Atriyal fibrilasyonun cerrahi tedavisi
Akpınar, Belhhan
Sağbaş, Ertan
Güden, Mustafa
Sanisoğlu, İlhan
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Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği / Kare Yayıncılık
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Teknolojideki hızlı gelişmeler atriyal fibrilasyonun (AF) cerrahi tedavisinde birçok yenili¤i beraberinde getirmiştir. Maze III operasyonu,
AF’nin cerrahi tedavisinde altın standart olarak kabul edilmekle beraber teknik zorluk ve baz› komplikasyonlar nedeniyle yayg›n kullanım
alanı bulamamıştır. Alternatif enerji kaynaklarının kullanıma girmesi ile orijinal yöntem ile kesip dikerek oluşturulan lezyonlar bu enerji kaynaklarıyla çok daha kısa sürede emniyetle oluşturulmaktadır. Bu işlemlerle %70-98 arasında değişen oranlarda başları elde edilmektedir. İki
bin beş yılı Haziran ayı itibariyle dünyada otuz binin üzerinde hastaya cerrahi ablasyon işlemi yapıldığı bildirilmektedir. Ancak yaygın uygulama bazı komplikasyonlar› beraberinde getirse de cerrahi ablasyonun yaygın kabul görmesine engel olamamıştır. Öte yandan tek başına
AF’li olgularda minimal invazif tekniklerle cerrahi ablasyon, perkütan tekniklere önemli bir alternatif oluşturmaktadır. Bu derlemede atriyal
fibrilasyonun cerrahi tedavisinin tarihsel geliflimi ve güncel klinik uygulamalar üzerinde durulacakt›r. (Anadolu Kardiyol Derg 2007; 7: 65-73)
The surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) has entered a new era with the development of new tools and advanced techniques. The Maze III operation remains as the gold standard for the surgical treatment of AF. However new energy sources have been adopted for treating this arrhythmia in an effort to reduce the invasiveness and technical concerns with the original procedure. Success rates ranging between 70-98% have been reported using these new techniques. On the other hand, interventional cardiologists have further improved their techniques so that percutaneous techniques are competing with minimally invasive ablation techniques for the treatment of drug resistant and symptomatic lone AF. These developments have aroused the interest of cardiac surgeons in AF surgery and have found themselves a wide application. It has been estimated that thirty thousand patients have undergone surgical ablation for AF so far. Inevitably, procedure related complications have occurred and caused skepticism by some groups. However, surgical ablation has become a widely accepted treatment modality for AF patients undergoing concomitant cardiac surgery. The aim of this text is to make an overall review of the surgical treatment of AF and evaluate the current situation in view of the literature and the personal experience of the authors. (Anadolu Kardiyol Derg 2007; 7: 65-73)
The surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) has entered a new era with the development of new tools and advanced techniques. The Maze III operation remains as the gold standard for the surgical treatment of AF. However new energy sources have been adopted for treating this arrhythmia in an effort to reduce the invasiveness and technical concerns with the original procedure. Success rates ranging between 70-98% have been reported using these new techniques. On the other hand, interventional cardiologists have further improved their techniques so that percutaneous techniques are competing with minimally invasive ablation techniques for the treatment of drug resistant and symptomatic lone AF. These developments have aroused the interest of cardiac surgeons in AF surgery and have found themselves a wide application. It has been estimated that thirty thousand patients have undergone surgical ablation for AF so far. Inevitably, procedure related complications have occurred and caused skepticism by some groups. However, surgical ablation has become a widely accepted treatment modality for AF patients undergoing concomitant cardiac surgery. The aim of this text is to make an overall review of the surgical treatment of AF and evaluate the current situation in view of the literature and the personal experience of the authors. (Anadolu Kardiyol Derg 2007; 7: 65-73)
Atriyal fibrilasyon, Maze işlemi, Ablasyon, Atrial fibrillation, Maze procedure, Ablation
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