Uncertainty and Its Effect on Foreign Policy Decisions
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Doğası gereği karmaşık olan uluslararası sistemde, farklı çevresel faktörler bireylerin karar alma süreçlerinde etkilidir. Belirsizlik bilginin niceliğini ve niteliğini belirleyen bir faktör olarak bu çevresel faktörlerin içindedir. Bilginin tam olmaması veya asimetrik olması durumlarında insanların rasyonellikten uzak kararlar alacağını savunan bir yaklaşım olan Sınırlı Rasyonellik bu araştırmanın teorik çerçevisini oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, bireylerin dış politika kararlarında belirsizlik faktöründen nasıl etkilendiği, kendi karar alma stillerinin ve yaş, deneyim, gibi kişisel farklılıkların bu süreçte nasıl rol aldığı ele alınmıştır. Bu bağlamda deneysel bir yol izlenerek veri toplanmış ve bu veriler nicel olarak analiz edilmiştir.
In the international system which is inherently complex different environmental factors are decisive in individuals' decision making processes. Uncertainty is included these environmental factors which refer to the quality and quantity of information. Bounded Rationality as a theoretical framework of this research defends that people cannot act rationally when they have asymmetric and incomplete information. In this research, the questions of how people act under uncertainty in foreign policy decisions and how their differences such as decision-making strategies, age, and experience impact their responses are handled. In this regard, the data is collected via an experimental way and analyzed with the quantitative method.
In the international system which is inherently complex different environmental factors are decisive in individuals' decision making processes. Uncertainty is included these environmental factors which refer to the quality and quantity of information. Bounded Rationality as a theoretical framework of this research defends that people cannot act rationally when they have asymmetric and incomplete information. In this research, the questions of how people act under uncertainty in foreign policy decisions and how their differences such as decision-making strategies, age, and experience impact their responses are handled. In this regard, the data is collected via an experimental way and analyzed with the quantitative method.