Ticari işletmenin aktif ve pasifiyle devri
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Bir ticari işletmenin malvarlığı kapsamındaki aktif ve pasiflerinin devredilmesi Borçlar Kanunu 179. maddesinde ve Yeni Borçlar Kanunu 202. maddesi ile Ticaret Kanunu 11.maddesinde düzenlenmiştir. Devir sözleşmesi Borçlar Kanununun 179. maddesi itibarıyla herhangi bir şekle bağlı değildir. Ancak, her aktifin devri kendi statüsüne uygun işlemin gerçekleştirilmesi ile olur. Yeni Borçlar Kanunu Bakımından ise sadece devir sözleşmesinin varlığı yeterlidir. Bu devir sözleşmesi ise yazılı biçimde yapılmalıdır. Ticari işletmenin pasifleri, alacaklıların icazeti olmaksızın, devir alana nakil olur. Devir edende eski borçlardan devir alan ile beraber müteselsil sorumlu tutmuştur.
Assignment of assets and liabilities which are as part of a commercial enterprise have been regulated under the provisions of the article 179 of Debts Law, article 202 of the recent Debts Law anf article 11 of Commercial Law.When the article 179 of Debts Law is took into consideration, transfer contract may actually not have a certain format. However, assignment of each asset shall be completed upon realization of the relevant proceeding. The assets of the transfer contract is just required for recent Debts Law. This transfer contract have to be put down in writing.The liabilities of commercial enterprise go to assign without any permission of creditors. Assignee is severally liable with assign for old debts.
Assignment of assets and liabilities which are as part of a commercial enterprise have been regulated under the provisions of the article 179 of Debts Law, article 202 of the recent Debts Law anf article 11 of Commercial Law.When the article 179 of Debts Law is took into consideration, transfer contract may actually not have a certain format. However, assignment of each asset shall be completed upon realization of the relevant proceeding. The assets of the transfer contract is just required for recent Debts Law. This transfer contract have to be put down in writing.The liabilities of commercial enterprise go to assign without any permission of creditors. Assignee is severally liable with assign for old debts.
Ticari İşletmenin Aktif ve Pasifiyle Devri, Commercial Enterprise, Transfer Of Commercial Enterprise