İstanbul'da İlkokul Çocuklarında Onikomikoz Sıklığı
Güneş, Şafak
Çalka, Ömer
Tufan, Hülya
Ergenekon, Gönül
Çınar, Saniye
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Amaç: Onikomikoz erişkinlerde sık rastlanan bir tırnak hastalığı olmakla birlikte çocuklarda nadiren görülür. Bu çalışmada çocuklardaki onikomikoz sıklığı araştırıldı. Gereç ve Yöntem: İstanbul'da Fındıkzade ve Mahmutbey ilkokullarında öğrenim gören 7-12 yaşları arasındaki 936 (461'i erkek, 475'i kız) çocuğun el ve ayak tırnakları muayene edilerek şüpheli 19 olgudan mikroskop ile direk mantar incelemesi ve mantar kültürü yapıldı. Bulgular: Direkt mikroskobi ile mantar incelemesinde sadece bir olguda mantar hifleri görüldü, şüpheli olguların mantar kültüründe ise hiçbir üreme saptanmadı. Direkt mikroskobik mantar incelemesi pozitif olan dokuz yaşındaki erkek olgunun klinik muayenesinde sağ ayak baş-parmak tırnağında subungual hiperkeratoz, sarımsı-siyah renk değişikliği ve onikolizis mevcuttu. Bu değişiklikler iki yıl önce geçirilen bir travma sonrasında başlamıştı. Sonuç: Çocuklarda onikomikoz nadiren saptanmakla birlikte, hastalığın çocuklarda da görülebileceği akılda tutulmalıdır. Çünkü erken tanı ve tedavi enfeksiyon kaynağını elimine etmek ve distrofiyi önlemek açısından önemlidir.
Objective: Onychomycosis is a rarely seen nail disorder in the children while common in the adults. In this study Onychomycosis frequency was evaluated in children. Methods: Onychomycosis frequency was evaluated in 936 students which were attended Fındıkzade and Mahmutbey primary schools in Istanbul. Children's fingernails and toenails were examined and in 19 suspicious cases, demonstration of fungus was made by microscopic examination and culture. Results: While detected fungal hyphae in one case by microscopic examination, detected no growing in culture. There were subungual hyperkeratosis, yellow black discoloration and onycholysis in right first toenail which started two years ego after a trauma in 9 year-old child that was detected fungus in his microscopic examination. Conclusion: However Onychomycosis rarely seen in children, early diagnosis and treatment is important for elimination of source of infection and prevention of distrophy.
Objective: Onychomycosis is a rarely seen nail disorder in the children while common in the adults. In this study Onychomycosis frequency was evaluated in children. Methods: Onychomycosis frequency was evaluated in 936 students which were attended Fındıkzade and Mahmutbey primary schools in Istanbul. Children's fingernails and toenails were examined and in 19 suspicious cases, demonstration of fungus was made by microscopic examination and culture. Results: While detected fungal hyphae in one case by microscopic examination, detected no growing in culture. There were subungual hyperkeratosis, yellow black discoloration and onycholysis in right first toenail which started two years ego after a trauma in 9 year-old child that was detected fungus in his microscopic examination. Conclusion: However Onychomycosis rarely seen in children, early diagnosis and treatment is important for elimination of source of infection and prevention of distrophy.
Onikomikoz, Tırnak hastalıkları, Çocuk, Tırnaklar, Mantar, Onychomycosis, Nail Diseases, Child, Nails, Fungus
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