The Role of Hydrogen in the Energy Mix: a Scenario Analysis for Turkey Using Osemosys
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The urgent need to tackle climate change drives the research on new technologies to help the transition of energy systems. Hydrogen is under significant consideration by many countries as a means to reach zero-carbon goals. Turkey has also started to develop hydrogen projects. In this thesis, hydrogen’s role in the energy system of Turkey is assessed through energy modeling in the cost optimization analytical tool OSeMOSYS (Open Source energy Modelling SYStem). The hydrogen is produced via PEM electrolysis by the use of renewable electricity. Specifically, by scenario development, potential effects of hydrogen blending into natural gas network in Turkish energy system have been displayed. As a result, by using hydrogen, a significant amount of reduction in carbon dioxide emissions is observed; however, the accumulated capital investment value has increased. Furthermore, hydrogen has the potential to reduce Turkey’s energy import dependency by decreasing natural gas demand. To understand hydrogen’s full potential, continued efforts in other production methods and end-uses of hydrogen are necessary.
Hydrogen, OSeMOSYS