Yeni Buyuk Oyun'da Catisma ve İsbirligi Alani Olarak Afganistan: Abd-rusya Kontrollu Rekabeti
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Bulundugu stratejik konum itibariyle tarihte bircok buyuk gucun cikarlari icin istilasina maruz kalan Sovyetler Birligi.nin dagilmasi sonrasinda gunumuzde yasanan Yeni Buyuk Oyun.da da oldukca onemli bir yeri vardir. 11 Eylul saldirilari sonrasinda ABD.nin bolgeye yerlesmesiyle birlikte Rusya.nin .arka bahce. olarak tanimladigi Orta Asya.da Yeni Buyuk Oyun farkli bir boyut kazanmis ve Orta Asya bolgesel ve kuresel guclerin mucadele alani haline gelmistir.Bulundugu stratejik konum itibariyle tarihte bircok buyuk gucun cikarlari icin istilasina maruz kalan Sovyetler Birligi.nin dagilmasi sonrasinda gunumuzde yasanan Yeni Buyuk Oyun.da da oldukca onemli bir yeri vardir. 11 Eylul saldirilari sonrasinda ABD.nin bolgeye yerlesmesiyle birlikte Rusya.nin .arka bahce. olarak tanimladigi Orta Asya.da Yeni Buyuk Oyun farkli bir boyut kazanmis ve Orta Asya bolgesel ve kuresel guclerin mucadele alani haline gelmistir.
Afghanistan was invaded many times in point of interest by big powers throughout the history duetoits strategical position. Following the dissolution of Soviet Empire, Afghanistan took its place in the New Great Game. After 9/11 terrorist attacks US settled in the region, which was so-called the backyard of Russia. The New Great Game turned into a new shape and Central Asia has become an arena of regional and global powers.In this competition, global Powers such as US, Russia, China and EU and regional Powers such as Pakistan, India, Iran and Turkey take their place in point of their own interest. In this study, the US-Russia struggle in the New Great Game will be surveyed.State are in a state of competition to conserve and enhance their position in the international system, resulting in anarchical structure and insecurity within states. The New Great Game, which is the new form of global Power struggle, is the scene of contention between Russia and US by its very nature of anarchical structure. On the other side, extremist Islam movements, causing regional instability, enabled the cooperation between Russia and US especially after 9/11. As a matter of fact, in the neo-realist approach, states may choose to cooperate when their security or interest are in question.
Afghanistan was invaded many times in point of interest by big powers throughout the history duetoits strategical position. Following the dissolution of Soviet Empire, Afghanistan took its place in the New Great Game. After 9/11 terrorist attacks US settled in the region, which was so-called the backyard of Russia. The New Great Game turned into a new shape and Central Asia has become an arena of regional and global powers.In this competition, global Powers such as US, Russia, China and EU and regional Powers such as Pakistan, India, Iran and Turkey take their place in point of their own interest. In this study, the US-Russia struggle in the New Great Game will be surveyed.State are in a state of competition to conserve and enhance their position in the international system, resulting in anarchical structure and insecurity within states. The New Great Game, which is the new form of global Power struggle, is the scene of contention between Russia and US by its very nature of anarchical structure. On the other side, extremist Islam movements, causing regional instability, enabled the cooperation between Russia and US especially after 9/11. As a matter of fact, in the neo-realist approach, states may choose to cooperate when their security or interest are in question.
Yeni Büyük Oyun, ABD, Rusya, Afganistan, New Great Game, USA, Russia, Afghanistan