Lojistik İşletmesinde Risk Odaklı Bir Yönetim

dc.contributor.advisorAkben Selçuk, Elifen_US
dc.contributor.authorKaba, Nilay
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İşletme Ana Bilim Dalıen_US
dc.department-tempKadir Has University : Graduate School of Social Sciences : MBAen_US
dc.description.abstractcalismanin sonucunda ulasilan nokta Horoz Lojistik hasarli urun ve gec teslimat riskleri icin gerekli risk yonetim modelleri riski bir sigorta sozlesmesiyle paylasmak performans yonetiminin uygulanmasi bilgi yonetimi icin gerekli teknolojik altyapinin (RFiD Barkod ve Arac Takip Sistemlerinin) saglanmasi ve en onemlisi risk yonetim kulturunun isletmenin tum bolumlerinde benimsenmesinin saglanmasidir.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to explain how to avoid Horoz Logistics Company that operate in Turkey any possible risk to the basic operations by examining risk management examples of logistics industry in the world, businesses?s experiences and knowledges in this area. There is no warranty that both individuals and commercial enterprises are not being at risk in daily life. Therefore logistics companies , as it does in all businesses, must give credit to the work of the risk management in order to notice the risk and take action before they occur or to manage with the least damage. Today, many bussinesses expect to encounter risks to address the risk management. However, studies on risk management and examples of the risk management show that the phenomenon of risk passes through various stages. Although logistics companies have a complex and different structure among other sectors in terms of management, they adopt an attitude of undertaking cost as a result of of risk instead of a spesific management style.On this subject risk, logistics concepts, what is logistics and what are types of risk, the reasons for types of these risks and management process are discussed in the first part of the study. Risk identification, analysis, mitigation methods and risk managament strategies in taking place the literatürethat are necessary for effective management of logistics risks are described in detail.In the second part, business processes in Horoz Logistics company and the company hasn?t understanding of risk management are agreed using the method of interview, risks were identified using brainstorming method that was jointly conducted with some of the employees of the company and the risk management models to these risks were submitted for company?s implementation using secondary sources.Consequently, we can say that in Horoz Logistics company needs to risk management model fort he risk o delayed delivery of goods and damaged goods is risk sharing with an insurance contract, to the implementation of performance management, to provide technological infrastructure (RFID, Barcode and Vehicle Tracking Systems) that is necessary fort he information management and the most important one is to ensure the adoption of risk management culture in all parts of enterprise.en_US
dc.institutionauthorSelçuk, Elif Akben
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectLojistik Risken_US
dc.subjectTedarik Zinciri Risk Yönetimien_US
dc.subjectLogistics Risken_US
dc.subjectSupply Chain Risk Managementen_US
dc.titleLojistik İşletmesinde Risk Odaklı Bir Yönetimen_US
dc.typeMaster Thesisen_US


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