes it has undergone, its present condition, problems and its futuredevelopment.The European Union a succesful period of economic integration and it has beenone of the most accomplished enterprises in the World. Political Alliance has been themost hardest area to comprise. Many efforts have been given during the Cold War Erabut the real important changes. Have taken place at the end of this era. Massive stepshave been taken with the Treaty of Maastricht on common foreign policy and theprocess of Political alliance begun to take place. In this context this thesis looks atinternational, social and global security policies, factors affecting these policies andtheir in Europe.After handling the security concept in general, this thesis looks at Europe?sperception of security and its evolution in time. The efforts to form European Securityand Defence Policy has been analysed and the present and future conditions andproblems has been explored. Moreover theoretical essentials of European Defence andEuropean Union ara explained.The aim to form a common security one Defence policy for European Unionhas been analysed and the relations of NATO and EU have been explored. How NATOhas affected the process of comming this policy has been discussed and future relationsare interpreted. Besides EU?s relations with Turkey concerning security and defenceissues are handled its effects on Turkey have been interpreted. The effects of Turkey?spossible integration to European Union on Security and Defence are discussed.
This thesis looks at the formation of the European Security and DefencePolicy, the changes it has undergone, its present condition, problems and its futuredevelopment.The European Union a succesful period of economic integration and it has beenone of the most accomplished enterprises in the World. Political Alliance has been themost hardest area to comprise. Many efforts have been given during the Cold War Erabut the real important changes. Have taken place at the end of this era. Massive stepshave been taken with the Treaty of Maastricht on common foreign policy and theprocess of Political alliance begun to take place. In this context this thesis looks atinternational, social and global security policies, factors affecting these policies andtheir in Europe.After handling the security concept in general, this thesis looks at Europe?sperception of security and its evolution in time. The efforts to form European Securityand Defence Policy has been analysed and the present and future conditions andproblems has been explored. Moreover theoretical essentials of European Defence andEuropean Union ara explained.The aim to form a common security one Defence policy for European Unionhas been analysed and the relations of NATO and EU have been explored. How NATOhas affected the process of comming this policy has been discussed and future relationsare interpreted. Besides EU?s relations with Turkey concerning security and defenceissues are handled its effects on Turkey have been interpreted. The effects of Turkey?spossible integration to European Union on Security and Defence are discussed.
Avrupa Birlii (AB), ABD, AGSP, BAB, ODGP, OGSP, Güvenlik, Küreselleme, Türkiye, European Union (EU), USA, ESDP, WEU, CFSP, CSDP, Security, Globalization, Turkey