Creative Problem-Solving Assessment and Product Design Education
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DiMli Oraklibel, Renk
Ülkebaş, Selen Devrim
Oygur, Isil
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Institution of Engineering Designers, The Design Society
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This study reports findings from the administration of Creative Engineering Design Assessment (CEDA) to product design. The aim is to assess the applicability of CEDA in this discipline for the analysis of students’ level of creative problem-solving (CPS) abilities throughout the years of product design education. CEDA measures CPS in four dimensions; i.e., originality, usefulness, flexibility and fluency. 225 students studying at three universities from Istanbul, Turkey completed CEDA on a voluntary basis. The analysis of the data indicates statistically significant differences between 3rd and 4th (on originality), 1st and 3rd (on usefulness), 2nd and 4th (on originality and usefulness), and 1st and 4th (on all dimensions) year students’ CEDA scores. Originality aspect of creativity seems to develop more as the students get into their final year, whereas the usefulness develops starting from the second year. While CEDA was useful as a tool to discuss our studio pedagogies, our experience in applying it in the context of product design illustrates the need to revise the instrument according to the nature of this discipline.
CEDA, Creative problem-solving, Millennials, Product design education
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
Fields of Science