Agizdan Agiza İletisimin Tuketici Satin Alma Kararlari Uzerine Etkisi ve Borusan Telekom Calisanlari Uzerinde Bir Arastirma

dc.contributor.advisorAltuner, Doğanen_US
dc.contributor.authorKaraoglu, Huseyin
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsüen_US
dc.department-tempKadir Has University : Graduate School of Social Sciences : MBAen_US
dc.description.abstractGunumuz pazarlarinda sunulan urun cesitliliginin cok fazla olmasi tuketicilere satin alma asamasinda kararsizlik yaratmaktadir. Bu kararsizlik tuketicileri bagimsiz ve objektif bilgi kaynaklarina yoneltmektedir. Tuketiciler cevrelerinde bulunan kaynaklardan urun hakkinda bilgi toplamakta ve agizdan agiza iletisim yoluyla elde ettikleri bilgilerin diger kaynaklara gore daha guvenilir oldugunu dusunmektedirler. Bu iletisimle olusan etkilesimler tuketicilerin satin alma karar ve davranislarina etki ederek yon belirlemektedir.en_US
dc.description.abstractNowadays being many products exposed on sales at markets gives advantages to consumers but also confuses them on decision making process about which product is true. This instability drives consumers to independent and objective information resources. Consumers collects information about products from other consumers and they think information they get with Word of Mouth communication is more trusworthy than other marketing strategies. Interactions caused by Word of Mouth communication orienting them by effecting their decision making process and behaviours.The aim of this study is to determine the effect of Word of Mouth communications on Employess of Borusan Telekom on their purchasing decisions and the factors related to Word of Mouth. In this case effects of source?s expertise on product, bound between source and receiver and how does the receiver?s perceived risk influence the Word of Mouth. According to the findings it can be said Word of Mouth communications have a great effect on participants purchasing decisions. Furthermore by the effect of Word of Mouth it has determined that there is significan relationship between the expertise of source and the bond between receiver and source.After all Word of Mouth communication which has great effect on consumers decision making process can both be used by consumers when buying products and by producers as a effective tool when they determine their marketing strategies.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectAğızdan Ağıza İletişimen_US
dc.subjectSatın Alma Kararıen_US
dc.subjectWord of Mouthen_US
dc.subjectPurchase Decisionen_US
dc.titleAgizdan Agiza İletisimin Tuketici Satin Alma Kararlari Uzerine Etkisi ve Borusan Telekom Calisanlari Uzerinde Bir Arastirmaen_US
dc.typeMaster Thesisen_US


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