Neoliberal Ahlak ve Yoksulluk Kıskacında Batmanlı Kadınların Mikrokredi Deneyimleri
Arı, Semiha
Diner, Çağla
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Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Kadın Araştırmaları ve Eğitimi Merkezi
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Bu çalışma, Batman’da Türkiye Grameen Mikrofinans Programı’na
katılan kadınların kredileri ne amaçla kullandıkları bilgisinin yanı sıra
onların program hakkındaki görüşlerini, borçluluk deneyimlerini ve
yaşam koşullarını kadınların ağzından aktaracaktır. Küçük bir grup
kadınla yapılan niteliksel bir araştırmaya dayanan çalışmanın ortaya
çıkardığı bulgular, 2000’li yıllarda dünyada ve Türkiye’de giderek
yaygınlaşan mikrokredi programlarının gerek söylemsel olarak gerekse
de uygulamada neden bu kadar önem kazandığının sorgulanması
gerektiğine işaret etmiştir. Mikrokredi programlarının bir parçası olduğu
mikrofinans sektörünün büyümesi ve Türkiye’nin de arasında olduğu
birçok devlet ve uluslararası kuruluş tarafından bizzat desteklenmesi
kapitalizmin bugün ancak finansal genişleme yoluyla varlığını
sürdürebiliyor olması ile yakından ilgilidir. Çoğu kere yoksullukla
mücadele amacını güttüğünü iddia eden mikrokredi programları ayrıca
devletlerin halklarına karşı sahip oldukları birçok yükümlülükten
sıyrılmalarını öngören neoliberal yönetim mantığı ile de iyi bir uyum
içerisindedir. Batman’da mikrokredi kullanan kadınlarla yapılan
görüşmelere dayanan bu araştırma neoliberalizmle birlikte devletin
nasıl dönüştüğü üzerine düşünmemize imkân tanımış ve devletin,
ekonominin ve yönetim mantığının değiştiği bu dönüşümde kadınlara ne
tür rol ve fonksiyonlar biçildiğini daha açık bir şekilde görmemizi
This study intends to narrate the life conditions of the poor women members of the Turkish Grameen Microfinance Program (TGMP) in Batman along with their experiences with indebtedness and their views on the program. It will also give information on how the women spend the credits they receive with a focus on whether or not the microcredit program of the TGMP enables women to establish small businesses from which they can earn income. The findings of the qualitative research carried out with a small group of women show that we need to question why the microcredit programs are becoming more widespread both in practice and in the development discourse in Turkey as well as all over the globe in the past fifteen years. The expansion of the microfinance sector and the related support that these programs receive from many different states, including Turkey, and international organizations should be regarded as one of the consequences of the fact that today capitalism can only be sustained through financial expansion. The microcredit programs, most of which hold the claim to struggle with poverty, actually fit in very well with the neoliberal governance strategies that embrace the view that states should be rid of most of the responsibilities they used to carry for the welfare of their people. The research that is based on qualitative interviews with women who use microcredit in Batman has given us the opportunity to reflect on how the state has been transforming in the neoliberal era. It has also led us to see what kind of roles and functions are regarded as appropriate for women in this transformation of not only the economy but also the state and its governance strategies.
This study intends to narrate the life conditions of the poor women members of the Turkish Grameen Microfinance Program (TGMP) in Batman along with their experiences with indebtedness and their views on the program. It will also give information on how the women spend the credits they receive with a focus on whether or not the microcredit program of the TGMP enables women to establish small businesses from which they can earn income. The findings of the qualitative research carried out with a small group of women show that we need to question why the microcredit programs are becoming more widespread both in practice and in the development discourse in Turkey as well as all over the globe in the past fifteen years. The expansion of the microfinance sector and the related support that these programs receive from many different states, including Turkey, and international organizations should be regarded as one of the consequences of the fact that today capitalism can only be sustained through financial expansion. The microcredit programs, most of which hold the claim to struggle with poverty, actually fit in very well with the neoliberal governance strategies that embrace the view that states should be rid of most of the responsibilities they used to carry for the welfare of their people. The research that is based on qualitative interviews with women who use microcredit in Batman has given us the opportunity to reflect on how the state has been transforming in the neoliberal era. It has also led us to see what kind of roles and functions are regarded as appropriate for women in this transformation of not only the economy but also the state and its governance strategies.
Mikrokredi, Neoliberalizm, Yoksulluk, Kadın yoksulluğu, Kadınların güçlenmesi, Microcredit, Neoliberalism, Poverty, Feminization of poverty, Women’s empowerment
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