Extending the Lifetime of Wsns With Maximum Energy Selection Algorithm (mesa)
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
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The limited battery supply of a sensor node is one of the most important factors that limit the lifetime of the WSNs. As a consequence increasing the lifetime of WSNs through energy efficient mechanisms has become a challenging research area. Previous studies have shown that instead of implementing direct transmission or multi-hop routing clustering can significantly improve the total energy dissipation and lifetime of a WSN. The traditional LEACH and LEACH based algorithms have evolved from this idea. In this paper we propose a fixed clustering routing algorithm for WSNs which selects the node with maximum residual energy for the following rounds according to a threshold level. The Maximum Energy Selection Algorithm (MESA) can improve the lifetime of the network and reduce the energy dissipation significantly. Our studies have shown that when compared with LEACH and LEACH based algorithms such as ModLEACH and DEEC MESA gains for the lifetime extension and energy dissipation is very important. © 2016 IEEE.
Clustering, Energy-Efficient Routing, Wireless Sensor Networks