Yildiz sarayi (Yildiz teknik universitesi) bahcesindeki cesmeler: belgeleme ve koruma onerileri

dc.contributor.advisorAlper, Berrinen_US
dc.contributor.authorDrahsan, Uguryol
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Kültür Varlıklarını Koruma Ana Bilim Dalıen_US
dc.department-tempKadir Has University : Graduate School of Science and Engineering: Preservation of Cultural Heritageen_US
dc.description.abstractYildiz Teknik universitesi Yildiz Yerleskesi bahcesinde bulunan 18 tarihi cesme cevresel kosullar uygun olmayan onarim ve kullanimdan kaynaklanan belirli bozulmalara ugramistir. Ayrica cesme yerlerinin parcalarinin degistirilmesi gibi mudahaleler neticesinde cogunun ozgunlukleri de bozulmustur. Soz konusu cesmelerin belgelenmesi ve koruma onerilerinin getirilmesinin hedeflendigi bu yuksek lisans tezinin birinci bolumunde calismanin amaci kapsami ve yontemi aciklanmistir. Ýkinci bolumde Yildiz Teknik universitesi.nin bir kismini kullandigi Yildiz Sarayi ele alinmis sarayin tarihsel gelisimi ve genel yerlesim duzeni aktarilmistir. ucuncu bolumde saraya gelen su hatlari dorduncu bolumde saray bahcesinde bulunan cesmeler ve musluklar incelenmistir. Besinci bolumde oncelikle koruma calismalarinin ilk basamagi olarak gerceklestirilen tarihsel arastirmaya yer verilmistir. Bu kapsamda soz konusu cesmelerin gecmisine dair ulasilan bilgiler aktarilmistir. Belgeleme calismalarini da iceren bu bolumde her cesmenin bilgilerini fotograflarini ve rolovelerini iceren envanter calismasi cesmelerin malzeme ve hasar analizlerinin uzerine islendigi analitik roloveler bulunmaktadir. Ayrica cesmelerin sabitlendigi duvarlarda kullanilan harclar tuglalar ve cesme yuzeylerindeki birikimlerden alinan orneklerin tabi tutuldugu basit kimyasal testlerin sonuclari aktarilmistir. Bu bolumun sonunda yapilan arastirmalarin sonuclari dogrultusunda koruma onerileri getirilmistir. Son bolum olan altinci bolumde ise tum calismanin genel bir degerlendirmesi yapilmis ve cesmelerin gelecekteki kullanimina iliskin bazi onerilerde bulunulmustur.en_US
dc.description.abstractThere are 18 historic fountains standing in the garden of Yıldız Campus of Yıldız Technical University, which have certain degrees of deterioration originated from environmental factors, incompatible repairs and improper utilization. Moreover, because their original locations were changed and some of their constituents were substituted, most of them had lost their particular characteristics. In the first chapter of this dissertation, aiming to document and develop a preservation proposal for the aforementioned fountains, purpose, scope and methods of the study were described. Yıldız Palace -the settlement where Yıldız Technical University is situated- was subjected in the second chapter in terms of its brief history and layout plan. In the third chapter water supply systems of the palace, and in the fourth chapter fountains located in the palace garden and their faucets were investigated.In the fifth chapter, historical investigations which were realized as the starting point of the preservation studies were given primarily. In this context, past information about the fountains that the study focused on were pointed out. In this chapter, which also included the documentation work, inventory of each fountain containing their information, photographs and measured drawings, and analytic drawings indicating their material and deterioration analysis were presented. Also, results of simple chemical tests, which were carried out on samples obtained from the surface deposits of the fountains, and from the mortars, bricks of the walls the fountains fixed, were presented. At the end of this chapter, a conservation proposal was submitted according to the results of these investigations.In chapter six, being the final chapter, a general evaluation of the whole study was realized and certain suggestions about future use of the fountains were stated.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.titleYildiz sarayi (Yildiz teknik universitesi) bahcesindeki cesmeler: belgeleme ve koruma onerilerien_US
dc.typeMaster Thesisen_US


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