Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Uluslararası Alanda Tehdit Algılamaları
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Soğuk Savaş ağır ekonomik maliyetlere, yıkım ve pek çok kayıplara, hatta sosyalist toprakların genişlemesi ve metropollerce kontrol edilemeyen sonuçlara neden olan savaşlardan kapitalist emperyalist dünyanın çıkardığı yeni bir savaş anlayışıdır. Savaş meselesindeki ölçü, askeri zafer ya da mağlubiyetten çok, elde edilen sonucun nihai hedefte uyumlu olup olmamasıdır. Soğuk savaş, daha geniş bir anlama, uygulama sahasına, teorik olarak da formüle edilme zorluğuna sahiptir. Soğuk savaşta düşman hem açık, hem de gizlidir.
Cold War is a new understanding of battle that the capitalist and imperialist world has put forth rooting from the wars that caused heavy economical costs, destructions, many other losses, and even expansion of the socialist lands as well as results that cannot be controlled by the metropolises. The criterion in the war issue is, rather than the military victory or defeat, is whether the result is compatible with the predefined target. Cold war suggests a broader notion of acknowledgement, field of practice, and competence of theoretical formulation.
Cold War is a new understanding of battle that the capitalist and imperialist world has put forth rooting from the wars that caused heavy economical costs, destructions, many other losses, and even expansion of the socialist lands as well as results that cannot be controlled by the metropolises. The criterion in the war issue is, rather than the military victory or defeat, is whether the result is compatible with the predefined target. Cold war suggests a broader notion of acknowledgement, field of practice, and competence of theoretical formulation.