Kobiler'de e-ticaret

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KOBİ'ler bir ulke ekonomisinin temel diregidirler ve onlarin rekabetciligi ulkenin rekabet gucuyle siki sikiya bagli olmaktadir. internet KOBİ'ler icin rekabetci bir avantaj kaynagi olmaktadir ancak bunun nasil basarilacagini kavramak onemlidir. E-ticaret ticaretin parametrelerini buyuk olcude yeniden sekillendiren bir olgu olmaktadir. Bilgi teknolojilerindeki yeni hizli gelismelerle birlikte isletmelerin buyuk bir kismi e-ticaret firsatlarindan yararlanarak su anda global pazarlara ulasabilmektedir. KOBİ'ler acisindan bu firsat onlara simdiye kadar yalnizca cok buyuk isletmelerin ulasabildigi yeni pazarlara acilmaya yonelik olanaklari saglayabilecegi icin buyuk onem tasimaktadir.
SMEs are pillar in the economy of any country and their competitiveness is strictly tight to the one of the country. Internet is becoming a source of competitive advantage for SMEs, but it is important to understand how this can be achieved. E-commerce is a phenomenon, which is rapidly reshaping the parameters of trade. With the recent dramatic developments in information technologies, a large number of enterprises can now reach the global market place by using the opportunity of e-commerce. For SMEs this opportunity is of paramount importance since it might provide for them the means to open new markets so far only accessible to the larger companies.In this study ; It was examined on the tree parts : SMEs ,e_commerce, the effects of electronic commerce on SMEs. , the definition of SMEs, its status in the world and Turkey are studied. Also, the definition of e-commerce. its history ,its enclosure , the categories of e-commerce, its tools , its status in the world and Turkey are studied.In second section, SMEs in Turkey and the world, with SMEs' development and problems on its development, relation between e_commerce and SMEs, positive and negatif effects of the e- commerce on SMEs and the solve of soots? solves of ecommerce about SMEs are examied . At the end of this study, an attempt has been made to examine the effects of electronic commerce on SMEs and it has been tried to determine the problems with a given questionnaire the ways of solution have been sought.



Elektronik ticaret, Kobi, Elektronik ticaretin kobilerdeki etkisi, Elektronic commerce, SME, The effect of e-commerce

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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