Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Hukuku Bakımından Televizyon Reklamlarının Niteliği ve Hak Sahipleri
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Televizyon reklamları, diğer ortamlara nispeten maliyetli olmalarına karşın, geniş kitlelere ulaşmadaki etkinlikleri ve güçlü ikna kabiliyetleri nedeniyle, reklam verenlerce oldukça rağbet görmektedir. Televizyon reklamlarının yaratım sürecinde ve bu sürecin sonunda, ortaya bir takım düşünce mahsulleri çıkmaktadır. Bunların yoğun düşünce ürünleri olmaları, 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu bakımından korunabilmelerinin de yolunu açmaktadır. Bir fikir ve sanat eserinin sahibi, onu yaratan yahut yaratanlar birliğidir. Eser sahipliği statüsünden doğan hakları kullanabilecek olanlar ise sadece eser sahipleri değildir. Kanun gereği eser sahiplerini çalıştıran ya da bir araya getiren gerçek veya tüzel kişiler de bu hakları kullanabilmektedir. Ayrıca, yapılan reklam sözleşmelerinin içeriğine göre; sipariş veren, vekil, yayımcı, ya da yapımcı, çoğunlukla reklam veren yahut reklamcı (ajans) kimliğinde hak sahibi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Diğer taraftan, reklam ürünleri üzerinde yaratıcı eser sahipliğinin yanı sıra; icracılar, film ve fonogram yapımcıları ile medya hizmet sağlayıcılarının bağlantılı hak sahipliği de doğabilmektedir. Bağlantılı hak sahipleri, izin almak ve eser sahiplerinin meşru menfaatlerine halel gelmemek şartıyla, mutlak ve inhisari nitelikli birtakım haklara sahip olmaktadırlar. Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu'nun son bölümlerinde yer alan özel hükümler, eser niteliği tartışmalı bazı ürünlerin, haksız rekabet ve kişilik hakları kapsamında genel hükümler yoluyla korunmasını öngörmektedir.
Although television advertisements are costly in comparison with other platforms, they come to the forefront and in demand due to strong ability of persuasive and efficiency in reaching the large masses. During the investment process of television ads and at the end of this process, a set of thoughts come out. Since they are dense thought products, they provide them to be protected in terms of Law no. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works. The beneficiary of an intellectual and artistic work is the union of its creator or creators. The parties who will be able to use the rights arisen from authorship status are not only its beneficiaries. The bodies that put the authors to work or make them together by operation of law are also able to use these rights. In addition to this, according to the content of the agreements made, the ones who give order, attorney, publisher or producer confront as beneficiary generally in the identity of publisher or advertiser (agency). On the other hand, in addition to creative authorship on advertisement products, relevant right ownership of performers, film and phonogram makers and media service providers can be arisen. Relevant right owners have some of the absolute and exclusive qualified rights without getting permission and prejudicing legitimate interests of authors. Special provisions, taken part in the last parts of Law no. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works, propose some products that work quality is controversial to be protected by general provisions within the scope of unfair competition and personal rights rather than they remain unprotected.
Although television advertisements are costly in comparison with other platforms, they come to the forefront and in demand due to strong ability of persuasive and efficiency in reaching the large masses. During the investment process of television ads and at the end of this process, a set of thoughts come out. Since they are dense thought products, they provide them to be protected in terms of Law no. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works. The beneficiary of an intellectual and artistic work is the union of its creator or creators. The parties who will be able to use the rights arisen from authorship status are not only its beneficiaries. The bodies that put the authors to work or make them together by operation of law are also able to use these rights. In addition to this, according to the content of the agreements made, the ones who give order, attorney, publisher or producer confront as beneficiary generally in the identity of publisher or advertiser (agency). On the other hand, in addition to creative authorship on advertisement products, relevant right ownership of performers, film and phonogram makers and media service providers can be arisen. Relevant right owners have some of the absolute and exclusive qualified rights without getting permission and prejudicing legitimate interests of authors. Special provisions, taken part in the last parts of Law no. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works, propose some products that work quality is controversial to be protected by general provisions within the scope of unfair competition and personal rights rather than they remain unprotected.
Reklam, Televizyon Reklamı, Fikir ve Sanat Eseri, Telif Hakkı, Telif Hakkı Sahibi, Birlikte Eser Sahipliği, Bağlantılı Haklar, Advertising, Television Advertisement, Copyrights, Copyright Holder, Intellectual and Artistic Works, Collaborative Ownership Works, Related Rights