Yapi malikinin sorumlulugu

dc.contributor.advisorUzun Kazmacı, Özgeen_US
dc.contributor.authorUzun Kazmacı, Özge
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Özel Hukuk Ana Bilim Dalıen_US
dc.department-tempKadir Has University : Graduate School of Social Sciences : Private Lawen_US
dc.description.abstractYapi malikinin sorumlulugu 6098 Sayili Turk Borclar Kanunu’nun 69. Maddesinde hukum altina alinmis bir kusursuz sorumluluktur. Ýlgili maddeye gore bina veya diger yapi eserinin yapim bozuklugu ya da bakim eksikligi sebebiyle meydana gelen zararlardan yapinin maliki sorumlu tutulur. Ýntifa ve oturma hakki sahipleri ise yapinin sadece bakim eksikliginden kaynaklanan zararlarindan dolayi malikle birlikte muteselsil olarak sorumlu tutulur. Yapi malikinin sorumlulugunun dogmasi icin bir takim sartlarin mevcut olmasi gerekir. oncelikle yapidan kaynakli bir zararin dogmus olmasi gerekir. Soz konusu zararin hukuka aykiri olmasi gerekir. Bunun yaninda zarar ile yapinin yapim bozuklugu ya da bakim eksikligi arasinda uygun illiyet baginin bulunmasi gerekmektedir. Yapi malikinin sorumlulugunun dogmasi icin kusurlu olmasi gerekmez. Bu da yapi malikinin sorumlulugunu haksiz fiil sorumlulugundan ayirmaktadir. Yapi malikinin sorumlulugunda malik kurtulus kaniti getirerek sorumluluktan kurtulamaz. Ancak illiyet baginin kesildigini ispat ederek sorumluluktan kurtulabilir. Ýlliyet bagini kesen sebepler ise mucbir sebep zarar gorenin agir kusuru ucuncu kisinin agir kusuru seklinde olmak uzere uce ayrilmaktadir. Yapi malikinin sorumlulugunda zamanasimi suresi 2 ve 10 yildir. Surelerin baslangic tarihi zararin ve sorumlu tutulacak kisinin ogrenilmesinden itibaren baslamaktadir. Son olarak yapidan kaynakli zarar tehlikesi mevcutsa malikten zarar tehlikesinin ortadan kaldirilmasi icin gerekli tedbirler alinmasi talep edilebilmektedir.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn accordance with law no. 6098 Turkish Obligations Law, as per the article 69, responsibility of owner of the building/structure or property is an strict liability, which is held without having any intentional or non-intentional fault. It is said in relevant article, owner of the building, structure or property is held responsible for the damages due to structural defects or lack of maintance of building/structure. On the other hand, holders of usufructuary rights or rights of habitation are jointly and severally liable with owner of the building for inflicted damages resulted from lack of necessary maintance. There is spesific conditions to be present to hold the owner of the building or property to account. First of all, the damage must be derived from the building or structure. In addition, this damage must be against to law. With all those said conditions taking place, there must be appropriate causual connection between damage and defect or ¬lack of maintance of building. Owner of the building or structure's fault liablity is not required for the responsibilty. And this seperates the owner's strict responsibility from the tort liablity. Acquittal of obligations and responsibilites of the owner building is not possible by claiming the fulfilled care liability. Only way to release the strict responsibility of the owner is providing the necessary evidences to prove that there is no appopriate causal connection between defects or lack of maintance and damage. Those reasons to be held against the strict liability derives from lack of casual connection are, force major; gross fault of the aggrieved party or gross fault of third party. Building owner's period of limitation to discharge reponsibilites lasts 2 and 10 years according to charges. The period to time-out the limitations starts within the date of being informed about damage and the person who is held responsible. And finally, if there is any risk derived from building or structure is present, it can be demanded from owner of the building to take necessary measures to prevent possible future damages.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectYapi Malikinin Sorumluluguen_US
dc.subjectBina veya yapı eserien_US
dc.subjectYapım bozukluğu ve bakım eksikliğien_US
dc.subjectUygun illiyet bağıen_US
dc.subjectTedbir almaen_US
dc.subjectThe responsibility of the owner of buildingen_US
dc.subjectBuilding or structureen_US
dc.subjectStructural defect and lack of meintenanceen_US
dc.subjectAppropriate causal connectionen_US
dc.subjectPeriod of limitationen_US
dc.subjectTake measureen_US
dc.titleYapi malikinin sorumluluguen_US
dc.typeMaster Thesisen_US


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