Belirli Sureli İs Sozlesmesinin Suresinden Once Feshi ve Bunun Hukuki Sonuclari
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İs Hukuku Turkiye'de neo-liberal politikalarin yogun olarak uygulandigi son yirmi bes yil ozellikle de 2003 yilinda yururluge giren 4857 Sayili Ýs Kanunu ile birlikte ekonomik siyasal ve teknolojik gelismelerden kaynaklanan hizli bir degisim ve hatta donusum yasamaktadir. Bu yeni kanunla birlikte emek-sermaye dengesi yeniden tanimlanmaya calisilmis yeni kavramlar eklenmistir. Ýste bu kavramlardan biri de esnekliktir.
Labour law has been changing dramatically due to economic, politic and technological improvements moreover it has been transforming for last 25 years from application of neoliberal policies and especially codification of the Labour Law numbered 4857. The balance between labour and capital needed to redefine and new concepts have been added. That is one of the new concepts is ?flexibility.? Need of new contract forms have appeared with flexible working. That is why ?contract of employment for definite time? has come out. Because there was no detailed arrangement at the Labour Law number 1457, a sanction that may be applied or in other words what legal consequence might be -in case of employee?s misuse when he/she is using right of contracting for definite time- have tried to be solved in practice.
Labour law has been changing dramatically due to economic, politic and technological improvements moreover it has been transforming for last 25 years from application of neoliberal policies and especially codification of the Labour Law numbered 4857. The balance between labour and capital needed to redefine and new concepts have been added. That is one of the new concepts is ?flexibility.? Need of new contract forms have appeared with flexible working. That is why ?contract of employment for definite time? has come out. Because there was no detailed arrangement at the Labour Law number 1457, a sanction that may be applied or in other words what legal consequence might be -in case of employee?s misuse when he/she is using right of contracting for definite time- have tried to be solved in practice.