Bir Kuresel Guc Olarak Avrupa Birligi
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Soguk Savas sonrasi donemde Dunya'da yasanan degisim Avrupa Birligi'ni de etkilemistir. Bu doneme kadar ekonomik butunlesmeyle sinirli kalan Avrupa Birligi bu tarihten sonra Avrupa'da degisen siyasi durum ekonomik butunlesmenin ust seviyeye ulasmasi gibi bir takim nedenlerden dolayi siyasi ve askeri alanlarinda da butunlesme icine girmistir. Avrupa Birligi 90'li yillardaki etnik ve dini catismalarda ve irak Savasinda Birligin durusu siyasi ve askeri acidan iyi bir sinav vermemistir. Bu calismada Avrupa Birligi'nin Dunya'daki yeni konjonkturde ekonomik siyasi askeri ve kulturel bakimdan gucu anlatilmaya calisilmistir. Kuresellesmenin Avrupa Birligi uzerindeki etkileri anlatilmistir.
The political change in the world after the Cold War also has also effects on the European Union. The European Union remain limited to economic integration until that time; but since then The European Union embarked on integration in the fields of politics and military because of some reasons like the changing political structure in Europe, economic integration at highest level in The European Community. The European Union did not manage the process ethnic and religious conflicts in 90?s and the position of the European Union during Iraq War in terms of politic and military. With this study the economic, politic, military and cultural power of the European Union in the new conjuncture in the world is explained. The effects of globalization on the European Union are explained.
The political change in the world after the Cold War also has also effects on the European Union. The European Union remain limited to economic integration until that time; but since then The European Union embarked on integration in the fields of politics and military because of some reasons like the changing political structure in Europe, economic integration at highest level in The European Community. The European Union did not manage the process ethnic and religious conflicts in 90?s and the position of the European Union during Iraq War in terms of politic and military. With this study the economic, politic, military and cultural power of the European Union in the new conjuncture in the world is explained. The effects of globalization on the European Union are explained.
Güç, Küreselleşme, Siyasi Bütünleşme, Ekonomik Bütünleşme, Askeri Bütünleşme, Kültürel kimlik, Power, Globalization, Political Integration, Economic Integration, Military Integration, Cultural Identity