Epik Tiyatronun Sinemaya Uyarlanması ve Örnek Bir Kısa Film ''z Raporu''
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Bu tez çalışmasında ‘’Z Raporu’’ isimli kısa film çekilmiştir. Z Raporu bir iş yeri filmidir.
Epik Brechtyen film kategorisine giren film, her iş yerinde olduğu gibi çalışan insanların
‘’durumları’’, ‘’hırsları’’, ‘’özverileri’’, ‘’olumsuzlukları’’, ‘’istekleri’’ ve ‘’hedefleri’’
temaları üzerinde anlatılmaktadır. Kemal, 20’li yaşlarında Üniversite hayali olan bir
gençtir. Fakat umduğu gibi olmaz ve hedeflerini değiştirme kararına girer. Bir hedefi
vardır; iş yerinde yükselmek ve saygınlık kazanmak. Z Raporu, bu çerçevede ilerleyerek
Kemal’in karşılaştığı durumlar anlatılarak hedefine ulaşmaya çalışmasını anlatan
kurmaca bağımsız bir kısa filmdir. Bu çalışma anlatılırken Epik tiyatro’dan ve
Marksizm’den faydalanılmıştır.
n this thesis, a short-length film named '' Z Report '' was produced. The Z Report falls under Brechtian Epic film category and depicts ambitions, self-sacrifices, difficulties and desires of the characters in a workplace. Main character Kemal is a young guy in his 20s who dreams of going to university. However, he doesn’t get the opportunity and decides to change his goals. He sets a new goal, to rise and gain respect through work. The Z Report is a fictional independent short film that tells the story off Kemal progressing through work life while encountering different situations. The thesis is based on Epic theater and Marxism.
n this thesis, a short-length film named '' Z Report '' was produced. The Z Report falls under Brechtian Epic film category and depicts ambitions, self-sacrifices, difficulties and desires of the characters in a workplace. Main character Kemal is a young guy in his 20s who dreams of going to university. However, he doesn’t get the opportunity and decides to change his goals. He sets a new goal, to rise and gain respect through work. The Z Report is a fictional independent short film that tells the story off Kemal progressing through work life while encountering different situations. The thesis is based on Epic theater and Marxism.
İş yeri, Hedef, Kısa-Film, Epik Tiyatro, Workplace, Goal, Short-Film, Epic Theater