Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample

dc.authoridBia?ek, Micha?/0000-0002-5062-5733
dc.authoridZein, Rizqy Amelia/0000-0001-7840-0299
dc.authoridSzekely-Copîndean, Raluca Diana/0000-0001-9076-5573
dc.authoridMARCU, GABRIELA MARIANA/0000-0003-2508-3749
dc.authoridPuri?, Danka/0000-0001-5126-3781
dc.authoridEvans, Thomas Rhys/0000-0002-6670-0718
dc.authoridVadillo, Miguel A./0000-0001-8421-816X
dc.authorwosidBia?ek, Micha?/L-6167-2016
dc.authorwosidZein, Rizqy Amelia/B-2392-2017
dc.authorwosidSzekely-Copîndean, Raluca Diana/L-4926-2019
dc.authorwosidMARCU, GABRIELA MARIANA/C-4168-2011
dc.authorwosidPuri?, Danka/I-3022-2019
dc.authorwosidEvans, Thomas Rhys/H-5874-2019
dc.authorwosidYilmaz, Onurcan/I-3839-2019
dc.contributor.authorBago, Bence
dc.contributor.authorKovacs, Marton
dc.contributor.authorProtzko, John
dc.contributor.authorNagy, Tamas
dc.contributor.authorKekecs, Zoltan
dc.contributor.authorPalfi, Bence
dc.contributor.authorAdamkovic, Matus
dc.department-temp[Bago, Bence] Inst Adv Study Toulouse, Toulouse, France; [Kovacs, Marton; Nagy, Tamas; Kekecs, Zoltan; Aczel, Balazs] Eotvos Lorand Univ, Inst Psychol, Budapest, Hungary; [Kovacs, Marton] Eotvos Lorand Univ, Doctoral Sch Psychol, Budapest, Hungary; [Protzko, John; Yadanar, Su] Univ Calif Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA; [Palfi, Bence] Univ Sussex, Sch Psychol, Brighton, E Sussex, England; [Palfi, Bence] Imperial Coll London, Dept Surg & Canc, London, England; [Adamkovic, Matus; Babincak, Peter] Univ Presov, Fac Arts, Inst Psychol, Presov, Slovakia; [Adamkovic, Matus] Charles Univ Prague, Fac Educ, Inst Res & Dev Educ, Prague, Czech Republic; [Adamus, Sylwia; Barzykowski, Krystian] Jagiellonian Univ, Fac Philosophy, Inst Psychol, Krakow, Poland; [Albalooshi, Sumaya; Hidding, Jasper J. J.; Kasper, Arno T. A.; Moeini-Jazani, Mehrad; Hoekstra, Rink] Univ Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands; [Albayrak-Aydemir, Nihan] London Sch Econ & Polit Sci, London, England; [Albayrak-Aydemir, Nihan] Open Univ, London, England; [Alfian, Ilham N.; Zein, Rizqy A.] Univ Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia; [Alper, Sinan] Yasar Univ, Izmir, Turkey; [Alvarez-Solas, Sara] Univ Reg Amazon Ikiam, Grp Biogeog & Ecol Espacial BioGeoE2, Napo, Ecuador; [Alves, Sara G.; Correia, Rita C.; Quiamzade, Alain] Univ Porto, Fac Psychol & Educ Sci, Ctr Psychol, Pen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study of moral judgements often centres on moral dilemmas in which options consistent with deontological perspectives (that is, emphasizing rules, individual rights and duties) are in conflict with options consistent with utilitarian judgements (that is, following the greater good based on consequences). Greene et al. (2009) showed that psychological and situational factors (for example, the intent of the agent or the presence of physical contact between the agent and the victim) can play an important role in moral dilemma judgements (for example, the trolley problem). Our knowledge is limited concerning both the universality of these effects outside the United States and the impact of culture on the situational and psychological factors affecting moral judgements. Thus, we empirically tested the universality of the effects of intent and personal force on moral dilemma judgements by replicating the experiments of Greene et al. in 45 countries from all inhabited continents. We found that personal force and its interaction with intention exert influence on moral judgements in the US and Western cultural clusters, replicating and expanding the original findings. Moreover, the personal force effect was present in all cultural clusters, suggesting it is culturally universal. The evidence for the cultural universality of the interaction effect was inconclusive in the Eastern and Southern cultural clusters (depending on exclusion criteria). We found no strong association between collectivism/individualism and moral dilemma judgements. Including participants from 45 countries, Bago et al. find that the situational factors that affect moral reasoning are shared across countries, with diminished observed cultural variation.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipComunidad de Madrid [2016-T1/SOC-1395, 2020-5A/SOC-19723]; AEI [PSI2017-85159-P]; UE/FEDER; National Science Centre, Poland [2017/01/X/HS6/01332, 2015/19/D/HS6/00641, 2019/35/B/HS6/00528]; Aarhus University Research Foundation (AUFF) [AUFF-E-2019-9-4]; ANR [ANR-17-EURE-0010]; ANR Labex IAST; Australian Research Council [DP180102384]; CAPES [88887.364180/2019-00]; Carlsberg Foundation [CF16-0444]; Independent Research Fund Denmark [7024-00057B]; Germany's Excellence Strategy [EXC 2126/1-390838866]; FONDECYT, CONICYT [11190980]; German Research Foundation [FOR-2150, LA 3566/1-2]; JSPS [18K03010]; JSPS KAKENHI [16H03079, 17H00875, 18K12015, 20H04581, 17H06342, 20K03479, 20KK0054, 20J21976]; Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) [31530032]; Key Technological Projects of Guangdong Province [2018B030335001]; National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship [DGE-1839285]; Polish National Science Center; DFG Beethoven [2016/23/G/HS6/01775]; Portuguese National Foundation for Science and Technology [SFRH/BD/126304/2016, UID/PSI/03125/2019]; PRIN 2017 (Italian Ministry of Education and Research) [20178293XT]; PSA 006 BRA 008 Data Collection in Support of PSADM 001 Measurement Invariance Project; Foundation for Polish Science (START); National Science Centre [2020/36/T/HS6/00256, 2019/33/N/HS6/00054]; Slovak Research and Development Agency [APVV-18-0140, APVV-17-0418, PRIMUS/20/HUM/009, APVV-17-0596]; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada [950-224884]; Swedish Research Council [2016-06793]; Project of Philosophy and Social Science Research in Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province [2020SJA0017]; Swedish Research Council [2016-06793] Funding Source: Swedish Research Council; Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research [20H04581, 20KK0054, 16H03079, 20K03479, 20J21976, 18K03010, 18K12015, 17H00875, 17H06342] Funding Source: KAKEN; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia [UID/PSI/03125/2019, SFRH/BD/126304/2016] Funding Source: FCTen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipM.A. Vadillo was supported by 2016-T1/SOC-1395 and 2020-5A/SOC-19723 from Comunidad de Madrid, PSI2017-85159-P from AEI and UE/FEDER. M.P.-C. was supported by 2017/01/X/HS6/01332 from the National Science Centre, Poland. P.M. was supported by Aarhus University Research Foundation (AUFF), starting grant: AUFF-E-2019-9-4. B. Bago was supported by ANR grant ANR-17-EURE-0010 (Investissements d'Avenir programme) and ANR Labex IAST. R.M.R. was supported by the Australian Research Council (DP180102384). N.B.D. was supported by CAPES grant no. 88887.364180/2019-00. C.S., K.A.. and I. Zettler were supported by the Carlsberg Foundation (CF16-0444) and the Independent Research Fund Denmark (7024-00057B). J.L. was supported by EXC 2126/1-390838866 under Germany's Excellence Strategy. K.B. was supported by the following grants from the National Science Centre, Poland: (1) while working on the data collection, no. 2015/19/D/HS6/00641, (2) while working on the final version of the paper, no. 2019/35/B/HS6/00528. A.W. was supported by FONDECYT 11190980, CONICYT. A. Fleischmann was supported by the German Research Foundation (research unit grant FOR-2150, LA 3566/1-2). H.Y. was supported by JSPS grant 18K03010. Y.Y. was supported by JSPS KAKENHI (16H03079, 17H00875, 18K12015 and 20H04581). K.Q. was supported by JSPS KAKENHI (17H06342, 20K03479 and 20KK0054). A. Ikeda was supported by JSPS KAKENHI (20J21976). K.M.K. was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) grant no. 31530032 and Key Technological Projects of Guangdong Province grant no. 2018B030335001. J.B.C. was supported by National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship grant no. DGE-1839285. M. Parzuchowski, K. Rybus and N.M.S. were supported by Polish National Science Center and DFG Beethoven grant 2016/23/G/HS6/01775. A.C.S. was supported by Portuguese National Foundation for Science and Technology grant no. SFRH/BD/126304/2016. L. Boncinelli was supported by PRIN 2017 grant no. 20178293XT (Italian Ministry of Education and Research). M.F.F.R. was supported by PSA 006 BRA 008 Data Collection in Support of PSADM 001 Measurement Invariance Project. M. Misiak was supported by a scholarship from the Foundation for Polish Science (START) and by a scholarship from the National Science Centre (2020/36/T/HS6/00256). P.B. was supported by Slovak Research and Development Agency project no. APVV-18-0140. M.A. was supported by Slovak Research and Development Agency project no. APVV-17-0418 and project PRIMUS/20/HUM/009. A. Findor and M.H. were supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under contract no. APVV-17-0596. T.G. was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (no. 950-224884). P.P. was supported by the Swedish Research Council (2016-06793). Y.L. was supported by The Project of Philosophy and Social Science Research in Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province (grant no. 2020SJA0017). M. Kowal was supported by a scholarship from the National Science Centre (2019/33/N/HS6/00054). P.A. was supported by UID/PSI/03125/2019 from the Portuguese National Foundation for Science and Technology. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.en_US
dc.publisherNature Portfolioen_US
dc.relation.ispartofNature Human Behaviouren_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectUtilitarian JudgmentsEn_Us
dc.subjectProcess DissociationEn_Us
dc.subjectUtilitarian Judgments
dc.subjectProcess Dissociation
dc.titleSituational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sampleen_US


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