Performance Analysis of Low Complexity Maximal Ratio Transmission Approaches in Multi-Relay Networks
Erdoğan, Eylem
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Kablosuz ileti sim a ğlarının artan talebi karşılamak için yüksek veri hızına sahip, yüksek güvenilirlikli ve düşük enerji tüketimli olması gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle, bu doktora tezi düşük karmaşıklığa sahip kuvvetlendir-aktar yapısındaki tek yönlü ve iki yönlü çok antenli ve çok röleli sistemlerin uygulama ve analizlerini sunmaktadır. İlk olarak, iki atamalı maksimum oranlı iletim tekniği kullanılan geleneksek ve fırsatçı yapıdaki çok röleli sistemlerin performansı Rayleigh sönümlemeli kanallarda incelenmektedir. Analiz, kümülatif dağılım fonksiyonu ve moment üreten fonksiyon gibi sinyal-gürültü oranına ait istatistiksel fonksiyonların türetimi ile başlamaktadır. Sonrasında, sembol hata oranı, kesinti olasılığı ve ergodik kapasite bulunmaktadır. İkinci çalışmada maksimum oranlı iletim tekniği ve röle seçimini içeren iki yönlü röleli ağ modeli üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bu model için, toplam sembol hata oranı ve sistem kesinti olasılığı Nakagami-m sönümlemeli kanallarda türetilmektedir. Son olarak, iki yönlü röleli ağ modeli anten ve röle seçimiyle beraber Nakagami-m sönümlemeli kanallarda analiz edilmekte ve sistem kesinti olasılığı elde edilmektedir.
Wireless communication networks have to provide more reliability, high data rates with less energy consumption to meet the increasing demand. To this end, this thesis focuses on the employment and analysis of low complexity multi-antenna techniques in amplify-and-forward one-way or two-way multi-relay networks. First, the performance of dual-hop multi-relay maximal ratio transmission over Rayleigh fading channels is studied with both conventional and opportunistic relaying. Analysis starts with the derivation of statistical functions of signal-to-noise ratio such as cumulative distribution function and moment generating function. Then, symbol error rate, outage probability and ergodic capacity are derived. Second work focuses on a two-way relay network with maximal ratio transmission and relay selection. For this network, sum symbol error rate and system outage probability are derived for Nakagami-m fading channels. Finally, a two-way relay network with joint antenna and relay selection is analyzed for Nakagami-m fading channels where system outage probability is obtained.
Wireless communication networks have to provide more reliability, high data rates with less energy consumption to meet the increasing demand. To this end, this thesis focuses on the employment and analysis of low complexity multi-antenna techniques in amplify-and-forward one-way or two-way multi-relay networks. First, the performance of dual-hop multi-relay maximal ratio transmission over Rayleigh fading channels is studied with both conventional and opportunistic relaying. Analysis starts with the derivation of statistical functions of signal-to-noise ratio such as cumulative distribution function and moment generating function. Then, symbol error rate, outage probability and ergodic capacity are derived. Second work focuses on a two-way relay network with maximal ratio transmission and relay selection. For this network, sum symbol error rate and system outage probability are derived for Nakagami-m fading channels. Finally, a two-way relay network with joint antenna and relay selection is analyzed for Nakagami-m fading channels where system outage probability is obtained.
Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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