Transfer Fiyatlandırması Yoluyla Örtülü Kazanç Dağıtımı
Kerimoğlu, Ali
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Bilindiği üzere 5422 sayılı Kurumlar Vergisi Kanunu, 01.01.2007 tarihinde 5520 sayılı yeni Kurumlar Vergisi Kanununun yürürlüğe girmesi ile geçerliliğini yitirmiştir. 5520 sayılı yeni kanun, birçok yeniliği de beraberinde getirmiştir. 5520 sayılı Kurumlar Vergisi Kanunu ile gelen düzenlemelerden biri de "Transfer Fiyatlandırması Yoluyla Örtülü Kazanç Dağıtımı" dır. Transfer Fiyatlandırması Yoluyla Örtülü Kazanç Dağıtımı, 5422 sayılı Eski Kurumlar Vergisi Kanununun 17. maddesinde düzenlenmiş olan "Örtülü Kazanç" başlığının derinleştirilip OECD normlarına göre muhteva kazandırılmış halidir. Bu araştırmanın amacı; Yeni Kurumlar Vergisi Kanunu ile birlikte ortaya çıkan "Transfer Fiyatlandırması" kavramını derinlemesine inceleyerek düzenlemenin artı ve eksilerini ortaya koymaktır. Aynı zamanda vergi mükelleflerinin Transfer Fiyatlandırmasına konu işlemlerinde emsal bedel tespitini hangi kriterlere göre yapmaları gerektiği incelenerek her bir tespit yöntemi örneklerle açıklanmıştır.
As is known, 5422 numbered Cooperate Tax Law expired in date of 01.01.2007 by taking effect of New Cooperate Tax Law. 5520 numbered New Law bring along a lot of changes. One of regulations about 5520 numbered Cooperation Tax Law is "Distribution of Covered Gains with Transfer Pricing". Distribution of covered gains with transfer pricing is a state of that arranged deepening title of "Covered Gains" the clause of 17 of 5422 numbered former Cooperation Tax Law, to standards of OECD. Goal of this study is: to evaluate of positive and negative sides of New Cooperation Tax Law by deeply analyzing concept of "Transfer Pricing". Also, analyzing which criterions should be use in computing imputed cost determination in transactions of taxpayers about Transfer Pricing, every method of determination is explained by examples.
As is known, 5422 numbered Cooperate Tax Law expired in date of 01.01.2007 by taking effect of New Cooperate Tax Law. 5520 numbered New Law bring along a lot of changes. One of regulations about 5520 numbered Cooperation Tax Law is "Distribution of Covered Gains with Transfer Pricing". Distribution of covered gains with transfer pricing is a state of that arranged deepening title of "Covered Gains" the clause of 17 of 5422 numbered former Cooperation Tax Law, to standards of OECD. Goal of this study is: to evaluate of positive and negative sides of New Cooperation Tax Law by deeply analyzing concept of "Transfer Pricing". Also, analyzing which criterions should be use in computing imputed cost determination in transactions of taxpayers about Transfer Pricing, every method of determination is explained by examples.
Transfer Fiyatlandırması, Muhasebe, Vergi, Transfer Pricing, Accounting, Tax