Bankalarda faiz orani riski yonetimi ve Turk bankacilik sektoru deneyimi
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Gunumuzde bankalar gunluk hayattan finansal piyasalara kadar her noktada toplumsal yasamin vazgecilmez bir parcasi haline gelmislerdir. Teknolojik gelismeler sonucu ivme kazanan dunyada globallesmenin de etkisiyle ulkeler arasi sinirlar finansal anlamda da ortadan kalkmistir. Bundan 20 yil oncesine kadar bankalar sadece yurtici piyasalarin yarattigi risklerle bas etmek zorundayken gunumuzde dis alemin de riskleri ile yuzle.mek zorundadir. Bu yeni durum bankalarin eskisine gore daha hazirlikli olmasini ve daha efektif onlemler almasini gerektirmektedir. Bu yuzden risk analiz yontemlerinin gerekliligi ve etkin olarak kullanimi gun gectikce daha gerekli hale gelmektedir. -- Giris'ten.
The financial sector, in general, has been established to match the supply and demand of the funds. Those who supply the Fund, demand interest from banks in return for giving up liquidity and those who are in need of funds, demand payment in exchange for a specific interest rate. From the perspective of banks, the given interests to those who supply the fund are the cost of supply, and the obtained funds from the demanders are the banks? revenue. This is the subject of interest rate risk analysis to create a balance between these revenues and resources.Nowadays, with the global development of the banking sector, market players? operations have been included in analysis and prevention methods too. By their very nature, Assets of banks are funded by the funds which are collected from the market and society. For this reason, it is a necessity to analyze interest rate risk of banks and take measures in time, not only to maintain their continuity, but also a requirement of social responsibility.In this study, it is intended to research the interest rate risk analysis methods which are being applied and the methods of coping with interest rate risk and observation of the applications of the Turkish banking sector.Key words: risk, interest risk, interest risk analysis, methods of preventing interest risk, interest risk management
The financial sector, in general, has been established to match the supply and demand of the funds. Those who supply the Fund, demand interest from banks in return for giving up liquidity and those who are in need of funds, demand payment in exchange for a specific interest rate. From the perspective of banks, the given interests to those who supply the fund are the cost of supply, and the obtained funds from the demanders are the banks? revenue. This is the subject of interest rate risk analysis to create a balance between these revenues and resources.Nowadays, with the global development of the banking sector, market players? operations have been included in analysis and prevention methods too. By their very nature, Assets of banks are funded by the funds which are collected from the market and society. For this reason, it is a necessity to analyze interest rate risk of banks and take measures in time, not only to maintain their continuity, but also a requirement of social responsibility.In this study, it is intended to research the interest rate risk analysis methods which are being applied and the methods of coping with interest rate risk and observation of the applications of the Turkish banking sector.Key words: risk, interest risk, interest risk analysis, methods of preventing interest risk, interest risk management
Risk, Faiz riski, Faiz riski analizi, Faiz riskinden korunma yöntemleri, Faiz riski yönetimi, Interest risk, Interest risk analysis, Methods of preventing interest risk, Interest risk management