İşyerinde Elektronik Gözetim Uygulamaları
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İşyerinde enformasyon ve iletisim teknolojilerinin kullanimi son yillarda giderek hizli bir artis sergilemektedir. Bu durum isverenler isciler ve isci temsilcileriicin ozellikle de iscilerin ozel hayatlarinin gizliligi ile isverenlerin isyerinde enformasyon ve iletisim teknolojilerinin kontrolu ile izlenmesine yonelik ihtiyaclari arasindaki iliski bakimindan cokca sorunlarin ortaya cikmasina neden olmaktadir. Bucalisma enformasyon ve iletisim teknolojilerinin kullanimindan ortaya cikan isyerinde internet ve e-mail kullanimi ile iscilerin ozel hayatlarinin gizliligine saygi gosterilmesi arasindaki iliski uzerinde odaklanmistir. İşyerinde elektronik gozetim uygulamalarinin kapsami iscinin ozel hayatina mudahale duzeyi ve hukuka aykiri mudahalenin hukukisonuclari gerek mukayeseli hukuk gerekse de Turk Hukuku bakimindan incelenmistir.
The use of new information and communication technologies at the workplace has spread rapidly in recent years. This raises numerous issues for employers, employees and their representatives, especially in terms of the relationship between workers? privacy and employers? need to control and monitor the use of information and communication technologies. This study has focused on one specific issue raised by the growth of information and communication technologies at work ? the relation ship between internet / e-mail use at work and respect for workers? privacy. The extent of electronic surveillance applications at the workplace, the intervention level to the workers' private life and legal conclusions of illegal interventions have been analysed in terms of comparative law and Turkish Law.
The use of new information and communication technologies at the workplace has spread rapidly in recent years. This raises numerous issues for employers, employees and their representatives, especially in terms of the relationship between workers? privacy and employers? need to control and monitor the use of information and communication technologies. This study has focused on one specific issue raised by the growth of information and communication technologies at work ? the relation ship between internet / e-mail use at work and respect for workers? privacy. The extent of electronic surveillance applications at the workplace, the intervention level to the workers' private life and legal conclusions of illegal interventions have been analysed in terms of comparative law and Turkish Law.
İşyeri, Gözetim, İnternet, E-mail, Workplace, Surveillance